What things trigger YOU to wreck your eating habits?



  • gossipkween
    gossipkween Posts: 35 Member
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    If I bring my "trigger" foods into the house, I binge. I am fine if I eat them in a controlled environment outside of the house. So, if I want ice cream, I go get the best freaking ice cream in town and have one scoop in a waffle cone *at the ice cream shop* instead of buying a larger container to eat in the house. I feel like thinking of treats as an indulgence that i eat for an occasion works better for me than trying to keep them around and moderate my use of them in my home. If I make a pie for a holiday, I don't take any home, etc. I just eat my slice, enjoy it with guilt, and move on.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    being tired... i will look for sugar or crap for that instant 'pick me up'
  • peike424
    I was doing so well until I got sick. In the last three days I've had Wendy's, Tim Hortons, McDonalds mcflurry... And there's probably more :\ I am putting my foot down after today, as I logged my Wendy's dinner and realized I am over by almost 1000 calories. But oh well, one day doesn't make or break you!
  • xMadeInChinax
    xMadeInChinax Posts: 19 Member
    Traveling. I travel a lot and when I'm exposed to so many new foods I'm like...WOW I want to try that!! Then I diet and diet and finally give in and binge. Also the pressure to stay thin I find to have the opposite effect on me. (Ex. People telling me to loose weight)
  • christopherphillips1983
    I also fall into the "My day is ruined so may as well eat whatever" trap. Like today, I knew I had a birthday party where I was going to be pigging out on pizza and booze (and sure enough, I put down like 1,800 calories during the party alone), so while out at the mall earlier, I also stopped at Burgerville for lunch, under the belief that today was just going to be crappy for my diet.

    It's a bad habit and I intend to break it.
  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    Either boredom or stress for me. I have been known to practically inhale a big "perfect for sharing" size bag of crisps in one morning at work if things are particularly bad...

    Also TOM usually makes me crave sweet stuff like there's o tomorrow. Not ideal if you have a family history of diabetes.
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    1) Alcohol. I'm in college, so that makes it difficult enough. It's high in calories just by itself, so I usually spend the day saving my calories for it, and not only to I over-drink, but then I'm starved for real food because all I've had all day is a damn salad and a protein bar! Thursday through Saturday is a vicious cycle.

    LOL This exactly!!
  • Zippy07r
    Zippy07r Posts: 5 Member
    My better half and her "shall we have a take away?" and when she offers me a bit of her cake/chocolate, etc and I say "No Thanks"...she responds with "but I saved it for you because I love you".

    How can I say no after that?
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    as weird as it may be, the thing that triggers me to wreck my hard work is reaching a goal, i can fall off the healthy eating wagon for weeks on end and ultimately undo some of the hard work, i eat rubbish and stop exercising, i don't know why i do this, and i don't know how to stop it :sad:

    another thing that wrecks my eating habits is my husband being off work, he always trys to feed me, lots! he doesn't do it deliberately, he's just one of those annoying people that have never dieted lol, he's had this last week off work, and despite the fact that i have told him numerous times about it (portion control, types of food) he still insists on piling my plate up, also i can't exercise (other than my normal walking) while he is around because i feel so self conscious

    it could be worse, i could be like some of you who's trigger is stress, if that was the case i'd be the size of a whale because i live in a very stressful environment (oldest son has behavioral/mental problems) i must have just somehow over the last 14 years become used to it, that said when he has one of his really bad "episodes" (last year he disappeared for 36 hours) i just stop eating and get an upset stomach

    op i've had it before where i've tried to organise something for my birthday, and i know how hurtful it can feel when your friends don't seem bothered, please don't let it send you into a spiral, tell them how you feel, if they already know, then find somebody else to celebrate with, or some other way of celebrating, don't let it drag you down x
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    :devil: Demon Alcohol...:devil:

    Oh, and kitten gif's.....:cry:
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    Boredom. Being near kitchen. A change in usual routine!! Really easy things! I'm just really trying to chose healthy options when I'm eating extra calories, x
  • HealthyWiaaam
    1) When I lose control of my routine, I just quit my healthy habits.For example, if I plan to go to the gym but I can't because I have some unexpected things to do, I will feel frustrated and quit.
    2) Also, I am an emotional eater and when I feel overwhelmed, I just want to eat.
  • holly273
    holly273 Posts: 84 Member
    For me (this is quite personal and potentially triggering) it's when I've been upset by something, and have then had even just 1 "bad" thing, so then I figure I can just screw it all and think "it's ok, I can throw it up anyway" (recovering from an ED) so sort of take advantage of the fact that I know I can throw it up, and go a bit crazy eating whatever I want...upside is that I've now gotten to a place where I then manage to not go throw up (haven't in like a year now!), but because I've had the thought that I can eat whatever I want because I'm planning to throw it up, it does tend to wreck my eating, as by the time I convince myself it's not worth it to slip back into the ED habits, I've already gone way over.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Actually if I don't eat enough and end up working out anyway. I can become uncontrollably ravenous. I sometimes have a 2 scoop protein shake with water to keep me sane (when I can't make it back to my kitchen)
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member

    Yeah, same here :blushing:
  • Lorichr
    Stress at work combined with crap sitting in the break room.
  • drxl34
    drxl34 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm not an emotional eater but my fiance and I love to go out to eat. We always plan our meals ahead of time but once we get to the restaurant we just want different meals and end up going too high above our goals. Once you cheat one time, its hard not to cheat the next day...
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    Emotional eater here. I will eat when stressed, when anxious, when bored, when lonely. Or sometimes I will eat when I'm perfectly happy and just want a hit of sugar to make me feel a little better.

    I'm here and once I start its hard to stop :(