Snap-Crackel-Pop just turned into CRUNCH CRUNCH ouch!

CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
I posted a couple of weeks ago about how my left knee was making crackling noises when I bent it but it didn't hurt. Since so many people posted that they had similar issues, I figured I wouldn't worry about it.
Well, it's gotten progressively more CRUNCHY sounding to the point that you can hear me straighten my leg from the other side of the room and is starting to throb/ache by the end of the day and is pretty uncomfortable when I climb the stairs.
I started taking glucosamine chondroiton but I understand that, if it is going to help, it will take a couple of months before you notice any difference.

So, I know I am still obese and the excess weight is definitely not easy on my knee, but it seems like the lighter I become, the less strain my body weight will put on my knee. Instead, my knee has gotten crunchier and more uncomfortable over the past several weeks as I have lost weight.

Are there any exercises I can do to strengthen my knee? Anything I should especially avoid (I've already modified a lot of the workouts I do so there is less strain being put on that knee)?

Do I need to see a doctor, or can I just take care of it at home? I don't think the doctor would be able to do much for me but, on the other hand, I don't really want to injur myself and then not be able to work out at all until I heal.

Suggestions or advice, anyone?


  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    i've had my fair share of knee issues, and let me tell ya...low resistance is the way to go. Try to stay away from walking or running instead do more cycling, elliptical, swimming, etc. these exercises will help your knee by giving it a break, but still keep you moving! i fell in love with cycling personally...

    Also, about the doctor, everyone is different, but if this is a more recent thing, and you still have stability in your knee, I'd say give it a while til your body adjusts to your new work out routine. If the problem persists or worsens after a few weeks....or if it swells at all consult a physician.

    The knees are incredibly important in any exercise, so the more you exercise, the more they'll make a fuss. But, if this has been going on a long time, I'd say see your doctor to be safe.
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    ice your knee whenever you can too!!!! it may really help!!!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I have the same symptoms and wear a knee wrap when exercising. I do swim and bike ride - but I walk A LOT too! Certain things are a problem - running, jumping jacks, jump rope, etc. As I lost weight I can actually run up the stairs again without pain!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV, but I have had success with the exercises for patello femoral syndrome at
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV, but I have had success with the exercises for patello femoral syndrome at

    LOL....this is why I love this website. Everyone has a great sense of humor. Ice it, stretch it and monitor it. If it gets worse, see a physical therapist (since they're more likely to give you helpful advice than a doctor). But you should keep regularly scheduled 6 month appointments with your doctor and mention it to him them. It's probably nothing but it could definitely also be something. Take care of yourself!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    My doctor told me I needed to strengthen the muscles in the front and back of my thigh to help with my knee problems. But he also said, to pace myself according to the discomfort. There are a number of exercises that will do this. I have been working on this for a couple years and I still have good days and bad from over using it or from the weather. I usually do recumbent bike everyday to keep my knees working. If I miss a day... the next day I am stiff and struggling. Good luck!
  • I would def see a orthapaedic specialist. You would need to get a referal from your GP first. I don't want to scare you but to me that sounds like its your bone scraping together, My mother had this problem and has just had a half knee replacement. Prior to this she was having trouble walking. This may sound major but I think it would be best to see a doctor.
  • I've been taking fish oil for my knee that used to feel like it was grinding. Plus it's supposedly good for your heart and nervous system.
  • You actually might want to consider using heat on your knee instead of ice also. Ice is used to keep injuries from swelling. Heat will actually open up the blood vessels and relax the muscles.
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
    A doctor is only really good if you think you have a cartilage tear or arthritis both of which sound unlikely from how you describe it. I would be worth your while to see a physio for a thorough assessment and advice on the best exercises to strengthen your knee.
  • I agree, low resistance, try it in a pool, great way to get a good workout without the strain on your joints. I have thrown my knee like every year since a football injury when I was younger, sadly (especially if it's your cartilage) if you don't want surgery you are just gonna have to wear a brace and take it easy.
  • I have arthritis in my right knee. Your symptoms sound exactly like mine. My doctor suggested osteo -biflex and it works wonders! I don't take it all the time. Just when it starts acting up, I take it with advil. If I catch it early within a day or two I feel much better. Then I continue the osteo-biflex until I get sick of swallowing them again and then slack off.

    My first bad episode was three years ago after my hysterectomy. I was so lucky (not) to get staph and pseudomonus infections which led to readmittance to the hospital the day after discharge and subsequent surgeries to repair an abscess and landed me in that hospital bed for twelve days. Went home with an open belly wound and a wound vac system. Still tied to the bed once home... this went on for eleven weeks trying to heal my incision. Inactivity is not a friend of arthritis. My knee started killing me. After my surgery from hell, my gp knew that a surgical option for my knee would not be welcomed so he suggested the above referenced regimen and I gladly accepted it.

    Hope you feel better really soon!
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