Was successful then failed. Help



  • groupthinker
    groupthinker Posts: 11 Member
    Stop calling it dieting, it's forever not temporary. It's never done.

    "Guys, I've been having trouble with my lifestyling lately. Ever since I started my lifestyle (um I mean, I didn't start because my lifestyle is always bro) I've been having issues."

    I'm just using commonly understood terminology. Chill.
  • groupthinker
    groupthinker Posts: 11 Member
    More over reinforcing the idea that your diet is "always" creates as many problems as it solves. Some diets will be temporary because you find a better diet.

    Besides, that terminology head game stuff never works on me.

    Also, fun fact, everyone in the entire world is on a diet. A diet is just "What you eat" not "the practice of temporarily eating less to lose weight."
  • groupthinker
    groupthinker Posts: 11 Member
    Bump to read responses later. Im rooting for u OP!!

    Thank you :)
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    You need to tie your motivation to other things rather than losing weight or impressing others.

    That probably sounds like a weird thing because the one thing you probably the things you want to do the very most is to lose weight and have other people's approval. However, as a source of long term motivation they are poor. Why? Because your weight will fluctuate and other people's opinions will constantly shift. If your desire to improve your relationship with food, your health and your self esteem and use weight as the motivation what happens when you close in on your goal? You lose that desire because your weight has been reduced. The more you lose the less you care about keeping doing what you did to be successful. It's like building your house on shifting sands...

    Then when you find something which is really important to you and tie your progress to that - to live longer, to be healthier, to improve your self esteem, to increase your fitness, to have better quality time with the people you love - then all you must do is start.

    Put one foot in front of the other and so it begins.
  • groupthinker
    groupthinker Posts: 11 Member
    You need to tie your motivation to other things rather than losing weight or impressing others.

    That probably sounds like a weird thing because the one thing you probably the things you want to do the very most is to lose weight and have other people's approval. However, as a source of long term motivation they are poor. Why? Because your weight will fluctuate and other people's opinions will constantly shift. If your desire to improve your relationship with food, your health and your self esteem and use weight as the motivation what happens when you close in on your goal? You lose that desire because your weight has been reduced. The more you lose the less you care about keeping doing what you did to be successful. It's like building your house on shifting sands...

    Then when you find something which is really important to you and tie your progress to that - to live longer, to be healthier, to improve your self esteem, to increase your fitness, to have better quality time with the people you love - then all you must do is start.

    Put one foot in front of the other and so it begins.

    If there was a starring system here, I'd star this one. You're right. I remember feeling that way. And I do have other reasons (such as being more mentally alert and having energy.) Its not the whole reason i quit but its a factor for sure.