Motivation Please!

Hello Everyone!

Just recently came back and would like to lose 25 pounds. I really do want this but for some reason I am struggling to find the energy. Not sure if it's this long WI winter that won't seem to end, the extra pounds AGAIN or both?

Any way I didn't utilize the community last time I was on and still had success so I'm thinking with your help it can only be better.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!



  • cmendoza13
    It's like you are reading my mind! I want this so bad, but until now I just simply was not motivated. I don't know has been really cold here in Pittsburgh as well!

    Luckily I think I have finally gotten the energy and motivation to get on the right track. I just hope I can stick with it and not be back in this position again. Something that is helping my motivation is that a group of friends all joined with me and we have "challenged" each other to see who can lose the most weight by a specific date. We are all pretty competitive, so that is helping me some.

    Good luck!! Stay with it.
  • maria_stafeler
    very new here. maria from germany and trying to learn this site:::::)
  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    That is a good idea. I have trip planned in March for some incentive but I'm really looking for a reason not to go to the health club tonight. I know once I go and complete my work out I will feel great but I just can't quite get my brain there yet. Good luck to you also cmendoza13!

    Welcome Maria!