Scheduling issue! Weigh-in and birthday. What to do?!

So, this is my first post... I'm trying to figure out what to do this weekend. I typically weigh-in on Mondays, but this weekend is my birthday (Saturday) and the Super Bowl. I've stayed on track a majority of this month, but I'd like to enjoy the weekend. So my question is, should I weigh in on Monday per usual? Or should I weigh in tomorrow to see what progress I've made?


  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Weigh tomorrow or just skip weighing for a week.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Weigh in whenever you feel like it. I weigh daily or sometimes once a week just depending on my mood. Unless you get too stressed about the number on the scale I don't see a problem weighing whenever you feel like it.
  • LilSugaFree
    LilSugaFree Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! My weigh in days are Monday as well. You know no matter what my weekend and weekend holds I still stick in on my Monday weigh in and update my progress on MFP. I think the decision is really on you and how you feel. It seems to me like all the work I put in during the beginning of the week sometimes allows me a little more flexibility during one day on the weekend. I think you will be completely fine on Monday.
  • thatguyalex
    Weigh in on Monday as usual. It's tempting to try to avoid a "bad" weigh-in but it's part of the process and maybe the spectre of a weigh in will help you avoid going completely nuts on the weekend (I don't think you should have a carrot as your cake on your birthday but neither are birthdays or the Superbowl reasons to have 7000 calories...there are too many "special" occasions in a year to just not pay attention on those days and eat willy nilly)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    This is this little thing we are all living called life. You'll be fine no matter what you choose.
  • monietrojan
    monietrojan Posts: 45 Member
    In the future, when you know you're going to get off track, put in the extra work beforehand.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Short answer: it doesn't matter.

    If you weigh in on Monday expect a high reading because of all the sodium you will consume and the water retained as a result (3-4 lbs is probably about what you can expect).

    IF that is going to make you see a high number and motivate you to get back on track, then do it.

    IF you are the type of person to overreact to the number on the scale and let it deflate you, then just skip your weigh in for the week.

    Simples :)
  • kelaw1
    kelaw1 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys. I appreciate your feedback. It is life and realize that I shouldn't let the scale dictate things, but I should also not go crazy. So thanks everyone for chiming in!