A Sweet Craving Turned Into A Good Plan For The Future.



  • Shari325
    Shari325 Posts: 196 Member
    Sue, Excellent reply to MyFoodGod. I'm sure I would not have been as polite.

    I am an addiction counselor, as well as a recovering alcoholic and food addict. I think OA is a wonderful program, but it is not for me. And that is because of the controlling, single-mindedness of most participants. We all took different paths to gaining weight and loosing control of our eating habits, we will all take different paths to recovery. To think one size fits all is ridiculous and counter-productive!

    My original reply (before reading the responses) was going to tell you not to be surprised if you find you are disappointed in the doughnut. I had a craving for pizza, not just any pizza, but the greasy, loaded with cheese and fat laden, salty meats on a thick doughy crust kind! Knowing that eating it would cause my weight to go up (if only from water retention), I kept putting it off. Dangling it like a carrot out in front of me, for six months. I'd tell myself, 'you can have the pizza after you loose xx pounds' or ' after this milestone...' Each time I would hit one of those, I'd decide the next weight goal or milestone was too close, 'I'll have it after...' I did this for months. I never binged! And I did have other treats during this time, just no pizza! I finally had the pizza on Christmas Eve. It did not taste as good as I remembered, and all the grease made me feel sick to my stomach. Major disappointment!

    I think your plan is an excellent idea and I hope it is everything you anticipate.

  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I think you are looking for permission for an old fashioned binge. You are using your birthday as an excuse for what you know in your heart is not a good idea.

    By your own admission you have struggled with your weight all your life. Is it worth that chance of reversing all your hard work for a donut?

    Our bodies can only take a certain amount if abuse. Will your doctor be happy you learn of your plan?

    Pray about this. Ask God what he wants for you. Check out Overeaters Anonymous because I think you are toying with a bad idea and I for one cannot encourage you. Why blow your progress?

    Your use of the word "binge" in your post is a hint at what you have in mine.

    LOL You need to loosen up a little. She's lost 100lbs...don't think she is over eating.

    While I believe that there are those that can benefit from belonging to an organization such as Over Eaters...not everyone that eats 1 donut qualifies.

    If it is helping you then congratulations but projecting your needs on to others can also be a problem.

    Oh...and BTW...I had my weekly pizza again on Sunday...all 330 cals of it.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Sue, Excellent reply to MyFoodGod. I'm sure I would not have been as polite.

    I am an addiction counselor, as well as a recovering alcoholic and food addict. I think OA is a wonderful program, but it is not for me. And that is because of the controlling, single-mindedness of most participants. We all took different paths to gaining weight and loosing control of our eating habits, we will all take different paths to recovery. To think one size fits all is ridiculous and counter-productive!

    My original reply (before reading the responses) was going to tell you not to be surprised if you find you are disappointed in the doughnut. I had a craving for pizza, not just any pizza, but the greasy, loaded with cheese and fat laden, salty meats on a thick doughy crust kind! Knowing that eating it would cause my weight to go up (if only from water retention), I kept putting it off. Dangling it like a carrot out in front of me, for six months. I'd tell myself, 'you can have the pizza after you loose xx pounds' or ' after this milestone...' Each time I would hit one of those, I'd decide the next weight goal or milestone was too close, 'I'll have it after...' I did this for months. I never binged! And I did have other treats during this time, just no pizza! I finally had the pizza on Christmas Eve. It did not taste as good as I remembered, and all the grease made me feel sick to my stomach. Major disappointment!

    I think your plan is an excellent idea and I hope it is everything you anticipate.


    I am a pizza fan too. Didn't want to give it up entirely so I went to an extra thin crust...left off the meat and added veggies. Learned how to enjoy 2 slices instead of 3 or 4. Is it as good as the old pizza...honestly...not really...but it is still good and satisfies my hunger for pizza.

    Want to start making my own at home though so that I can control the ingredients more.
  • GEMMA_2014
    I stopped obsessing over food. I have lost 113 lbs. I am here to lose the last 40 lbs.

