

  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Im sorry...I am with your hubby though...I want all the meat!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Just break up.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I didn't read all the comments so sorry if I am repeating. I suggest quinoa. It's yummy, filling and low cal for the serving size. I made some cheesy quinoa bake last night and added chicken to it and it was super yummy. PM me if you would like the recipe. :)
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    As everyone has stated, meat is your best bet. Low calories and little to no carbs. It's the potatoes you have to watch out for!
  • elmr34
    elmr34 Posts: 32 Member
    When we are being lazy he grills fish (little butter, little lemon, little salt and pepper) and I broil vegetables (wash vegetables, drizzle a bit of olive oil, sprinkle a little kosher salt, mix around a bit, broil for like 10 minutes until they are done- best veggies ever). I fill my plate halfway with vegetables and take a serving or two (depends on your calorie goal) of fish. Very filling, fish is very good for you, it is hard for me to overeat grilled fish and veggies.

    If it is too cold to grill I cook fish or steak under the broiler. For steak the only "recipe" you need is to put salt and pepper on it and cook (broiler or grill) it until it is done to your liking.

    Shrimp, chicken, or beef stir fry is also very fast and easy and you can use whatever veggies you have. Just look up a decent stir fry recipe and make the sauce.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    My husband is the same way. Check out the 100daysofrealfood website. The recipess are fairly easy.

    Here is one of my favorite. Roast whole chicken in the crockpot.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    buy the man some effin meat!!! Are you crazy?
  • sunnyeuphoria
    sunnyeuphoria Posts: 85 Member
    I agree with the fajita idea.... and stir fries are great. You can cook lean meat chunks or pieces and give him more meat and less veggies, and yourself more veggies and a portioned amount of meat. I like to bake potatoes for my family.... we all really like sweet potatoes... which is surprisingly good with a small amount of real butter and seasoning... without brown sugar and marshmallows. If your hubby insists on white potatoes, bake him one and make a sweet potato for yourself.
    I like to add salsa and peppers to all sorts of things. I cook onions in a small amount of olive oil and top all sorts of things with them. I add mushrooms or broccoli to the mix sometimes too. They really add bulk with very few calories.
    Something you might wanna try is roasting veggies... they turn out amazing tasting... are easy... and taste sinfully unhealthy. Men love them! Just gather a bunch of whatever veggies you want, spread them in a layer on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with olive oil. ( Cauliflower sprinkled with garlic powder and salt, broccoli sprinkled with onion powder and salt, and asparagus with seasoned salt are my faves)... these are really good with seafood or any type of meat.
    Speaking of seafood.... most seafood is very low in calories... and can be made in a variety of ways. You can have shrimp cocktail consisting of 7 large shrimp and 1/2 c cocktail sauce for only 300 calories. Use lemon juice instead of cocktail sauce and save 150 cals!
    Hope this helps!
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    In for meat.. and lots of it
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    You could just make meat, grilled or baked or sauted, or whatever, and then sides. Like vegetables, rolls, etc. Then you can portion out yours and he can portion out his. I like that because then I can choose to have more meat and less rice/roll/whatever.

    also, spaghetti with meat balls... that way you can just use less noodles in yours, less carbs, less calories.

    Same with chicken Parmesan.

    I just made beef stew tonight in the crock pot... just beef, vegetables, I put kielbasa in mine, beef broth, and tomato paste (that was homemade) it was really good and really filling.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I disagree with a lot of people here, potatoes aren't going to make you fat. I've lost a lot of weight eating potatoes and tons of rice. At the same time, if he wants meat just give him what he wants, i used to be a vegan so I would cook my husband a piece of meat on the side and then I didn't have to eat it.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Costco Turkey Burger (Kirkland Signature) is over 5 ounces, just a bit over 200 calories per portion, and 34 grams of protein. Grfilled up with all the fixings, lettuce, tomato etc should be a meal for him without too many calories
  • michellerawrrr_72
    michellerawrrr_72 Posts: 14 Member
    Not what I thought this was going to be about! :tongue: Alrighty, my two cents I guess since I'm here. My house is a meat and potatoes every night mentality as well. Pick lean meats, bake or grilled and you can't go wrong. Biggest thing that's helped me is a $15 food scale. Portion sizes matter the most IMO
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    Pork tenderloin!! Lean AND tasty!!!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I disagree with a lot of people here, potatoes aren't going to make you fat. I've lost a lot of weight eating potatoes and tons of rice.
    yes but...for the calories one "spends" on a cup of rice (around 200 calories) we could have a lot more of other things. So, for some of us, if we eat that cup of rice, we still want more food...even if we've had enough calories. That isn't to say I never eat those things (lol today I had BOTH potatoes AND rice! (anndddd I went over!)) but they aren't everyday items for me like they can be for some people, especially men who have a higher calorie allowance than most women.

    I am in the "eat the meat" boat though...meats rarely are the item that sends me over for the day, just eat reasonable portions.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    If you check the Cooking Light website, they have some awesome meaty recipes that my carnivore husband and I have both been enjoying. Did a pot roast the other day that was at least as good as our usual recipe, but considerably lower in calories. I just take the recommended portion, he takes more since he's a lot bigger than I am and can afford it. (I left out the morels, which are crazy expensive)

    This was also meaty and tasty
  • weezieleopard
    I just found this great blog! Maybe you'll find something you guys might enjoy on there :)

    Good luck! x
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I love meat. I suggest that your husband cook some when he is doing his share of the meal preparation.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    What about you OP? Do you like meat? I suggest that you swallow the meat and provide a taco for your husband.
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    Green vegetables... Eat as many as you like...

    Then add meat.

    No starch = no 1/2 cup portion.