Only lost 7lbs in a month - getting very frustrated!

I'm 5'3" & started off at 153lbs. I joined WW Online, have stuck to the points, not used my weekly "allowance" points & am always going to gym doing cardio.

Almost a month later, I've only lost 7lbs & I'm now 145lbs.

I'm getting so frustrated as I'm working so hard. I want to be 8st 5lbs (approx 117lbs), by the end of May. My cousin is getting married in Cyprus then & right now I feel so wobbly & huge & cellulitey that I would never let anyone see me in swimwear, so looks like I will wearing something baggy.

Keep reading about people losing 3lb a week & they don't seem to be doing half of what I'm doing. I'm not even losing a pound a week at the moment & I'm getting really fed up.

Been taking body measurements as well & they haven't changed either. Arrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!


  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
    7lbs is a lot in a month when you aren't bigger than you are.
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    At the rate you're losing, you'll be at 118lbs by the end of May.

    What's the problem?!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I agree, 7 lbs in a month is plenty. Given your stats, 1 lb a week is a reasonable expectation, and that would be more like 0.5 lbs a week pretty soon. Fat doesn't just drop off you at the same rate it does someone who is obese. With the amount you have to lose, if you were losing 3 lbs a week, it would not be all fat, it would be too much lean mass too. That would not help you look less "wobbly & huge & cellulitey". :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Calm down! For a start 7lbs in a month is fantastic and certainly more than a lb a week!

    You didn't put the weight on overnight you can't expect to lose it overnight. Keep doing what youre doing as its working and you will get to gw.

    Eta if you're not already start doing some strength workouts to help recomposition your body
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    7 pounds in a month is a good loss. You need to stop having such ridiculous expectations you did did not put the weight on that quickly do why do you expect it to come off instantly. Keep what you're doing and learn patience and it will carry on. People who start at heavier weight s will always lose quicker so worrying about others we're all different
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    7lb in a month? I'm lucky to lose that in 3! Celebrate your success instead of being greedy, this isn't a quick fix.
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    At the rate you're losing, you'll be at 118lbs by the end of May.

    What's the problem?!

    She may need to lose them fast.. I have to lose too 6 lbs too but I need to lose them fast because I'm a dancer

    Why.....she says she wants to be at 117lbs by the end of may?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Only? :huh:
  • Denise_Valentine
    Denise_Valentine Posts: 93 Member
    lucky you! I wish I had your problems! 7lbs in a month is awesome!! 1lb a week is normal and the healthy way to go. you are doing amazing! take measurements too. this helps a lot. keep going and you'll be fit and your Goal weight in no time!
  • TimothyWHughes
    TimothyWHughes Posts: 20 Member
    I would be thrilled beyond belief to lose 7lbs in a month! You're doing very well indeed.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm working out my food with the points system & some days it's working out at less than 1000 calories.

    Combined with the gym & feeling hungry a lot & eating about a quarter of what I used to, I thought I'd have noticed a tiny difference by now, but nothing yet & people who haven't seen me for over a month haven't made any comment.

    Looked at people's weight loss videos/photos & there's a noticeable difference after a month, but I look the same.

    I'm staying motivated but it's becoming really difficult when it seems there's nothing to show for all my effort.
  • mcpakemeg
    mcpakemeg Posts: 5 Member
    Woah, what were you expecting? 7 pounds seems like a lot for only one month!! :O
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Only? :huh:


    7 lbs is phenomenal. I would be ridiculously happy to lose 7 lbs in a month and I still have alot to lose.

    It's all about perspective. Be happy with what you've accomplished.
  • NatalieG525
    NatalieG525 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey, i'm wayyyyy heavier than you (same height too). I weighed 220 January 1st and now weigh 213 Feb 1st. 7lb loss. I am beyond thrilled!! So you should be even more than thrilled considering you're not a big girl like me.

    Slow and steady wins the race :)
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    I did put it all on quite quickly, a stone & a half in 2 months as I snacked a lot because my life felt like it had fallen to bits (had to find somewhere to live, relationship breakup, nasty online stalker).

    I guess it's because my clothes don't feel that much different & only lost 0.7lbs the last 2 weeks & I'm not cheating.

    Plus I'm impatient & no one commenting "you've lost weight" etc makes me feel a bit rubbish.
  • royvmax
    royvmax Posts: 13 Member
    First of all - 7lbs in a month IS a goood loss, well done you! Have you looked at what you are eating, rather than just the calories. Some people respond welll to higher protein lower carb meals eg grilled chicken and steamed green veg. 1000 calories also seems very low, there is a pointwhere your metabolism slows down because you are not eating enough.
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    Jealous! I have lost 1lb in my first month. Annoyed is an understatement!
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    Hate fruits & vegetables (always have since I was child) so have been juicing them to get some goodness into me because I know it's not right that I don't eat many of them (although I have discovered a LOVE for butternut squash).