    Doughnuts are not your friend.

    Doughnuts are not your enemy .

    Doughnuts are just something to eat.

    Eat the Doughnut.

    I gave myself permission to eat whatever I want with portion control. I lost 113 lbs and yes I eat doughnuts. Small cute doughnuts but doughnuts.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Sounds like a great plan, Sue. You and Special Ed will have a great time on your birthday.

    One thing I've been thinking about recently is calories per time enjoyed, not just the calorie count of an item. So many things we eat are calorie dense but over and eaten within a bite or two. They are eaten very quickly, such as a cookie. And that's a lot of calories to "spend" on a fleeting few seconds. Things like a hard candy (25 calories) that lasts several minutes seem like a much better "deal" to me. No doubt you will savor your birthday donut and not rush the enjoyment process!

    Happy Birthday!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Sounds like a great plan, Sue. You and Special Ed will have a great time on your birthday.

    One thing I've been thinking about recently is calories per time enjoyed, not just the calorie count of an item. So many things we eat are calorie dense but over and eaten within a bite or two. They are eaten very quickly, such as a cookie. And that's a lot of calories to "spend" on a fleeting few seconds. Things like a hard candy (25 calories) that lasts several minutes seem like a much better "deal" to me. No doubt you will savor your birthday donut and not rush the enjoyment process!

    Happy Birthday!

    That is exactly why I want to have that donut with a cup of my favorite hot beverage. It will help make the treat last longer. I can slowly enjoy both of these wonderful items.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    My original reply (before reading the responses) was going to tell you not to be surprised if you find you are disappointed in the doughnut. I had a craving for pizza, not just any pizza, but the greasy, loaded with cheese and fat laden, salty meats on a thick doughy crust kind! Knowing that eating it would cause my weight to go up (if only from water retention), I kept putting it off. Dangling it like a carrot out in front of me, for six months. I'd tell myself, 'you can have the pizza after you loose xx pounds' or ' after this milestone...' Each time I would hit one of those, I'd decide the next weight goal or milestone was too close, 'I'll have it after...' I did this for months. I never binged! And I did have other treats during this time, just no pizza! I finally had the pizza on Christmas Eve. It did not taste as good as I remembered, and all the grease made me feel sick to my stomach. Major disappointment!

    I think your plan is an excellent idea and I hope it is everything you anticipate.


    I am a pizza fan too. Didn't want to give it up entirely so I went to an extra thin crust...left off the meat and added veggies. Learned how to enjoy 2 slices instead of 3 or 4. Is it as good as the old pizza...honestly...not really...but it is still good and satisfies my hunger for pizza.

    Want to start making my own at home though so that I can control the ingredients more.

    I had a pizza craving a while back. That was, when I discovered the Lean Cuisine Pizzas. I especially enjoy their Wood Fired BBQ Chicken Pizza. It makes a wonderful low calorie lunch or dinner from time to time. In fact, I am having one for dinner tonight.
  • SheFitWalks
    SheFitWalks Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Sue, It sounds like a wonderful day you have planned! I need to start planning ahead like you do. So far, I have just had one of my treats when I wanted it and had it for my snack time.

    I made my one hard-to-resist food last week...brownies. I'm so glad that I accidentally overcooked them and they were dry. It was much easier to only eat 1 at a time that way. I did eat very tiny portions - I even weighed them - and one per day. I didn't go over my calorie count that way. I made them because my husband wanted brownies. He never asks for brownies...ever. So, I made some for him. He wasn't quite as thrilled that they were dry, but he didn't mind. What a sweet man I have. :)

    I hope you and Special Ed have a wonderful birthday date next week! Praying for those knees to quickly heal up!
  • NoTry_JustDo
    The idea of Sue ever going on a binge.... hahahahahahahahahaha.

    Sue is far and away the most disciplined woman I know, maybe to a fault.

