Anyone else losing weight before getting pregnant?



  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    YES! I have 3 kids already. Boy and girl from first marriage. Girl from current marriage and now I want a son from my husband. However like someone else mentioned I want to know what it's like to have a normal pregnancy as in, not be obese. So apart from wanting to lose weight to be healthy and look good, it's also so we can start on conceiving this new child :smile:
  • crossuturn
    crossuturn Posts: 15 Member
    Definitely trying to loose weight in order to get pregnant. I actually don't ovulate so a I am on meds to help and doctor told me in March I needed to loose 30 lbs. to help regulate my hormones to get me ovulating again. So, I joined MFP and started exercising and making healthier food choices. Down 17 lbs! Over halfway there! OF course I want to loose more than 30 lbs...but it's my first small achievable step at a time. My husband and I just signed up for our first 5k. He used to be a cross country runner and I have never ran more than 10 this will be a challenge but I am up for it!

    One thing that has helped me is I put two quotes on the frig that I found on is "Yesterday you said tomorrow" because that's always been my excuse, and the other says "Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most." These two quotes have definitely helped motivate me in making better food and exercise choices.
  • whittlelauraann
    I had a busy week back and work and hadnt checked this post in a few days... I'm glad there are others in the same boat that we can support each other.

    I know some of you mentioned finances and that is a huge one for us too! But in the meant time I want to get my body ready so when the other aspects of our life are ready I am too!
  • michellehh7891

    I'm also trying to lose weight before i get pregnant, but the process has been really slow and taxing. I've actually been dieting and exercising now for a little over 2 months and I've only lost 6 pounds :(. My husband and I were planning on trying to get pregnant come september which means I have less than 2 months left. Meanwhile, my weight loss goal is 30 pounds, to get to a healthy weight pre- pregnancy. I'm getting a bit depressed and worn down.

    Does anyone have any advice for me? Will it be very bad if I only lose 10 pounds or so before hand and try to lose the rest after the baby is born? I'm not sure whether that will be easier because of nursing, or so much harder because i'll have an extra 15-20 pounds on top?

    Someone please help!

  • AngieWood611
    AngieWood611 Posts: 38 Member
    I am too! :D

    I am currently 5'7", 189 pounds with very little exercise experience.

    I want to get down to 160, maintain and enjoy exercising so when i get pregnant (not for another year and a half to two years) I will be fit for pregnancy, want to continue to exercise while pregnant and so that after pregnancy i will hopefully bounce back easier.

    My cousin who is a marathon runner had her son 3 months ago and is running races already. She ran up until 38 weeks and bounced back to her pre-preganancy weight already! I hope to have the same luck.

    Its so nice to see others with the same goal in mind here! :D
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    I searched "before getting pregnant" in the search field of the message board and was quite surprised to see this topic being updated as recently as today!

    I am 5'7" 181lbs, and my husband wants to try for another, he's hoping to have a son. Our daughter is 2.5 and the older she gets, the more he remembers how close he isn't with his sister because of their age difference. (It's only 4 years though)

    I also had an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in the loss of my tube when DD was only 10 mos old.

    Although I'm already at my pre-pregnancy weight, I want so badly to be down in at least the 150s or 160s before getting pregnant again. I struggled so much with being that big, I got up to I think 221 the day I gave birth, and I absolutely hated the image of myself. I also experienced high-blood pressure through the entire pregnancy, and really wonder what a pregnancy would feel like 20 30 or 40 pounds less...

    I feel so selfish, but I don't want to even try to have another baby because I hated the way it made my body feel. I was depressed and uber-uncomfortable. On top of that, the pain I went through with the ectopic was incredibly unbearable and I am so afraid that will happen to me again.

    I am scared of September coming because that's when I told DH we could start TTC again. I've got to get my head out of this negative mindset, and focus on losing this weight so that I can be in a happier place when Sept comes around.
  • AngelLaliberte
    If you're in need of inspiration to lose weight before getting pregnant, you should read this story. She's one of my favorite over-40 moms who lost a whopping 140 lbs to get pregnant at 45 with a beautiful baby girl! You can read her story here:
    Good luck and keep the faith!
  • Cwampler09
    Cwampler09 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat as well! A year and a half ago I had a miscarriage- I was eating very unhealthy, not exercising, etc. (Not saying that was the cause of my miscarriage-but improving my health will only help to have a healthy pregnancy!)

    My husband and I are starting to try this month. I currently am 5 foot 3 and weigh 153 pounds. I would like to weigh less before I get pregnant, but have longed to fill the empty part of myself that I lost when I miscarried.

    What is everyones opinion on trying to loss weight when trying to get pregnant? I don't want to put my health and losing weight on hold just because we are trying for kids (which can take months or years before getting pregnant) yet I want to make sure it is healthy as well.

