Hello fellow MFP goers :-)

I have started back today - like others have mentioned in their posts I have been on here on and off for a while but I am determind this time to stick at it!
I don't want to cut out all treats as I want this to work and starving myself or living off rabbit food just doesn't help! I have done a brisk 45 min walk today and just almost killed myself doing the 7 minute work out app!!! But that boosted my calories enough to allow me a Baileys coffee this evening while I watch a film!!! I find working towards a treat helps me focus during the day.:-)
Would be great to chat with others to help us stick to our goals. I have 18lb to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 5 years ago (I have had 2 children in that time mind!!lol). I never thought I would do it but I have lost loads so far and I am determind to lose the weight and tone up to feel good this summer. I'd like to say I'm not bothered by what other people see when they look at me, but I guess I am, if I don't feel confident in the clothes I want to wear it gets me down and I don't want to feel like that anymore.
Come on people lets help each other beat the bulde this year :-)


  • cmhusns
    cmhusns Posts: 17 Member
    Please add me as a friend if you'd like. I just started back recently too and I have about 19 lbs to lose.
  • muderfocker
    muderfocker Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me. :)