    She handles her diet the way an expert horsewoman handles a horse.

    By the way, Sue, even if you had decided to have double your normal calories on your birthday, I would congratulate you. You deserve to celebrate on your special day! There is no arguing with success.
  • crazyminxx
    crazyminxx Posts: 13 Member
    What a great idea! You are allowing yourself that desired treat , but instead of the craving controlling you, you have taken control of it.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I think you have come up with a great plan!

    When I crave, I try to enjoy a little so I won't binge on it after the craving has gotten worse.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I think you are looking for permission for an old fashioned binge. You are using your birthday as an excuse for what you know in your heart is not a good idea.

    By your own admission you have struggled with your weight all your life. Is it worth that chance of reversing all your hard work for a donut?

    Our bodies can only take a certain amount if abuse. Will your doctor be happy you learn of your plan?

    Pray about this. Ask God what he wants for you. Check out Overeaters Anonymous because I think you are toying with a bad idea and I for one cannot encourage you. Why blow your progress?

    Your use of the word "binge" in your post is a hint at what you have in mine.

  • RrustyBell
    RrustyBell Posts: 4 Member
    Good for you. I'm glad you found a way to rule over your craving & not let it rule over you. I've used this method for years too. Helps one feel less deprived & gives you a goal. But like another poster I too found that many times when I've craved something it ends up not tasting as good as I had imagined or remembered. I even used this method when I was quitting smoking. No room to go into it here and it is off topic anyway. But it really did help me mentally put that which seemed to be controlling me (food or cigarettes) in a better perspective.

    My main food problem has been with my deep aversion to wasting food. We grew up in India where starvation is a very real & visible reminder not to waste food. Then when we came to the US we were poor so wasting food was not tolerated either. Now I have a problem when I have even just a few bites left on my plate & realize that I am full. But I eat it anyway because of my internal voice telling me clean my plate. Yes, I've done the putting it in the frig for later but many times it gets pushed to the back & then I end up throwing it out later & feel guilty. So now I'm trying to underestimate how much I'll eat then go back for smaller seconds if I know I am really still hungry. It seems to be working better than the measuring my portions did.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing this.
  • tchereej
    tchereej Posts: 18 Member
    I love your idea! I have the same thing going on because my birthday is 2/11, but it's not a donut, it's chocolate cake! I'm going to go to dinner and I'm going to eat that cake! It really does help stop the cravings when you can see it on the horizon. I'm going to log, and do the best I can the rest of the day, and probably go over one day. And then on the 12th I'm going to get up and get back on track.
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    I think you are looking for permission for an old fashioned binge. You are using your birthday as an excuse for what you know in your heart is not a good idea.

    By your own admission you have struggled with your weight all your life. Is it worth that chance of reversing all your hard work for a donut?

    Our bodies can only take a certain amount if abuse. Will your doctor be happy you learn of your plan?

    Pray about this. Ask God what he wants for you. Check out Overeaters Anonymous because I think you are toying with a bad idea and I for one cannot encourage you. Why blow your progress?

    Your use of the word "binge" in your post is a hint at what you have in mine.


    Did you read her profile? She's married to a minister and has limited mobility due to her lifelong weight issues.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I think you are looking for permission for an old fashioned binge. You are using your birthday as an excuse for what you know in your heart is not a good idea.

    By your own admission you have struggled with your weight all your life. Is it worth that chance of reversing all your hard work for a donut?

    Our bodies can only take a certain amount if abuse. Will your doctor be happy you learn of your plan?

    Pray about this. Ask God what he wants for you. Check out Overeaters Anonymous because I think you are toying with a bad idea and I for one cannot encourage you. Why blow your progress?

    Your use of the word "binge" in your post is a hint at what you have in mine.


    Did you read her profile? She's married to a minister and has limited mobility due to her lifelong weight issues.

    Not sure what her being married to a minister has to do with any of this but...

    It might have played a role in her polite reply to you previously.

