goal settings

teejay002 Posts: 15 Member
can anybody help me. I feel like me calorie goal may not be quite right. I'm unsure which setting my activity level should be set on.

Sedentary, Lightly active, Active, very active.

My normal day is:

4:30am start (I'm a bread baker) 3-4pm finish (I'm also the manager)
I'm on my feet all day, including going up two flights of stairs for breaks.
Lift a lot of heavy products, 20 -25kg(44-55lbs) bags of flour, butter etc and big mixing bowls.
exercise 6 days for 60mins. (mix of weights and cardio)

34yrs, 5.4", cw: 158lbs (71.7kg) gw: 143lbs (65kg)

what do you think I should set it on, In the past I've set it on lightly active?


  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    All depends on how you truely feel you are, i would say active but it will give you more calories so dont judge lightly cause it may stall weight loss. to be safe maybe go with lightly active since your not walking all day just standing in a remote area. Good luck with your goal :)
  • Acive :)
  • jlar09
    jlar09 Posts: 99
    When I signed up for MFP, I chose my activity level as sedentary, because I work at a doctor's office. I got a Fit Bit for Christmas and it turns out that I walk on average 10,000 - 15,000 steps/day, so it was giving me like 1,000 extra calories every day, which was ridiculous. I changed my activity level to lightly active and now I get 100-500 extra cals. Sometimes I eat them, but most of the time I don't.

    I would say go with active, but be flexible. It takes a little guess work to figure how many calories your body needs per day. I would also suggest getting a Fit Bit or something similar to monitor how active you are at work. Good luck!
  • teejay002
    teejay002 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks everyone.
  • teejay002
    teejay002 Posts: 15 Member