83 Pounds To Lose & In Need Of Friends!

Hi! I started a few weeks ago at 258 and am currently at 243. I'm not totally sure what my goal should be but at 5'10", 175 seems like a good number to shoot for. I decided enough was enough of my current lifestyle so now it's on to a healthier future! I already have more energy and am looking forward to what's ahead. I'm an active logger and a firm believer in the power of encouragement and support. I could use some friends around here - feel free to add me if you could too. I'd love to make this journey with others who get it!


  • Brunty554
    Hi welcome to MFP

    I started at 252lbs and after a month I am now 240lbs. I want to get to 170lbs for my wedding in September this year. I know it will be a slow and long process however I am motivated and enjoying it at the moment so fingers crossed

    How are you getting on with your journey?

    I am constantly logging on MFP and have set my calories at 1600 however the past two weeks I have eaten 1700 cals and that seemed ok for me

    I am 5ft4 and 35 years old if that helps

    Good luck and feel free to add me
  • kerryforward
    kerryforward Posts: 64 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'10" too and right now I'm at 273. I desperately need some encouragement here too. I track daily and share my diaries, and I will be happy to add you and also to accept any friend adds from others. Great job on your loss so far, and congratulations on being motivated to continue!
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    Always looking for motivated friends feel free to add me if you like
  • rachaelps
    rachaelps Posts: 38 Member
    Hi !

    Friend request sent....

    I'm Rachael. I started at 264.4 and I'm currently at 204 flat. Onederland is so close I can taste it!!!

    Look forward to supporting each other!
  • shelvasha
    Adding Now! I've been on MyFitnessPal for a long time, but I'm finally getting serious about losing my excess weight. Looking forward to supporting each other and succeeding on our goals!
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    I like - love to hear how others are doing as well . . . Those who keep up with each other seem to do better as well!

    I log in here daily and I am also 5'10" and determined to reach my goal which is now which is another 67 pounds though I'm not glued to the number but rather clothes size. *lol* If I weighed 400 lbs and was in a size 8 I'd be way fine with that! (The goal is what the charts say I should weigh and that would be 153 lbs and 22 bmi)

    Here's the deal: Ten months ago I started at 268 now I'm down to just under 220. I've been working out with Wii Fit plus every morning before breakfast. Its the way I start my day. I burn off at least 455 calories daily doing so.

    My other personal initiative is to move more. The other things I've added periodically is "Get off the Couch" - I have to move it, move it, move it ... and jog during TV commercials (at least for two shows at night as added 'moving').

    Please feel free to add me (I haven't figured out how to add someone yet ... but if you like here's my email - CC_maam@yahoo.com
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    Congratulations! You have done a GREAT job!
  • annie41018
    Best of luck to all. In the past, have had terrible eating habits which ultimately lead to health issues, one of which is Celiac disease. This diagnosis forced me to finally take a look at the big picture of my nutritional profile. So far, I have lost 25 pounds and drastically improved my habits. Still can't shake the eating before bed habit but one step at a time. GOOD LUCK!~
  • mkladyjmm
    mkladyjmm Posts: 25 Member
    I'm very new here. 5'5" 311 lbs starting. Down 8 lbs in 3 days. I'm preparing to go on the Optifast in mid-Feb.
  • TravelinChiGal
    TravelinChiGal Posts: 216 Member
    I am 5' 10" and started at 276. I will send a friend request. I am 25lbs from my goal of 160.

  • ManderWebb
    I started at 225-ish and now am around 217-ish. I want to get down to 150. So I'm not far behind you with a 75-lb weight loss goal! It's very difficult to stay motivated, but I'd be happy to try and offer help!
  • buttercupcakegina
    buttercupcakegina Posts: 34 Member
    I sent a friend request. I'm 5'8" and 205.2 lbs. Aiming to get down to 140 lbs so I have 70.2 lbs to lose. So far I've lost 12.6 lbs.
  • Loveyoustar
    Loveyoustar Posts: 35 Member
    Hi add me :) i'm 5ft 8inch and currently 220lbs. i want to get down to 165lbs.
  • KayKay7459
    KayKay7459 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi feel free to add me!! :)
  • AnnACnd
    AnnACnd Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like! My diary is always open :)
  • jaxsonisterrible1
    hi there. im also 5'10" and somewhere around 275 or so. i don't have a scale right now and id kkinda like to keep it that way lol. i am married with 5 kids and am currently a stay at home mom. i hhave tried this before and really need some support this time. im in canada so the winter here sucks and limits outside activity. please add me as i need support and will be more than happy to give it. :)
  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member

    I am 208 lbs and I want to go down to 150. I need support and motivation too.
    I am adding you as a friend.

    Continue your good work!
    we can all do it!
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    I always have room for more friends. And have great friends for added support. Feel free to add me. were both tall and our weight goals are the same!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I lost 83 pounds. Put 10 back on end of last year. Working it back off slowly. Exercise and eat healthy. Have you heard of Tosca Reno and Eat Clean? She has a new book out that might be good for you to check out to give you that little boost you need.
  • xPeacefulx
    xPeacefulx Posts: 59 Member
    Sending friend request :) Hello im 5'7 272 and am looking to loose 100 pounds and maybe alittle more getting under 200 is my goal though. Im looking for support and motivation too :smile: