I'm so frustrated.

Tomorrow will mark the start of my fifth week into diet and exercise and I'm about to just grab a bag of chips and call it a day.

I'm almost 19, 5'10 / 250lbs. I exercise 5 times a week for 40-50 minutes, I eat 1,300-1,400cals a day, drink plenty of water, my sodium levels are under control, I log every single thing I put into my body so I know that I'm not going over or anything. I've only had 3 days where I ate a bad meal. My diet prior to the start of this was roughly 4k calories a day, and it was all junk!!!

Every other week I measure my body because my scale doesn't work anymore and I've lost nothing! Not even half of an inch anywhere. I'm feeling so unmotivated because everyone tells me "when you're young, the weight flies off of you/you'll be slimmer in no time" and then I'll go on tumblr and see some really amazing before an after pictures that were taken a month apart. And mine? Not a single change in my body.

Ugh! I'm so upset, I was really hoping to see little changes in my body at this point. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Have any of you guys experienced this? What the heck did you do to start losing weight? I would up my exercise but I have asthma so I need to take it a bit slower than someone normally would.


  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    It may be the amount of weight you have to lose. The more you have to lose, the faster it seems to come off.

    Here's my trendweight graph for the last 6 months or so:


    You can see it came off much faster at the beginning--now is tapering down. And I'm still not even where you are starting from.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    open your diary, what kind of exercise are you doing and how many cals are you logging as burned? Measuring yourself can be tricky business too, hard to get the exact same spot and tape tauntness everytime. Notice any changes in how your jeans fit?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Opening your diary would be a great start if you're comfortable doing so. You can go to Settings > Diary Settings > Public to do so.

    Are you logging your exercise and eating back any of the extra calories you earn? If so, are you using MFP, gym machines, or a heart rate monitor to estimate your burn?
  • melm1019
    First I would buy a new scale. You could be losing in places you don't generally measure? If nothing is truly changing you might also tell a doctor. I'm sure you're fine but it seems strange that such a drastic change in lifestyle hasn't affected your weight.

    Hang in there! Don't give up yet.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Tomorrow will mark the start of my fifth week into diet and exercise and I'm about to just grab a bag of chips and call it a day.

    I'm almost 19, 5'10 / 250lbs. I exercise 5 times a week for 40-50 minutes, I eat 1,300-1,400cals a day, drink plenty of water, my sodium levels are under control, I log every single thing I put into my body so I know that I'm not going over or anything. I've only had 3 days where I ate a bad meal. My diet prior to the start of this was roughly 4k calories a day, and it was all junk!!!

    Every other week I measure my body because my scale doesn't work anymore and I've lost nothing! Not even half of an inch anywhere. I'm feeling so unmotivated because everyone tells me "when you're young, the weight flies off of you/you'll be slimmer in no time" and then I'll go on tumblr and see some really amazing before an after pictures that were taken a month apart. And mine? Not a single change in my body.

    Ugh! I'm so upset, I was really hoping to see little changes in my body at this point. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    Have any of you guys experienced this? What the heck did you do to start losing weight? I would up my exercise but I have asthma so I need to take it a bit slower than someone normally would.

    You may need to up your calories. I'm 5'10.5 and got mine set at 1800 but just now upped it to 1850 due to several calculators saying I should be eating a little over 1900 to lose weight.

    But if you are eating just 1300-1400 cals and not eating exercise calories then that may be the problem...eating too little. I use calculators off MFP that counter in my weekly activity.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    5 weeks isn't really that much time. I only measure once a month because it takes quite a while to see any difference. Also, are you weighing solids and measuring liquids? Maybe you're underestimating intake?
  • FitfanaticK
    There are several factors at play when losing weight. I would encourage you to look for motivation through some Non-Scale Victories. The behavior change alone will bring health benefits that you cannot read on a scale. This journey is not all or nothing. Have you had recent blood work completed?
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    5 weeks isn't really that much time. I only measure once a month because it takes quite a while to see any difference. Also, are you weighing solids and measuring liquids? Maybe you're underestimating intake?

    This too

    And is there anywhere around your area that you could go weigh yourself? I have heard of others creeping into a walmart and using their scale.. lol...

    Measurement are always a good ideal but the thing about that is that it will take longer to see progress.
  • Vicks1978
    Vicks1978 Posts: 81 Member
    i am the same! scales barely budge and i gave up on measurements eons ago cos every time i 'felt' lighter and measured...there was no change....
    so i came to think maybe i wasn't measuring in the exact same spot each month or so
    the best advice i can now give is forget the scales and the tape, and listen to your clothes. oh and photos!
    I got into some jeans I haven't been able to get over my thighs in over 6 years this week...yet the scale no movement and the cm's no movement. Like you I exercise, do around 1400 -1600 cals and im working harder than I ever have in my life.
    Some people on here lose and lose on the scales...yet for others we are slow but steady...I like to think of it as at least I am not gaining and I'm maintaining the 20lbs I have managed to lose in 9 mths.
    So you are not alone...everyone's journey is different.....i know its frustrating when we see success stories and mfp friends shouting about their losses, but you're doing it the right way by been healthy and exercising and keeping weight off.
    I would deffo recommend pics too I couldnt believe it when I did side by side shots the difference there was in my face and my legs especially...so ditch the scales AND the tape.
    good luck :)

    ps just re-read and seen this says after 5 weeks...are u insane!!! i have had months where i have had no change whatsoever yet ive worked so so hard!! as a newbie then on here u will find out its not about scales/measurements but all about NSV'S good luck !!!
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    Hmmm. I'd talk to your doctor and see if maybe it is hormonal. I feel for you. I wouldn't throw in the towel. I'd try to be positive and focus on all of the great positive changes you have made.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Two things:
    1. Are you weighing and measuring everything you put in your mouth?
    2. Have you run BMR and TDEE calculations to see if you're even eating enough?

