Losing without exercise?



  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    So I've been really struggling lately to lose weight. Several people tell me that I need to work out and not just eat healthy. However I've lost weight in the past and never worked out. Do you absolutely have to workout and eat healthy to lose weight? I'm really good at the healthy eating part, I hate exercising though. I hate being all sweaty lol. I'm just trying to figure out why I can't seem to lose, but I know it's got to be possible!

    Exercise doesn't necessarily equate to "being all sweaty". Just getting out in the fresh air and walking at a modest pace is beneficial on many levels, in my opinion.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.


  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I hardly ever exercise right now, mostly due to a medical condition. I want to make exercise a part of my plan and my physical therapist is helping me with that.
  • rfrichardson29
    I hate doing cardio, and I thinks it's great that you're doing all that. You might need to increase your calorie intake on the days you exercise so your body doesn't go into starvation mode (I've heard below 1000 calories a day is when it does that). If you enter your cardio exercise in your exercise diary it will tell you how many net calories you've consumed. Also, I'd add some strength training to build muscle, which burns more calories even when you're not exercising, not to mention strengthens bones and gets you looking more toned.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    You don't even have to "work out" to add exercise. Just move more. I wear a Fitbit and get most of my adjustment from my daily activities, plus some walking when I can fit it in. Park away from the door, make extra trips to put things away, go to a colleague's office instead of phoning - it all adds up. You don't have to wear special clothes or go to a gym.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    To tell you the truth, it's (in my opinion) about 85% what you put in your mouth, and 15% what you do with your body.

    Get a Fitbit - it syncs with MFP. On the Fitbit site, there's a graph that'll show the calories you burn vs. the calories you consume. As long as you burn more than you consume, you're going to lose weight.

    People will say you need to get in 10,000 steps a day. I'd probably pass out if I did that. BUT I have increase from about 500-700/day to closer to 2000-3000/day. I'm making progress, and that's what I'm happy about. Periodically, I'll hit a higher number, and that's fun to challenge myself to hit it.

    I also try to take the philosophy of "move more, sit less".
  • Nascha333
    i used to think so, i was working out 6 times a week 1hr each day and "eating healthy" and thought, the weight is going to drop off. Problem was, i was hungry more so i consumed more and while i wasn't gaining any weight, i wasn't losing any either. I did lose inches though and my body was getting more tone. I also indulge myself but compared to how i ate before, i had cut out most of what i used to eat and when i didn't i ate in moderation.
    Then i did a little reading, asked some questions and was basically told:
    calorie deficit = weight loss.
    And that's what i did, and i've lost 6 pounds thus far over the past few weeks. It really does work. I do some brisk walking 2-3 times a week and a little weights but just for overall health. I get to enjoy the stuff i did before but in moderation and i stay within goal. It's been an incredible learning process but i'm determined only to succeed however long it takes.
    When i am closer to my goal only then am i going to increase my workouts to gain more tone and muscle....
  • TwirleySlims
    I am exercising more than I ever have done. Simply to lose the weight I gained from giving up the *kitten*, and because I like food & love Wine! If I can burn enough calories to eat & have my wine I am a happy bunny!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.



  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.




    Well put
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I look back on my life, and here's the harsh truth for me: When I'm exercising regularly, no matter what I weigh, I look and feel better. When I'm not exercising regularly, no matter what I weigh, I look and feel worse.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    You can eat healthy all you want but if you are eating more than you burn you will not lose weight! You can lose weight without exercising, this is pretty much what I did, but only if you have a calorie deficit.
  • love2lift_85
    love2lift_85 Posts: 356 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.

    ^ This.
  • ramckellin
    ramckellin Posts: 1 Member
    Like you, I hate formal exercise. After joining health clubs, gyms, buying a Nordic Track, etc and not using them, I recognize that I just don't like it. Wii Fit was good for a few weeks, but didn't last.. I used to run when I was in beautiful surroundings, but running through the neighborhood is just plain boring. I built in one thing during my week. I walk stairs at work and track how many floors I've walked. Sometimes the total for the day is from ground floor to my office and back (8 flights x 24 stairs) and sometimes it's 20 x 24. I make a habit of planning meetings in a conference room on the other person's floor and I have to walk to them. It amounts to about 30 minutes a week. Not a lot, but do-able. I count it up and add the whole thing on Friday, which is pizza night at our house. It evens out. I also try to park farther away from the store door when I go, and just walk that extra distance. Doesn't make me sweat and my legs have gotten stronger! I am willing to lose weight slower because I know I won't do the formal exercise. By eating healthy, I get fewer calories for the same amount of food. Vegetables simply don't have the calories, so, for example, I eat Chinese food but have vegetables instead of rice. But I do love chocolate and will eat less during the day so I can eat it in the evening. I wish you the best!
  • turtlebeach
    turtlebeach Posts: 6 Member
    ' When I'm exercising regularly, no matter what I weigh, I look and feel better. When I'm not exercising regularly, no matter what I weigh, I look and feel worse.' AMEN! Rock Mama
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    not to lose weight, only to have a great body after you finish losing the weight and to be able to do things with your new body.

    you can lose weight without exercising, but you wont be losing just bad stuff. youll be losing good stuff too.

    as well as possibly setting yourself up for osteoporosis and other problems when youre older.

    but if a number on the scale is all that matters to you - who cares. dont exercise. it's your body. no one can set standards for it but you.
  • Nettanakia
    Nettanakia Posts: 2 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.

    I definitely agree!
  • DallasSusan
    DallasSusan Posts: 34 Member
    To tell you the truth, it's (in my opinion) about 85% what you put in your mouth, and 15% what you do with your body.

    Get a Fitbit - it syncs with MFP. On the Fitbit site, there's a graph that'll show the calories you burn vs. the calories you consume. As long as you burn more than you consume, you're going to lose weight.

    People will say you need to get in 10,000 steps a day. I'd probably pass out if I did that. BUT I have increase from about 500-700/day to closer to 2000-3000/day. I'm making progress, and that's what I'm happy about. Periodically, I'll hit a higher number, and that's fun to challenge myself to hit it.

    I also try to take the philosophy of "move more, sit less".

    Agreed. I'm losing weight without increasing my daily activity, but I'm doing it this way only because I'm so overwhelmed. I can only focus on making one life style change at a time. Right now, that's monitoring my calories. I'm sure in the long run I'd feel better if I could find more ways to incorporate natural movement in my daily routine. Thanks for bringing the Fitbit to my attention.