New here and need a buddy! 15 lbs or less...

Anyone here interested in being my MFP buddy? I am in need of some serious motivation and support!

I am 40, 5'6 and weigh 158 lbs. I am looking to lose at least 15 lbs...


  • Mslisaroseb
    Mslisaroseb Posts: 4 Member
    Same stats but I am 44. Let's do it. Do you have a plan. I have been drinking green smoothies and walking twenty minutes.
  • Hi I am 34, 5'6" and want to lose 14lbs. I currently weigh 10st 10. (150lbs)
    I have also signed myself up for a 10k run in May so I don't have any time to waste as I'm a complete beginner!
    I really hope it helps motivate me to lose a stone and get fit . I'm using the zen labs 10k for pink and finding it really useful but hard work. Maybe an idea for you, a fun run?
    I have also extended my morning dog walk, by 10 minutes and I try to keep busy(sweep/wash all floors etc) from the time I get up (5am) till the time I leave for work (8am) in stead of watching tv like I used to.
    Good luck and eat less and move more :)
  • turtledove773
    turtledove773 Posts: 122 Member
    Let's do this Ladies!

    I do 60 min of cardio at least 4 times a week and do resistance training 2x a week. I just joined MFP in hopes of keeping track and redefining my diet.
  • That's really good! Yes same here, I find during the week quite easy, but at the weekend i tend to fall off the wagon a bit - I blame the husband and kids lol!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    i'm working on my last 15lbs. u can add me.
  • JenFit77
    JenFit77 Posts: 23 Member
    Anyone can add me :) I love making new friends, you can never have to much support. I've got 20 lbs to lose.
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    Can I get in on this? I need some more accountability to get to my goal. I started last April and got down to 154 from 185 and then hit a wall in November and put on some holiday fluff. I'm currently sitting at 160. I'm 5'5", 42 years old and my goal is to get another 15lbs off. I started swinging kettle bells last summer, along with trail running with my dog and found that made a huge difference in my shape…but it doesn't take long to lose it once you stop…so I started back up again with the weights….
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Yah! Hi everyone! Totally on same boat need to lose these last 10-15 pounds! Friending all of you ???? we can do this ladies!!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I thought that said hubby.....
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    Add me too! I'm 5'6" 137 and looking to lose 15lbs!

    Y'all should add me :)
  • Karen64Lynn
    Karen64Lynn Posts: 32 Member
    I am 49, 5'6", 142 lbs and want to lose 12 lbs. I exercise 5-6 days a week (spin, treadmill, hiking and strength training). Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 45, 5'4 (135 lbs) and looking to lose about another 10 lbs. Down 10 so far. I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon, in May. I ran 4 miles today, my longest run ever. I hate running.... it would be nice to know that there are others who engage in this stupid activity as well!
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm less than ten pounds from my original set goal but I think I will add 10 more pounds so I've got about 15 pounds left.
  • wen001bro
    wen001bro Posts: 131 Member
    Hi there! I'm 5'6", 39, SW 166.8, CW 157, GW 140. I've been tracking & logging, doing 30DS, and an occasional run on the treadmill. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hey , I lost enough to be close to my goal of 135 and gained 10 lbs back in three months . Seriously want to get these 15 off now ! Am 38 and live a very sedantry life style . Need to shake it all up .
  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
    Need to lose the last 10...I'm with you!:smile:
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    I need to lose 11!! I originally lost 10 pounds but I gained it all back plus another pound ever since I had to move into my nonnas!! Feel free to add me! We got this!! c:
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Hi !
    I am 55. 5'7 CW. 151
    Would like to lose 8-11 more lbs.
    Not an exercise person but do play golf once a week.
    And trying to learn how to jump rope, again. Lol
    NOT easy.
    Add me as a friend if you want.
  • Totally there with you! I am 151lbs and want to get down to 140! I am 5'6. Ideally I'd love to be under 140lbs and feeling great! I son't know how to add a buddy but I'm right there with you!:happy: