I made burritos for dinner, it was a bad choice...

I started out so good, I logged the one burrito I planned on eating sat down on the couch to watch a bit of Modern Family with my husband, chatted about the really good day at work I had and everything seemed totally awesome... Then my husband did something evil (and in hindsight really gross) he grabbed a bag of chips (ruffles to be specific) and started scooping up the bits of burrito fillings that had fallen on his plate and eating it, with potato chips. My favorite potato chips, that I haven't had, in over a month. So of course I caved and ate some (more than five less than twenty) chips, and then some Spanish rice because apparently if I was gonna fat it up, I was gonna go all out fat.

This morning when I stepped on the scale before my workout there was a .5 lb gain from yesterday (I like to make graphs, I'm that kinda weird) so I buckled down and did some extra strength training, and my usual 30 minute jog and and waiting to get dressed and to to the store for milk for breakfast, so I'm not letting this one day slip up get me down, or throw me off track completely but I am very frustrated at myself for giving in to my husband's dumb snack foods.


  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    .5 lb gain...water retention from all the sodium (chips and spanish rice).
  • debbiesats
    debbiesats Posts: 65 Member
    Not a disaster hun, and probably more the sodium making you hang onto a bit more water - drink plenty today and tomorrow and I bet that half pound melts away!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    They beat me to it!! LOL!

    I was going to say... I'm going to go out on a limb and bet it was high sodium from the chips and possibly from the spanish rice and even burritos if you're using packaged mixes. Drink lots of water today and stay on track. You'll see many more of these on your path to goal weight, trust me on this one! Right now I'm up about 4 pounds from a couple weekends of indulgence and not nearly enough water intake this week. No worries though - it'll go back to normal as soon as I can get my butt in gear. :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    sounds like a great dinner. mmmm. yummy.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Some days I'm 2 lbs up from yesterday's weigh in. Weight naturally fluxes. As other's have stated it's probably water retention from high sodium. As a side note, using chips is genius!
  • ainokea8
    Don't worry. We all have those days. Mine happened to be today too. I just ate 360 calories worth of chocolate. And decided screw it, I'm gonna have my spaghetti dinner which came out to a whopping 600 calories and that's already 80% of my day in calories.

    Oh well, guess I'll just have to be good for the rest of this week.
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    Don't worry. We all have those days. Mine happened to be today too. I just ate 360 calories worth of chocolate. And decided screw it, I'm gonna have my spaghetti dinner which came out to a whopping 600 calories and that's already 80% of my day in calories.

    Oh well, guess I'll just have to be good for the rest of this week.

    Only 360 in chocolate? Last week I ate 500 in chocolate, I called it lunch and moved on.

    Also big thanks to everyone for being so supportive. I didn't even think about all of the sodium in chips, I haven't been eating them for quite a while so it slipped my mind. I'm honestly not upset about the tiny gain, I'm more upset about the weakness involved in caving to chips. I've had planned overly indulgent days but last night just snuck up on me unexpectedly.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm 2.5 Lbs heavier today than I was yesterday and I stayed well within my calorie limits and it's not fat...it was actually due to a killer workout last night...you have to understand that something you do one day isn't really going to pile on a 1/2 Lb of fat or whatever in a day...it doesn't work like that. You have natural weight fluctuations...0.5 lbs could just be a little more waste in your system than yesterday...or maybe you had a little more sodium than normal.

    Ultimately you're going to have to wrap your head around these natural fluctuations and/or stop weighing yourself every day. Do a little research on how all of this stuff actually works and it'll put your mind at ease...you didn't put on 1/2 Lb of fat overnight because you indulged in some potato chips and a little extra spanish rice...it just doesn't work like that. Most likely you didn't even eat to maintenance...you do understand that you calorie goal is a massive deficit from maintenance right? Even if you go over a little you're most likely still in a deficit.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    I remember when this had me in a DREADFUL tiz!! Hang in there, in the general weekly consensus it wont make a blind bit of difference.. one bit of crisp (chips) eating, plus burritos, plus a bit of rice is SMALL fry in your long term goal. Please dear lady...stop freaking out xx
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I ate ALL the food yesterday, was down 2.5 pounds from yesterday. My weight will fluctuate sometimes as much as 5 pounds in a day. Relax. You had some chips, sounds like a win. If you keep at it, you WILL be sucsessful. Good luck.
  • ashleyinthecold
    ashleyinthecold Posts: 89 Member
    Don't worry. We all have those days. Mine happened to be today too. I just ate 360 calories worth of chocolate. And decided screw it, I'm gonna have my spaghetti dinner which came out to a whopping 600 calories and that's already 80% of my day in calories.

    Oh well, guess I'll just have to be good for the rest of this week.

    Only 360 in chocolate? Last week I ate 500 in chocolate, I called it lunch and moved on.

    Also big thanks to everyone for being so supportive. I didn't even think about all of the sodium in chips, I haven't been eating them for quite a while so it slipped my mind. I'm honestly not upset about the tiny gain, I'm more upset about the weakness involved in caving to chips. I've had planned overly indulgent days but last night just snuck up on me unexpectedly.

    It's how you respond to the UNPLANNED occasions that is important. These kind of things are going to come up for the rest of your life, not just while you're trying to lose weight. It's alright. As everyone else said, that .5lbs is more than likely water weight.

    I typically only weigh once a month because a bad number on the scale is a deterrent for me, but I've been trying to see how my eating and workout schedule affect my weight. I sometimes fluctuate 3lbs during the course of a week of perfect eating + 5 workout days. Just listen to your body and how you feel...the scale can be deceptive. ;)
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Not a big deal. And by the way, eating burrito filling with Ruffles sounds awesome.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    BTW...now I'm hungry for burritos thank you very much!! :laugh:

    I should have added in my earlier post that my weight fluctuates daily also. I try to only weigh in once or twice a week--otherwise frustration sets in when I don't see what I want to on the scale which often led to sub-conscious reasons to cave for that day...or week...or month!! HA!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I'm 2.5 Lbs heavier today than I was yesterday and I stayed well within my calorie limits and it's not fat...it was actually due to a killer workout last night...you have to understand that something you do one day isn't really going to pile on a 1/2 Lb of fat or whatever in a day...it doesn't work like that. You have natural weight fluctuations...0.5 lbs could just be a little more waste in your system than yesterday...or maybe you had a little more sodium than normal.

    Ultimately you're going to have to wrap your head around these natural fluctuations and/or stop weighing yourself every day. Do a little research on how all of this stuff actually works and it'll put your mind at ease...you didn't put on 1/2 Lb of fat overnight because you indulged in some potato chips and a little extra spanish rice...it just doesn't work like that. Most likely you didn't even eat to maintenance...you do understand that you calorie goal is a massive deficit from maintenance right? Even if you go over a little you're most likely still in a deficit.

    Needs to be reiterated for all to see that go through this kind of situation:

    "you do understand that you calorie goal is a massive deficit from maintenance right? Even if you go over a little you're most likely still in a deficit"

    Thank you for bringing that up. I see so many beat themselves up over this kind of thing and never think along these lines.
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Log it and move on! I hate when that happens to me, but at least you are being honest about it, and sometimes yummy food experiences sneak up on us, it's best to just keep track, enjoy in moderation, and not to worry!
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Half a pound is what a cup of water weighs. It's way, way, way within normal limits for daily variation. (I gained like, 6 lbs in water retention last week overnight).
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I needed to see this thread. I was feeling horrible about a really bad day this week and now I feel a little bit better and re-motivated.
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    I needed to see this thread. I was feeling horrible about a really bad day this week and now I feel a little bit better and re-motivated.

    I am glad that my burrito shame helped you!
    Also, yeah I pretty much completely spaced that my goal is still a deficit (and a pretty big one since I have my weekly goal set for 2lbs). Thanks to everyone for giving me some perspective and keeping me grounded.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Then my husband did something evil (and in hindsight really gross) he grabbed a bag of chips (ruffles to be specific) and started scooping up the bits of burrito fillings that had fallen on his plate and eating it, with potato chips. My favorite potato chips, that I haven't had, in over a month. So of course I caved and ate some (more than five less than twenty) chips, and then some Spanish rice because apparently if I was gonna fat it up, I was gonna go all out fat.
    Can't believe you were able to stay under 20 potato chips! :laugh:
  • frodopuppy
    we all know it could have been a lot worse, I'm thinking you showed some self control.