    I have seen your posts previously...have even been the recipient of one of them. I can't help but think that you are projecting your own insecurities on to others. We all struggle with our own "demons" as to why we allowed ourselves to gain weight. Those reasons will vary from person to person...maybe share some similarities...yet unique to each of us.

    The only way to defeat those "demons" are to face them head on. How we do that is a personal journey all on its own. I started facing my own a couple of years ago...when I finally got it under control...I then began to face what I had allowed to happen to my body and my health.

    You need to own your own insecurities...your own fears...not try to include everyone else in to them.

    Many of us have come a long way...that seems to bother you. I have noticed that your canned response about over eaters is usually directed at people that are succeeding at not only weight loss but at also moving forward in their daily lives. That tells me a lot about you...about your insecurities...your fears.

    I understand them...I am sure that the OP understands them...we have all been there...we all know how hard the battle is to overcome them. If you would just allow it...I am sure that there are those here that would be glad to support you while you are struggling to overcome your own "demons".

    I won't go in to my own "demons"...but it had nothing to do with an addiction to food. I found that hiding behind fat was a safe place to be...behind that wall of fat. I no longer feel the need to hide...I no longer need the fat...I no longer need that wall.

    Instead of trying to pull us behind your walls...why don't you let some of the kind and compassionate people such as the OP take your hand while you take down a few bricks in your wall and find the courage to step through.

    I have very few bricks remaining in my own wall...I took them down...one by one. I still have a few to go...maybe I always will...but I no longer fear...stepping out from behind that wall.

    It is a beautiful world on the other side of your wall...take down even just a few bricks....take a look at what your missing.

    I wish you well...I truly do hope that you conquer those fears...decide to step out from behind that wall.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I just eat the donut. :ohwell:

    ^That's pretty much me.

    I like the idea of "thinking ahead" for special days. It's not like birthdays "sneak up" on me. I really should be able to slip a couple of extra jogs into my week, to accommodate special occasions. But I could never pre-plan my food. I've learned not to plan anything, not food, not exercise, not house work, not meet-ups, not even vacations. God, the Universe, or SOMEthing out there takes every plan I've ever made as a challenge--and guess who usually loses that challenge and winds up running around trying to piece things back together again. haha, I just have to laugh about it and appreciate that I've learned to think (and live) "outside the box".

    If you can plan and accommodate something that you want, then go for it!
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    I think you are looking for permission for an old fashioned binge. You are using your birthday as an excuse for what you know in your heart is not a good idea.

    By your own admission you have struggled with your weight all your life. Is it worth that chance of reversing all your hard work for a donut?

    Our bodies can only take a certain amount if abuse. Will your doctor be happy you learn of your plan?

    Pray about this. Ask God what he wants for you. Check out Overeaters Anonymous because I think you are toying with a bad idea and I for one cannot encourage you. Why blow your progress?

    Your use of the word "binge" in your post is a hint at what you have in mine.


    Did you read her profile? She's married to a minister and has limited mobility due to her lifelong weight issues.

    Not sure what her being married to a minister has to do with any of this but...

    It might have played a role in her polite reply to you previously.

    I have seen your posts previously...have even been the recipient of one of them. I can't help but think that you are projecting your own insecurities on to others. We all struggle with our own "demons" as to why we allowed ourselves to gain weight. Those reasons will vary from person to person...maybe share some similarities...yet unique to each of us.

    The only way to defeat those "demons" are to face them head on. How we do that is a personal journey all on its own. I started facing my own a couple of years ago...when I finally got it under control...I then began to face what I had allowed to happen to my body and my health.

    You need to own your own insecurities...your own fears...not try to include everyone else in to them.

    Many of us have come a long way...that seems to bother you. I have noticed that your canned response about over eaters is usually directed at people that are succeeding at not only weight loss but at also moving forward in their daily lives. That tells me a lot about you...about your insecurities...your fears.

