moms in their 30's with 50+ pounds to lose?

I have never been brave enough to "friend" anyone. I think I am ready now :) If you need a friend then feel free to send me a request if you fit the above (titled) category or post here and I will send you a request. thanks ya'll :)


  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    Single mom with three kids here. I have 67 left to lose. Have lost 84 already. FR sent.
  • Mom here! Soon to be 32 and have two kids. I have 60 pounds to lose (20 already lost). Feel free to add me!
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks. I got it :)
  • ehdub
    ehdub Posts: 37 Member
    turning 30 in a week! mom of two, have 55 lbs to lose!
  • thalia8424
    thalia8424 Posts: 12 Member
    turning 30 in september with 60 as my goal. let's do this!
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    Mom here! Soon to be 32 and have two kids. I have 60 pounds to lose (20 already lost). Feel free to add me!

    Sent request
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    turning 30 in a week! mom of two, have 55 lbs to lose!

    request sent
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    turning 30 in september with 60 as my goal. let's do this!

    Added :) Thanks
  • I just wanted to say that you guys can do it my mom has made such a big lost in her life she lost a total of 50 pounds in 3 and a half months. I im here to root you ladys on and say you can do it to:happy:
  • karma6383
    karma6383 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Mom of 4 (10 year old son, 6 year old daughter, and 2 year old twin girls) - 30 years old. I have 100+ pounds to lose :( I could definitely use a few friends who understand!! :)
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    I just wanted to say that you guys can do it my mom has made such a big lost in her life she lost a total of 50 pounds in 3 and a half months. I im here to root you ladys on and say you can do it to:happy:

    awww.....thanks for posting. That is very encouraging.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    Hello! Mom of 4 (10 year old son, 6 year old daughter, and 2 year old twin girls) - 30 years old. I have 100+ pounds to lose :( I could definitely use a few friends who understand!! :)

    Sent friend request :) Thanks
  • nmslater77
    nmslater77 Posts: 7 Member
    Single mom, 2 kids, full time job...37 years old and at least 40 pounds to lose.

    Feel free to friend request me.
  • k_isabell
    k_isabell Posts: 1 Member
    I am a mom of 2 (10 and 8 years old). I am 34 and have 160 pounds to lose!
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    You totally can do it! I've been at this for a long time and finally got it right this past November. I'm a SAHM to two kids and know how tough it was with a little guy at home to do anything for myself, but I found a formula that seems to be working! Im 8lbs away from goal weight now. Those of you who work outside the home, hats off to you. You rock!
  • Mandy1282
    Mandy1282 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 31 with 3 kids and have to lose 45-50 pounds. Feel free to add me if you want. It is a hard process but getting support on MFP is great.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    You totally can do it! I've been at this for a long time and finally got it right this past November. I'm a SAHM to two kids and know how tough it was with a little guy at home to do anything for myself, but I found a formula that seems to be working! Im 8lbs away from goal weight now. Those of you who work outside the home, hats off to you. You rock!

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. You rock :) Keep going.
  • Hello single working mom of a 2 year old. I am 41 but there are no groups for 40+ moms that I see. Can we pretend I am 39? :) Just starting this journey (again) and could really use some support. I have lost 5lbs with 55+ to go. Thanks!
  • I'll be 32 in March, with 2 kids. I have 73 pounds to lose.
  • kayveebee7
    kayveebee7 Posts: 127 Member
    So cool, 33, mom of 2 awesome princesses.....80 to lose POW! Excited to get to losing....more!!