Okay.. What now!

Hi folks! I am a normal weight. 84 kg and 6ft. 2in.
I was 95 and have lost the rest in. 4 weeks. I started insanity 9 Days ago and feel myself getting fitter. My tummy is literally rock hard when tensed though buried under about 1/2 inch of fat. If I breath in I'm okay!
I am eating roughly 200 calories bran flakes breakfast. 300 calories tuna fajita for lunch and 400 calories chicken noodle stir fry for example dinner.
I seem to have flatlined on 84.4 kg weight for a week now despite getting fitting and working harder on insanity. I don't have time to cook the required menu but I am eating very little fat and extremely healthy!
My question is will I abstain my required weight and body shape continuing as I am, or will I need to do anything different since I am generally lazy and I am satisfied with my work load currently! I can send pictures if it helps answer!

Any help appreciated!!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just to clarify, you're 6ft2, doing insanity and eating 900 cals a day.....?
  • I'd say you'd have to eat more, if you continue on eating about 900 cals only, you'll lose both muscle and fat.
    If I read correctly you lost 9 kg in four weeks? That is a huge amount on a short time period, so you shouldn't expect to lose anymore that fast.
    Being stuck on the same number for a few weeks is really normal, it's probably just water weight.

    As for the cooking, it's not about having time, it's about making time.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    I'm afraid yes about 1000 a day. I appreciate that's low but to me, logic suggests eating more will simply reverse the weight loss. I did lose a hell of a lot before starting the workout. It's departed all my body but my damn belly!!!!
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    I agree with that! I am doing pretty well during exercises with my limited diet!
    Admittedly I keep getting blackouts when I stand up!!
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm afraid yes about 1000 a day. I appreciate that's low but to me, logic suggests eating more will simply reverse the weight loss. I did lose a hell of a lot before starting the workout. It's departed all my body but my damn belly!!!!

    Well, I think your logic is pretty wrong. You really should do some research and find a more reasonable calorie goal.
  • Please, eat more! It seems so counter productive, but you need to eat more. Your body will only function on strange/abnormal eating patterns for about 4 weeks, and then it will flatline into protective mode. If you eat the same thing every day in addition to eating such a low amount, you are starving your body of nutrients. Make sure you are hitting your macros, whatever they are set to. The weight you have lost is mostly water weight and muscle.....probably not something you want to be losing. And if you look at the nutrition for insanity (which I don't necessarily recommend you follow) it will say you need to be eating A LOT more...for me when I did the program they suggested 2250 calories a day, and I am only 5'8". Like I said, the first four weeks of anything will seem "productive" but if it is unsustainable, after that your body will flatline. All I can say is research, research, research. Go on the internet and get a variety of opinions from different people. Do TDEE and BMR calculations on different websites. Find out what you should be eating to be healthy!
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    Thanks for you helpful response! So if I eat a few boiled eggs and maybe some more fish etc I won't put on weight?
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Thanks for you helpful response! So if I eat a few boiled eggs and maybe some more fish etc I won't put on weight?

    Your body needs fuel and if you don't give it enough it will try to for a lack of better words "store it" - feed your body to be able to do the work - eat a healthy well balanced diet
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    See a dietician and get professional advice, you have a lot to learn.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    You NEED to eat MORE to lose weight!

    Calculate your BMR and your TDEE (google it there are tons of calculators on the web) and stay above (!) your BMR and below your TDEE!

    BMR is your basic metabolic rate, the amount of calories your body NEEDS for plain existing! This is the amount of calories you burn while doing nothing! If you eat below this for a couple of days your metabolic rate SLOWS down and your body will hang on to your fat, trying to survive!

    You need to trick your body into believing that you are not in a famine situation! So one of the best ways to lose weight is in my opinion something such as the 5:2 fasting, google it , or alternatively 4:3, or ADF. In all of these form of dieting you eat for I.e. two non consecutive days a very low amount of calories (500 for women and 600 for men) and the rest of the week you eat right up to your TDEE. You will create a calorie deficit over the week without putting your body in starvation mode.

    Hope this helps?
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    That sounds good stef! Will that continue to work on the insanity? People will say I'm mad doing insanity on 500 calories twice a week!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!

    We're not impressed because your diet is foolish, unhealthy and can be extremely dangerous. You said you blackout when you stand. That's a sign that what you're doing is STUPID and DANGEROUS! Abs are made in the kitchen, but NOT through starving yourself!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!

    Well we aren't impressed with your diet ... do you want it sugar coated? This will BACKFIRE on you - your body will rebel and you won't be able to do what you want to do - eat a proper diet and continue to workout and you will see the results - what is going to happen once you see your abs? If you don't eat a proper and healthy diet now when you increase your calories later you will gain weight and all this hard work you are doing now won't count for anything!
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!

    We're not impressed because your diet is foolish, unhealthy and can be extremely dangerous. You said you blackout when you stand. That's a sign that what you're doing is STUPID and DANGEROUS! Abs are made in the kitchen, but NOT through starving yourself!

    ^^ This
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    That sounds good stef! Will that continue to work on the insanity? People will say I'm mad doing insanity on 500 calories twice a week!

    You should not start 5:2 without fully researching it and understanding how it works. Yes, you eat at 600 calories 2 days a week, but you eat at maintenance the other 5 days (TDEE). So you would need to figure out your TDEE.

    There is nothing wrong with 5:2, but it isn't necessary to do this. Once you figure out your BMR and TDEE, you can go from there. And the numbers are estimates, so there will be trial and error. Many choose to increase calories slowly.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!

    We're not impressed because your diet is foolish, unhealthy and can be extremely dangerous. You said you blackout when you stand. That's a sign that what you're doing is STUPID and DANGEROUS! Abs are made in the kitchen, but NOT through starving yourself!

  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!

    The combination of strong willpower and ignorance is how I embarked on the long road of yo-yo dieter 24 years ago and I have never had a normal relationship with food or my body since.

    I'm glad you've got great willpower, now go learn some basic nutrition. You're lucky. We didn't have internet when I first started doing stupid diet stuff to my poor body.

    Unless of course this is a troll. In which case, well played.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    That sounds good stef! Will that continue to work on the insanity? People will say I'm mad doing insanity on 500 calories twice a week!

    You can exercise while eating 500 cal TWICE a week as long as you eat up (not over) your TDEE on the remaining 5 days! Take note: once again...you need to eat MORE to lose weight!

    Also do not overdo your exercise regime as dieting and working out are both very stressful to your system. Ideally you lose weight while on a diet with a moderate exercise regime and once you reach your goal you eat "normally" and include more exercise.

    For extensive exercise your body needs fuel to build muscle and it does not get this fuel when you don' t feed it.

  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!

    What are you really fishing for here - praise for your "discipline" or legitimate advice? I'm confused. If you are asking for advice, then multiple folks are telling you that you are not eating enough to sustain your workouts. This might explain the blackouts. It's called low blood sugar. You are not eating enough to properly fuel your body for the amount of exercise you are doing. Why ask the question if you just want attention? If you just want people to stroke your ego because you do Insanity and have lost weight like most of us here have done also, well here's your gold star.