    I understand them...I am sure that the OP understands them...we have all been there...we all know how hard the battle is to overcome them. If you would just allow it...I am sure that there are those here that would be glad to support you while you are struggling to overcome your own "demons".

    I won't go in to my own "demons"...but it had nothing to do with an addiction to food. I found that hiding behind fat was a safe place to be...behind that wall of fat. I no longer feel the need to hide...I no longer need the fat...I no longer need that wall.

    Instead of trying to pull us behind your walls...why don't you let some of the kind and compassionate people such as the OP take your hand while you take down a few bricks in your wall and find the courage to step through.

    I have very few bricks remaining in my own wall...I took them down...one by one. I still have a few to go...maybe I always will...but I no longer fear...stepping out from behind that wall.

    It is a beautiful world on the other side of your wall...take down even just a few bricks....take a look at what your missing.

    I wish you well...I truly do hope that you conquer those fears...decide to step out from behind that wall.

    Obesity maims and kills people. The OP profile stated she had to lose weight before the doctor would do knee replacement. She is in the 7th decade if her life. (0-10 years is your first decade) If she decides she can have "just one" on many more occasions she may easily return to old ways. I know too many people who have lost and regained the same 100 pounds(not the same 5). This takes its toll on your body and she may not be able to get back on track. They struggle daily with wanting to binge again.
    People are not all that different when they are craving certain foods.

    When one posts a plan to eat junk ahead of time, are they asking for permission to do something they know is probably not a good idea? I don't think it's a good idea to rubber stamp a bad idea.

    She is married to a minister so my suggestion to pray is to put in God's hand her decision about food / on her birthday and beyond. Yes it does help some people become healthier.

    When you post online, expect all kinds of diverse responses.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    My original reply (before reading the responses) was going to tell you not to be surprised if you find you are disappointed in the doughnut. I had a craving for pizza, not just any pizza, but the greasy, loaded with cheese and fat laden, salty meats on a thick doughy crust kind! Knowing that eating it would cause my weight to go up (if only from water retention), I kept putting it off. Dangling it like a carrot out in front of me, for six months. I'd tell myself, 'you can have the pizza after you loose xx pounds' or ' after this milestone...' Each time I would hit one of those, I'd decide the next weight goal or milestone was too close, 'I'll have it after...' I did this for months. I never binged! And I did have other treats during this time, just no pizza! I finally had the pizza on Christmas Eve. It did not taste as good as I remembered, and all the grease made me feel sick to my stomach. Major disappointment!

    I think your plan is an excellent idea and I hope it is everything you anticipate.


    I am a pizza fan too. Didn't want to give it up entirely so I went to an extra thin crust...left off the meat and added veggies. Learned how to enjoy 2 slices instead of 3 or 4. Is it as good as the old pizza...honestly...not really...but it is still good and satisfies my hunger for pizza.

    Want to start making my own at home though so that I can control the ingredients more.

    I had a pizza craving a while back. That was, when I discovered the Lean Cuisine Pizzas. I especially enjoy their Wood Fired BBQ Chicken Pizza. It makes a wonderful low calorie lunch or dinner from time to time. In fact, I am having one for dinner tonight.

    The Lean Cuisine pizzas are pretty good. I just had the spinach one for lunch today. I think you have a great grasp on your eating & fitness plans to enjoy one doughnut on your birthday. Congratulations on reaching the 100 pound milestone.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I think you are looking for permission for an old fashioned binge. You are using your birthday as an excuse for what you know in your heart is not a good idea.

    By your own admission you have struggled with your weight all your life. Is it worth that chance of reversing all your hard work for a donut?

    Our bodies can only take a certain amount if abuse. Will your doctor be happy you learn of your plan?

    Pray about this. Ask God what he wants for you. Check out Overeaters Anonymous because I think you are toying with a bad idea and I for one cannot encourage you. Why blow your progress?

    Your use of the word "binge" in your post is a hint at what you have in mine.


    Did you read her profile? She's married to a minister and has limited mobility due to her lifelong weight issues.
