83 Pounds To Lose & In Need Of Friends!



  • shanners85
    shanners85 Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations! You're doing amazing! I'm going to add you!
  • I'm 5'10" too!! And my goal is also 175-160. But my plan is to have smaller goals and once I reach one I'll make another. Right now my first goal is to lose 55 pounds by my 30th birthday with is in July.

    Anyone feel free to add me as I don't have many MFP friends. Open diary and will help as much as I can.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 5'10" currently 267. Anyone is free to add me as a friend if they like. I don't have a number I am aiming for, just more about being healthier and being able to be active
  • chmill24
    chmill24 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5 ft 10/11. Started at 250 last April and am down to 163. All it takes is dedication and making it a habit to log EVERYTHING and you can definitely accomplish want you're aiming for.
  • NightLightRaine01
    NightLightRaine01 Posts: 34 Member
    Was 280, Current 250. First goal was 250, I just hit that. Second it to get to 200. Third is to get to 170.

    I have been big all my life. Had the lap-band done in 04 lost a bunch of weight. Had to have it remove due to it effecting my kidneys. Since then I have been losing it slowly over the years. Want to finish what I started.
  • Housekat61
    Housekat61 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there Im Chrys! Im on the way to loose ultimately 100 lbs myself . When I started MFP I was 256 ( which was not my highest weight I actually started months ago at 280 )I am now 235 (which was my first major goal), My next mini goal is 220 by March. Im following a primarily plant based diet with just a little fish thrown in every now and then.Who knows this is working so well I may give up even that and go completely vegetarian. I have found little changes at a time have worked for me and made it easier to keep to a healthier lifestyle. Oh and the spice rack is my bestest friend LOL..way to cut fat and salt without giving up flavor. I incorporate several types of exercise so as not to get bored ,from Aerobic walk dvds to swimming laps and swim aerobics to strength training ,elliptical,.well you get the point I really mix it up a lot. So yeah Im pullin out every weapon I know. I also see a dietitian through my healthcare provider. So theres meh story Im stickin to it. Im always up for adding more friends to my list for shared inspiration. :)
  • Just re-started a couple weeks ago at 231. Now at 220.8 --- my goal is 150, and I am 5'6" :) A year ago I was 236. Long way to go, but I am motivated. Would love to have friends to encourage and motivate.
  • Ladytmack
    Ladytmack Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the website as well ( 1 week) and you may add me as a friend. Good luck in your fitness journey:smile:
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    My highest weight was 319. Started MFP at 300, and I weigh 208 now and 5'4. There will be ups and downs but you can do it! As someone else said,all it takes is dedication. Feel free to add me anyone.
  • sleepy_mum
    sleepy_mum Posts: 40 Member
    Hi all,

    I restarted 4 weeks ago at 270lbs, which at 5ft 5ins is way too much. I have ME and Fibromyalgia which has meant I've been less active over the last two years and have gained weight from a combination of that and bad eating habits. I went part time at work last year and my overall health has improved some as a result - I now feel I have energy for me as well as work!

    So I joined Slimming World 4 weeks ago and have lost 7.5lbs so far. I've logged some of my days eating on here to see how it tallies up and I'm usually around 1600 calories, which is below my target. I do log my activity, most of which has been walking. Though I joined the gym today with my partner and really enjoyed my workout even if it wasn't as hard going as a lot of people's would be.

    I have been on MFP for a while (I tried to lose some last year but my poor health made it really hard so getting better became my priority) and am pretty good at replying to posts, giving likes and encouragement as I'm in it for the long haul and know how much that encouragement means! I don't really understand macros or that kind of thing but am happy to celebrate all the little achievements as well as the big ones. So please feel free to add me if you think I could support you or you could support me :-)

  • ahmadsi329
    ahmadsi329 Posts: 7 Member
    Im 5'11 336 and I started jusy under 3 weeks ago at 348. trying to lose about 63 pounds
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Friend request sent!:happy:
  • I'm 5'8, started at 200 and hit 189 yesterday.. Goal is 150. Looking for friends so request sent :)
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    Weather shouldn't make a difference .... A year ago March I started with my Wii Fit Plus and it was all indoors. I have done some outdoor walking but frankly I really dislike uneven pavement, weird rocks and big dogs. Last week I started at the YMCA and am looking forward to working out there with the circuit that coach had for me as well as swimming ... Monday, Wednesday and Fridays ... anything else is a bonus.