    Best of luck to everyone who is trying to get pregnant--I hope to hear happy news from each of you very soon. Feel free to add me as a friend?
  • I am 22 with endometriosis and PCOS. I have a 2 year old son and I am married. We have been trying to get pregnant since out son was born. However due to my weight and the endo/pcos it has been near impossible since I dont O on my own :brokenheart:
    The Dr has now put me on metformin and I am determined to lose as much weight before I get pregnant. I will be starting Clomid this next month. I am now down 18 pounds in 22 days and am determined to keep it going!!!
  • norelmsuarez
    norelmsuarez Posts: 12 Member
    I have tried the HCG diet and have only lost 5 lbs
    Salad and veggies make me lose wgt but sticking to just that is the hard part
    My parents are 232 and 190
    MY husband is at 218 and I'm at 217
    my profile pic I'm 145 in 2008 (I want to get inspired to look like that again), my wedding pic I'm 180 in 2010, my other pic is recent
    short term goal - feb 20, 2014 - 199
    long term goal - feb 20, 2015 (my 5 yr anniversary) - way below 180 w/o mirena and ttc for our 1st baby!
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    not directly, but part of my motivation is that I want to be healthy enough to start my own family some day. at over 300lbs, it wouldn't be good for me or my theoretical child to become pregnant at this time in my life.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am thinking the same. My partner and I are thinking about having a baby so I am trying to lose weight before we finally decide. I am scared that we won't be able to and it will be because I am too fat. I want to lose as much weight as possible.
  • MommyToAllieB
    MommyToAllieB Posts: 56 Member
    Yep, me too! I am determined to lose the baby weight from my first pregnancy before trying to get pregnant again. We have an almost-6-month-old and we want to try for #2 in the Fall. :)
  • andihender
    andihender Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with you, ladies! Hubby and I will be married 11 years this coming summer and want to start TTC then. We put off having a family in the past because I was a school teacher (best birth control ever) and were trying to save money while my hubby was in school. Later on, he experienced a job loss and a few months ago he experienced his second job loss when his dept. was laid off. It's been tough the past several years and I'm praying that God directs him to the right job and that we'll be able to begin having kids this summer. In the meantime, I've gained quite a bit of weight. I've lost a little thanks to MFP, but I have a ways to go. I'm currently, 5'6" and 222 lbs. My goal is to be 160 before trying to get pregnant because I worry about all of the health risks that can come with being overweight and pregnant. I know through some of these message boards about women who have gotten pregnant while still heavy, but I don't want to take that risk. For me, the best thing I can do for myself and my future child/children is to work on becoming the healthiest mom I can be right now.
  • Riot_Summers
    I actually got down to 123 lbs. right before getting pregnant with my daughter. My OBGYN said that I was in the best shape of my life as I had been training for some months. She said that my health at the time was in her opinion why I was able to get pregnant and have an easy pregnancy. I had lost a little one at 3 months to miscarriage previously and felt great, I was able to work until 8 1/2 months pregnant at full capacity at a very demanding job. So no your idea to lose weight before getting pregnant does NOT sound silly!
  • colleeniep
    colleeniep Posts: 2 Member
    My husband and I are also planning to have a baby, but I am currently in grad school with an expected graduation date to be in spring of 2015. I wanted to spend time getting healthy now before we try to conceive, especially since I will be 30 (well, 29 for a few months) when we start trying. I am hoping by doing things this way we will (hopefully) have an easier time trying to get pregnant and that I will have an easier pregnancy.

    I'm 6'2, currently weigh 212, have lost 25 lb so far and intend on getting down to at least 175.
  • bridget_i
    bridget_i Posts: 8 Member
    Although it's not the *only* goal, losing weight before beginning the TTC stage is a big motivator for my husband and especially for me. I'm 5'5" at present and am at 279. Ideally, I'd like to get down into my healthy weight range (approx. 145) before we start TTC, mainly because I'm hoping that it will not only help increase our chances of conceiving, but also lead to fewer complications during the pregnancy and therefore after. Partially for vanity reasons and partially for health-related reasons, I want to be able to lose as much baby weight as possible after the pregnancy.

    There are two people who are especially inspiring to me - The Duchess of Cambride (Kate Middleton), who has snapped back so gracefully to her pre-baby weight, as far as is known, and the user PinkCoconut on here who is doing an amazing job of keeping her health on track all while being pregnant!
  • nikkiofthelake
    It's a very smart thing to do. I wish I would've lost weight before I got pregnant with my son. I ended up getting preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. My doctor says that both of these conditions, in my case, were probably weight related.
  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    I weighed 280ish when I got pregnant with my daughter. I hit only 300 when she was born but I quickly started gaining weight and 20months later I am at 345. We'd like to have another child in the future but I have got to get well under my first weight. I had fairly high blood pressure with her but nothing with medications. I am working to lose this weight so when we do decide to have another child, it can be a healthy one.
  • pluckypaleo
    pluckypaleo Posts: 50 Member
    This is one of my reasons for losing weight. I have battled weight issues my entire life. I want to be in control when my husband and I decide to have children so we can teach them the right way to live.