Only lost 7lbs in a month - getting very frustrated!



  • 7 pounds in a month, given your relatively small size, is actually quite a lot.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It doesn't seem like a healthy rate to lose weight at your weight... Just IMO. You're probably losing a lot of muscle mass too.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    It doesn't seem like a healthy rate to lose weight at your weight... Just IMO. You're probably losing a lot of muscle mass too.

    1000 cals or less on exercise days, and she says she feels hungry alot. Absolutely she's losing muscle, not fat.
  • Tickateeboo
    Tickateeboo Posts: 132 Member
    That is quite a good weight loss for a month. The people who are 'losing 3 pounds a week', are they a lot bigger than you are? More comes off if you are much heavier.
  • Really big poeple can loose a stone in a month with diet and exercise,they have been having 4000+ cals a day then on a diet like yours they drop to 1500 or so cals which is a masive caloric deficit and they are carring round 5st more than you all day.
    My wife has lost weight and started doing weights now with cardio her weight lose has slowed down and she said the weights were a wast of time until i checked her body mass and her muscle weight had gone up.
    what you have done so far is fantastic and you shouldnt look at it any other way,its always harder to loose when your not big to start with.
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    7 pounds is a lot for one month. If you lose 7 pounds each month over the next couple of months you'll blow away your goal and look SMOKIN' in that bikini!!

    Also, what about NSV?? (non-scale victories). Scales are EVIL!! Do your clothes fit differently? What about more room in your jeans? Diet is only part of the process. Exercise will do as much for your body as dieting. Focus on the positive and keep at it. Then you'll rock the bikini, have a blast at the wedding and feel great about yourself and what you've accomplished.
  • scorpiana89
    scorpiana89 Posts: 84 Member
    It sounds like you are developing an eating disorder, and I think you need to reevaluate your goals. Why 117 pounds? I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 128 based on my bmi. I'm a below average height for a woman, so chances are your goal weight is about the same or higher, and if you're toning you should be great. At a minimum up your calories to 1200-1400 and you will probably see more success. Most people here that are at their goal weight and are maintaining it well will tell you: eat more! Think of your 7lb weight loss as a blessing, because in reality it will probably not get much better than that. I think you can reasonably expect to lose about 3-5 pounds a month. Depending on when in May the wedding is, I think you will have lost between 10-20 pounds rough.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    You lost 5% of your body weight in one month.
  • It doesn't seem like a healthy rate to lose weight at your weight... Just IMO. You're probably losing a lot of muscle mass too.

    1000 cals or less on exercise days, and she says she feels hungry alot. Absolutely she's losing muscle, not fat.

    Even well above that, if she uses the default MFP protein settings and does not weight train, she's going to lose muscle.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member

    a couple of months ago I was called a fat c*** by a complete stranger

    I feel like you are letting the 'fat' part of that statement get to you because of insecurities, when the 'c***' part was the real jab.

    From the sound of it, you don't want to approach weight loss with a slow and steady mentality, you want it all gone, right now.

    Work out hard, push yourself, feed yourself, love yourself and you will get to your a place where you are happy.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I've lost nothing since last august, I'd kill to lose that much in a month. What you're doing is unsustainable and is only going to cause more heartache in the long term, when you inevitably give in and eat what you've been denying yourself, then beat yourself up, then restrict even more, exercise more, binge more ...... you get the picture.
  • What 1-2 a week is healthy. 7 lbs in a month is awesome for being no bigger then you are. Keep it up. :-)
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    suck it up woman. damn.
  • shy58
    shy58 Posts: 4
    7 lbs in a month is absolutely fantastic! Be proud of yourself and your accomplishment............
  • liddienicole
    liddienicole Posts: 45 Member
    I've lost 7 pounds in a month and I'm over the moon! And i'm not a big girl so I'm happy I'm losing at a nice rate because it can be hard if you're not obese to lose that much weight. So just be happy and keep at it - In May you would have lost loads if you continue at this rate :)
  • Hey hun,don't put yourself down, any more than 2lb a week loss stands a higher chance of coming back so 7lb over a month is not abad amount to loose.If you have only been having 1000 calories a day plus working out on top you could easily be putting your body into starvation mode,if you are burning off say 400 calories you are only having in essence 600 calories a day and your body will start hoarding weight to deal with the extra burden you are putting on it.If you are doing the same exercises your body could have gotten used to them so maybe introduce some new exercises or do your normal ones a little longer,take care hun and don't over do it x
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    7 lbs in a month is good. Don't forget that because you are a woman, there is going to be one week out of the month where either you'll lose nothing or you'll gain a lb or two. That's just how it is. So considering that, 7 lbs is quite impressive. I've lost 6 lbs and no one has said anything to me yet either. It's OK they will. Eat a little something if you are hungry to keep your metabolism up. If you are working out a lot, your body may be looking for more protein. You are doing great. Don't give up.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    7lb in a month is a really good amount of weight loss. Don't forget you didn't put the weight on overnight, so it won't come off overnight.
    Keep doing what you're doing and the results will continue to come. Focus on the positive of having lost half a stone!!
    Well done, you've done an amazing job
  • I think you have some seriously skewed expectations. As pretty much everyone has already mentioned, 7 lb in a month is healthy and reasonable, and with how little you have to lose you probably won't see results any faster than that.

    You also say that you're discouraged because no one is commenting on your weight loss and no one has noticed, but to be honest 7lb isn't going to make a huge difference on your body unless you're already stick thin (and even then, maybe not). Also, personally, I consider remarking on someone's weight to be kind of rude and would never do it, especially to someone I don't know very well. I might say "you look great!" but I'd never say "you've lost weight!"

    I get that you're frustrated and you want all the weight gone NOW. So does everyone else on this board, but that's unfortunately not the way life works.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    Firstly I didn't mean to be "borderline offensive" to anyone. I was just down because I weighed myself this morning.

    I don't have an eating disorder, I'm on Weightwatchers & eating what the points allow me. I just so happen to put them onto here to see what it equated to & it came out at under 1000 calories. I didn't sent out to only eat that much.

    Maybe I've just read the wrong stories where people have lost loads.

    Sorry if I've annoyed anyone :(