    To try & explain my frustration, at my work leaving do a couple of months ago I was called a fat c*** by a complete stranger & although I know I shouldn't let an idiot get to me, it has.

    I want to lose as much weight as possible so no else thinks I am fat because now I think that's what everyone who looks at me is thinking.
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    With all due respect....

    If you aren't happy with 7 lbs a month, I'd be more than happy to take them here.

    Really.... 7 lbs is an amazing loss especially at your weight! Have some patience. Most people never see that kind of loss in a month.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Um.... 7lbs in a month is a lot for anyone at any size. Don't be so impatient! Your complaining about a 7lbs 1 month loss is borderline offensive to people like myself who have a hard time losing 7lbs that fast. You need to reset your expectations into the realm of reality.

    Furthermore at 1000 cals or less you are starving yourself. To burn fat you must consume food: calories, fats, proteins, carbs, etc. Not eating enough will put your body into fat storage mode, and well, you're just gonna get more frustrated as your lack of progress takes hold. You should spend some time researching what a proper caloric intake should be especially when including exercise.

    You say you feel hungry all the time. You will not lose weight in a healthy way if you are starving, you need to eat. You should never starve yourself. You may not lose weight at all. This is how a person does muscle, organ and bone damage to themselves while preserving fat. It's a bad path.

    I do understand wanting a comment and not getting it. I felt like I earned it and hadn't heard anything from anyone. Finally started getting compliments from male friends who were taking note. it took a long time but getting it unsolicited like that really paid off. Just keep at it.
  • 7 pounds in a month, given your relatively small size, is actually quite a lot.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It doesn't seem like a healthy rate to lose weight at your weight... Just IMO. You're probably losing a lot of muscle mass too.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    It doesn't seem like a healthy rate to lose weight at your weight... Just IMO. You're probably losing a lot of muscle mass too.

    1000 cals or less on exercise days, and she says she feels hungry alot. Absolutely she's losing muscle, not fat.
  • Tickateeboo
    Tickateeboo Posts: 132 Member
    That is quite a good weight loss for a month. The people who are 'losing 3 pounds a week', are they a lot bigger than you are? More comes off if you are much heavier.
  • Really big poeple can loose a stone in a month with diet and exercise,they have been having 4000+ cals a day then on a diet like yours they drop to 1500 or so cals which is a masive caloric deficit and they are carring round 5st more than you all day.
    My wife has lost weight and started doing weights now with cardio her weight lose has slowed down and she said the weights were a wast of time until i checked her body mass and her muscle weight had gone up.
    what you have done so far is fantastic and you shouldnt look at it any other way,its always harder to loose when your not big to start with.
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    7 pounds is a lot for one month. If you lose 7 pounds each month over the next couple of months you'll blow away your goal and look SMOKIN' in that bikini!!

    Also, what about NSV?? (non-scale victories). Scales are EVIL!! Do your clothes fit differently? What about more room in your jeans? Diet is only part of the process. Exercise will do as much for your body as dieting. Focus on the positive and keep at it. Then you'll rock the bikini, have a blast at the wedding and feel great about yourself and what you've accomplished.
  • scorpiana89
    scorpiana89 Posts: 84 Member
    It sounds like you are developing an eating disorder, and I think you need to reevaluate your goals. Why 117 pounds? I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 128 based on my bmi. I'm a below average height for a woman, so chances are your goal weight is about the same or higher, and if you're toning you should be great. At a minimum up your calories to 1200-1400 and you will probably see more success. Most people here that are at their goal weight and are maintaining it well will tell you: eat more! Think of your 7lb weight loss as a blessing, because in reality it will probably not get much better than that. I think you can reasonably expect to lose about 3-5 pounds a month. Depending on when in May the wedding is, I think you will have lost between 10-20 pounds rough.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    You lost 5% of your body weight in one month.
  • It doesn't seem like a healthy rate to lose weight at your weight... Just IMO. You're probably losing a lot of muscle mass too.

    1000 cals or less on exercise days, and she says she feels hungry alot. Absolutely she's losing muscle, not fat.

    Even well above that, if she uses the default MFP protein settings and does not weight train, she's going to lose muscle.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member

    a couple of months ago I was called a fat c*** by a complete stranger

    I feel like you are letting the 'fat' part of that statement get to you because of insecurities, when the 'c***' part was the real jab.

    From the sound of it, you don't want to approach weight loss with a slow and steady mentality, you want it all gone, right now.

    Work out hard, push yourself, feed yourself, love yourself and you will get to your a place where you are happy.