not enough calories consumed and still haven't exercised

just 5 days into this calorie counting bit, but this is the 2nd day I have about 300 calories to eat to meet my daily goal...250 to get me past 1200 (and not get screamed at for starving my body).

I'm just walking right now, but I havent even done that right now...and I'm still under...and pretty much done eating for the day.

So what do I do?

PS - I don't expect to have this problem a lot as I tend to overdo at least one meal during the day...


  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    eat a fistful of nuts!
  • storybookcreator
    ok, I did that last night to make up for the few grams of protein I was I guess I'm doing the right thing...
  • loveusa
    If you are not hungry, don't eat! Very simple. Listen to your body.

    On some days you may need more, and on some days less. It doesn't have to be exact 100% of the time. If you are somewhere near your allotted calories, that's just fine!
  • irtata43
    irtata43 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been dieting for a little over a month now and have the same problem. I have found that eating nuts, peanut butter and such helps. But I am also counting fats and carbs along with 1200 cals. per day. I have been working at getting it all in balance. One thing I have learned is that it is important to eat as close to your cals. as possible so your body dosen't go into the starvation mode. Good luck.. and keep up the good work.
  • naidanueva
    naidanueva Posts: 26 Member
    I would have to agree with loveusa, listen to your body!!!
    I know there are studies out there and such about eating a minimum, but nothing beats your body's wisdom.
    Eat if you are hungry. If you aren't, don't.
    For example, when we crave chocolate, we are usually low in magnesium. When we crave carbs, we can usually eat a banana (which is a great carb) and get our fix.

    In my experience, if I'm really hungry one day, I might not be as hungry the next. Or sometimes it's closer to certain times of the month. You know how us women are....
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    As you progress through this journey try to adopt the following as it is easier for those of us who have (or had) had problems getting in all those calories often.

    Eat breakfast like a king,
    lunch like a prince
    and dinner like a pauper

    I also calorie "shift" and try to get in different amounts each day, some days I am under, some over.
  • SlipperySlope
    Agree with all above--also, make sure you are accurately recording portions...I almost always underestimate what I've eaten.
  • storybookcreator
    As you progress through this journey try to adopt the following as it is easier for those of us who have (or had) had problems getting in all those calories often.

    Eat breakfast like a king,
    lunch like a prince
    and dinner like a pauper

    I also calorie "shift" and try to get in different amounts each day, some days I am under, some over.

    that's awesome! I always do the opposite b/c I never know if we will go out for dinner or not so I try to be conservative during the day...thanks for the tip!
  • kitkat415
    I try to make a point of not eating unless I'm actually hungry. I tried sticking to the exact calorie count suggestions for a while, but I found it exhausting, and it was weird eating just to eat. I try to get within the range of calories give or take about 250.