Seriously need HELP!

Okay so I've been trying FOREVER!!!! to get rid of my "man boobs" but can't...
Last I weighed myself I was 234lbs, so I am not a HUGE guy, about 6'2, 25 years old. What do I do ppl!???!
Getting tired of wearing t-shirts an feeling SUPER insecure, I always feel ppl stare, an I just plain out DO NOT like it myself.

What should I eat/not eat?
What should I drink/not drink?

Yes those are really obvious questions lol, But I WANNA KNOW!!!! lol.


  • weezieleopard
    Don't eat soy
  • weezieleopard
    and work out your chest!
  • JMann191
    JMann191 Posts: 121 Member
    and work out your chest!
    All I have I can use for chest workouts are my 32lb dumbbells, no bench tho to lay on..
    I've used the ground an bed lol, not all that comfortable tho. An I can't afford a gym lol..
  • Xenoblader
    Xenoblader Posts: 7 Member
    Definitely speaking with no medical qualifications whatsoever but I have found in a lot of these cases that it is more genetic than anything else. However men will get man boobs the more they begin to weight and some men will develop it much easier than other and never even get rid of it even when they are in shape. Life is unfair I know.

    Basically you just need to cut back on calories big time and start lowering that weight. You are on this wonderful site so you can calorie count with ease and you will see a reduction in those dreaded man boobs. Once you start losing weight by the way, then you can have more room to buy bigger shirts to hide them until they fully go away.
  • JMann191
    JMann191 Posts: 121 Member
    Definitely speaking with no medical qualifications whatsoever but I have found in a lot of these cases that it is more genetic than anything else. However men will get man boobs the more they begin to weight and some men will develop it much easier than other and never even get rid of it even when they are in shape. Life is unfair I know.

    Basically you just need to cut back on calories big time and start lowering that weight. You are on this wonderful site so you can calorie count with ease and you will see a reduction in those dreaded man boobs. Once you start losing weight by the way, then you can have more room to buy bigger shirts to hide them until they fully go away.
    thanks for the reply, I know this is gonna sound insane LOL, but what can I do outside of counting calories? I've tried SO MANY times but can't seem to stick with it, its not that I am not dedicated, I just find it super tedious at times...
  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    Pushups! My son really built the muscles in his chest when used the Perfect Pushups. More muscle tone will help. Having a calorie deficite will be key so keep logging on this site. Good luck!
  • JMann191
    JMann191 Posts: 121 Member
    Pushups! My son really built the muscles in his chest when used the Perfect Pushups. More muscle tone will help. Having a calorie deficite will be key so keep logging on this site. Good luck!
    [/quote I seriously feel lost...
    I actually use to own those things, I am horrible at doing push ups..
    Also won't doing push ups just make man boobs bigger?..
  • JMann191
    JMann191 Posts: 121 Member
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I don't know what your moobs look like, but I assume you've ruled out any medical conditions like gynecomastia?

    So anyway - you don't want to count calories but you want to lose fat which requires a caloric deficit....I'm not sure what to say. Eat less than you are now, and exercise more. You can't spot-reduce so you'll have to lower your total body fat to see progress.
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Try youtube for thousands of free exercises you can do at home.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm 6 foot 240 lbs... Had moobs at 280 lbs... but now because I built such mass in my boobs I still have fat on my chest but it looks 'muscular' . Magic trick lol.

    Obviously the most important thing is losing overall body fat, BUT until then...

    do NOT do decline... Arnold S, said he never does decline because ... " why would I want my boobs to sag?"

    Do incline/ flat/flies/dips.

    Dips will help the most. If you build up your chest size/ shoulder size, you can hide the 'moobs'.

    So do:

    Incline/flat pushups

    Incline/flat dumb bell flies

    Shoudler flies/shoudler press/ shoulder deltoid raise

    And dips... lots of dips. Find or build a place where you can do dips.

    Once your chest size/ muscle mass increases... moobs = hidden .

    During that time, eat a clean diet and cut your body fat.
  • JMann191
    JMann191 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 6 foot 240 lbs... Had moobs at 280 lbs... but now because I built such mass in my boobs I still have fat on my chest but it looks 'muscular' . Magic trick lol.

    Obviously the most important thing is losing overall body fat, BUT until then...

    do NOT do decline... Arnold S, said he never does decline because ... " why would I want my boobs to sag?"

    Do incline/ flat/flies/dips.

    Dips will help the most. If you build up your chest size/ shoulder size, you can hide the 'moobs'.

    So do:

    Incline/flat pushups

    Incline/flat dumb bell flies

    Shoudler flies/shoudler press/ shoulder deltoid raise

    And dips... lots of dips. Find or build a place where you can do dips.

    Once your chest size/ muscle mass increases... moobs = hidden .

    During that time, eat a clean diet and cut your body fat.
    Can those exercises you listed be done without a bench?...
    I am currently unemployed, so can't afford any of that stuff. All I own are 32lb dumbbells.
  • julianamercedes
    julianamercedes Posts: 3 Member
    I was watching embarrassing bodies a few months ago and i remember them talking about how sometimes it's genetics..
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Keep losing weight, they will dramatically lessen/disappear completely.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Pushups for women can help to enhance a flat chest but I don't think it would be so bad for you. If you are eating at a small deficit, strength training and getting reasonable protein you will probably have a positive result. If you can't afford a gym membership, then try body weight HIIT workouts. You can find some videos to workout with on youtube for free. I use an ottoman for a bench sometimes. As long as it can support my shoulders and upper back, I can handle the rest. Heck, I have even used an exercise ball before. As for other weights, I bet if you look around your house, you will find something heavy to lift. Milk jugs filled with water or sand (or damp sand), one end of the couch, a spare tire...get creative and that will help. Also, find out if there is any kind of a gym in your area that you can use for free or for a school gym. Good luck to you.

    Oh, and btw, as long as your "boobs" aren't bigger than mine, I wouldn't think anything of it any way. :)

    Edit to add: youtube could be a great friend to you. You can look up almost any exercise on there. Also another site I use for fun is and if you "track" a workout and search an exercise, a lot of them have videos of proper form.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    thanks for the reply, I know this is gonna sound insane LOL, but what can I do outside of counting calories? I've tried SO MANY times but can't seem to stick with it, its not that I am not dedicated, I just find it super tedious at times...

    if you want rid of the boobs, suck it up and count everything... the only way to lose fat is to eat in a calorie deficit... doesnt matter how much exercise you do if you are eating too much you wont lose fat!
  • JMann191
    JMann191 Posts: 121 Member
    I was watching embarrassing bodies a few months ago and i remember them talking about how sometimes it's genetics..
    If that's the case does that pretty much mean I can't get rid of em? No one else I can think of has them in my Family lol...
  • jardin12
    jardin12 Posts: 62 Member
    Just become a runner - just run - get some miles on the clock. Ever seen a serious runner with man boobs? It's easy. Just start slow. Trust me - start running!
  • tomoswilding
    tomoswilding Posts: 56 Member
    Go see a Doctor if you're worried. Like a few people have said, things like this can sometimes be genetic or the result of a hormone imbalance. If it is, they might be able to give you treatment to offset it, and if it isn't they can give you the best advice for reducing them, including diet, exercise, or if they're really having an impact on your life, surgical options.

    Focusing on chest workouts might not help at all - you'll notice a bigger difference if you go for overall toning rather than working on one area.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    If no-one else has them its not genetic. Losing weight will help, if you don't want to count calories then increase your exercise but not your food intake - it won't be accurate but it will help a bit.

    As others have said, there's plenty of exercise which can be done without a bench just using hand weights. Search youtube for ideas.