    Both of these things could be contributing to your issue.
  • rdeysher
    Tomorrow will mark the start of my fifth week into diet and exercise and I'm about to just grab a bag of chips and call it a day.

    I'm almost 19, 5'10 / 250lbs. I exercise 5 times a week for 40-50 minutes, I eat 1,300-1,400cals a day, drink plenty of water, my sodium levels are under control, I log every single thing I put into my body so I know that I'm not going over or anything. I've only had 3 days where I ate a bad meal. My diet prior to the start of this was roughly 4k calories a day, and it was all junk!!!

    Every other week I measure my body because my scale doesn't work anymore and I've lost nothing! Not even half of an inch anywhere. I'm feeling so unmotivated because everyone tells me "when you're young, the weight flies off of you/you'll be slimmer in no time" and then I'll go on tumblr and see some really amazing before an after pictures that were taken a month apart. And mine? Not a single change in my body.

    Ugh! I'm so upset, I was really hoping to see little changes in my body at this point. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    Have any of you guys experienced this? What the heck did you do to start losing weight? I would up my exercise but I have asthma so I need to take it a bit slower than someone normally would.

    You may need to up your calories. I'm 5'10.5 and got mine set at 1800 but just now upped it to 1850 due to several calculators saying I should be eating a little over 1900 to lose weight.

    But if you are eating just 1300-1400 cals and not eating exercise calories then that may be the problem...eating too little. I use calculators off MFP that counter in my weekly activity.

    I agree with the eating too little! I am 5'5" tall and my maintenance calorie count is 1650 but I normally eat around 1400 and I am still losing weight. I would eat more in the form of fruits and vegetables. Also, not sure if you are doing it already, but make sure you lift weights 2 times a week as part of your workout routine.
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Don't give up. I am 5'9"...almost...and had that problem. 5 weeks in and barely anything. It was after the 5th week that I really started to drop. I am 9 weeks in and down 18 now. It's crazy and had me irritated, but I hung with it. A trip to the doctor wouldn't hurt, just to check in. Hang in there and if you need friends here, you can add me.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member

    Every other week I measure my body because my scale doesn't work anymore and I've lost nothing! Not even half of an inch anywhere.
    In all likelihood you've lost weight. But without weighing you're not going to know. They're cheap enough go and buy some or I'm sure there's ones in a gym or pharmacy you can use. I really wouldn't start playing around with your diet yet as in reality you haven't a clue if its working because without weighing yourself you don't have all the information yet
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm with the users who asked you to look into your calorie intake vs. the calories burned. You are exercising a lot, you're young, and you're tall. You may be eating too little and that could be as damaging as eating too much.

    ETA: I also agree with the users who suggested scale error. How old is this scale? Put a 5 or 10 pound weight on it, or find another way to check it for accuracy.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well done on sticking with it for 5 weeks without weighing!

    You're doing great, open your diary if you want some comment on your foods.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I am six inches shorter and twenty some years older than you and I eat at least as much as you and still lose weight!
  • becsnz1
    becsnz1 Posts: 85 Member
    Yep, I bet you're not eating anywhere near enough cals for your height and the amount of exercise you are doing. Also, hang in there, it takes me 6-10 weeks to see changes when I start new regimes. It will come, just be patient and carry on but eat more :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Tomorrow will mark the start of my fifth week into diet and exercise and I'm about to just grab a bag of chips and call it a day.

    I'm almost 19, 5'10 / 250lbs. I exercise 5 times a week for 40-50 minutes, I eat 1,300-1,400cals a day, drink plenty of water, my sodium levels are under control, I log every single thing I put into my body so I know that I'm not going over or anything. I've only had 3 days where I ate a bad meal. My diet prior to the start of this was roughly 4k calories a day, and it was all junk!!!

    Every other week I measure my body because my scale doesn't work anymore and I've lost nothing! Not even half of an inch anywhere. I'm feeling so unmotivated because everyone tells me "when you're young, the weight flies off of you/you'll be slimmer in no time" and then I'll go on tumblr and see some really amazing before an after pictures that were taken a month apart. And mine? Not a single change in my body.

    Ugh! I'm so upset, I was really hoping to see little changes in my body at this point. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    Have any of you guys experienced this? What the heck did you do to start losing weight? I would up my exercise but I have asthma so I need to take it a bit slower than someone normally would.

    Is the 1300-1400 calories a day before or after exercise? You need to eat back all of your calories when eating so little.

    When I started out I was 195 pounds. I was eating an average of 1800 to 1900 calories a day AFTER exercise. I lost an average of 2lb a week.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    I want to agree with your frustration. I have been there. I hate measuring - last year I lost ten lbs and not a single measurement said I lost anything. I was fitting better into clothes yet my hips and belly were the same measurements. Super frustrating. Made me cry once. I much prefer the scale, because even if its going up, at least its freaking changing!

    I weigh myself every day when I wake up. I know alot of people advise against weighing that often because some people get obessed. I dont. I weigh, write down the weight on a calendar, and on Saturdays, I use a calculator to figure out my average for that week, then I record my average on excel. It allows me to see my progress (or lack of) on a little graph on my computer. That makes me happy.

    Also - I think you are eating too little. You are slowing down your metabolism, which causes your body to think you are starving and it wants to hold onto anything it can to survive the famine. You need to figure out what your body really needs to maintain itself (google TDEE) and then eat at a healthy 500 calorie deficit. And eat back your exercise calories!! If you are eating 1300, then exercise off 300, then you are only giving your body 1000 cals for the day. Thats definitely starvation mode!

    Be good to your body, and it will be good for you :)