All the reasons why this won't work for me ;)

Hi There,
I'm not 'new', but I'd like to re-introduce myself and hopefully make a few new friends to help motivate me on this journey (most of the ones I have/had are inactive now). I'm a full-time working (desk-job = strike 1) to three small kids (there's just not enough hours in a day = strike 2), and I love love love to eat (strike 3).

I'm 30 years old. I started MFP in 2012 after being unable to lose the weight from my 2nd child. I'm 5'6 and was 185 lbs then. Over the course of 4-5 mnths, netting 1200 cal per day and working out 4 days a week, I got down to 139 lbs.... just 4 lbs shy of my goal! OH.SO.CLOSE...After that final weigh-in on Sept 26th, 2012 I peed on a stick and to my surprise, found out I was expecting my 3rd child. He's turned out to be such a blessing and completes my family.... but I'm not gonna lie, 3 pregnancies fairly close together have wrecked havoc on my body and there's definitely work to be done!

So here I am! determined as ever to reach 135 lbs the 'right' way! I wanna be skinny, but not just skinny, skinnyfit! Starting weight on 12/29/13= 172 lbs. (currently at 164 yay for progress!). I realized one of the things that highly motivated me last time was getting cheered on by my MFP friends. I'd love to cheer you on too, so please send a request if we've got anything in common!


  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    I hear ya. I don't have the kids and my job keeps me moving but I still struggle. I love my dark chocolates and dining out. MFP is the only way for me to keep myself in check. It looks like you are doing all the right things. Keep up the great work!
  • MySkinnyJeans2014
    MySkinnyJeans2014 Posts: 15 Member
    I had my first baby 7 months ago and feel like i'll never be able to drop those last 7-10 lbs! It is frusterating. I also have the "skinnyfit" goal but my eating addiction (I'm a fast food junkie) really puts a damper on things. I hope we can motivate ourselves right back into that "pre-baby" clothes collection soon!
  • BeckyGee84
    BeckyGee84 Posts: 124 Member
    Hello, I think my situation is similar to yours. I joined this website after I had my son (ok, 18 months after I had him lol) to lose the baby weight. Once I got to 2 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight, I found out I was pregnant again! So here I am again. I'll be 30 this year and don't want to go into my 30's out of shape! I'll add you :)
  • chrs86
    chrs86 Posts: 151 Member
    Hey, goo luck. I'm sure you'll be there in no time. But don't have any kids for awhile.
  • BekaHoog
    BekaHoog Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I don't have kids, but I do identify myself with the issue of loving food and having a desk job, I started my weight loss journey on June 2012 when I managed to go down from 180 to 138 pounds (doing insanity and eating right), but after that I settled for my weight (even though my ideal was also 135!) and slowly regained weight until reaching 156,2 this past week. I decided to get back on the train and I've started working out and eating healthiER, I too am eating merely 1200 cals a day (tough as hell, given the fact that I adore chocolate and candies which I have abundantly around my house, thanks to my couponing skills) and I wanna give and receive support from ppl who understand what this is like! :)
  • akmh07
    akmh07 Posts: 3 Member
    Seems our strikes are all about the same. Two kids: just turned six and just turned one, Also have a full time desk job, and also love to eat :S

    I just started T25 hoping that will help with the 10 pounds I've been struggling with since I had my second child. I've been doing that for just about two weeks now. I'm really liking it so far. just haven't seen much of a weight loss. I'm 5'3 and 130. But I guess if I can turn my body to a lean cut version of 130 and just lose some inches, I'll be happy with that as well.

    My biggest thing is eating healthy for supper with my kids when they don't like chicken breasts and would prefer some chicken nuggets.

    4 pounds away from your last goal! Great job and good luck!! I think you've got it in you to make your goal this time if there isn't another surprise lol.
  • Errinlynn
    Errinlynn Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right on the same path with you! I'm a 31 year old single mom to a pretty awesome 5 year old. I'm 5'4 and 166 with a goal of 135, I started this journey over a year ago and I made it down to 148 but then life took over. I was distracted by a busy work schedule, I met a wonderful man and I put the weight all back on. Here I am at the starting point again but I'm trying to do it right this time by making it a lifestyle change versus an obsession. So far I'm only down 2 pounds but on a bright note I've officially kicked the mountain dew habit (one month and counting!). I have an upcoming vacation in April and also in May to prepare for and I'm hoping that a wedding is somewhere in my future and I don't want to be scrambling last minute to lose the weight for a wedding! I have never posted on these boards before and I thought that maybe a MFP friend base would help me along this frustrating journey.