Are your pets your children?

ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
I'm 31 and could still have kids, but I don't want them. Neither does my husband. I'm an animal person and always have been. I have two dogs and two cats and they're my babies. They're the only kind of babies I want!

My sister has one baby and another on the way and my sister in laws each have a son and one has another on the way. That's plenty of kids for me if I need a kid fix.

Who else out there has furkids and no human kids?


  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    same here, I'm only 22 and have no plans for kids but my cat and bearded dragon are my loves <3
  • HDHogger
    HDHogger Posts: 764
    My Lab is Family and a Person
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Only fur babies for me... I have 3 dogs, 1 cat & 1 turtle. I would like to have a kid but I'm kinda getting to old for that. I am content and happy with only having animals and just borrowing the kids from my sister in-law. LOL
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Me. Currently 5 cats and one dog who thinks he's a cat. And my husband. ;)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Dear God yes! Love my toy poodle more than anything on this Earth, and I am getting another puppy soon. I like to adopt rescues, so I am still looking into it.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Dear God yes! Love my toy poodle more than anything on this Earth, and I am getting another puppy soon. I like to adopt rescues, so I am still looking into it.

    Good for you! Pet stores are horrible places that use puppy mills. And many breeders are irresponsible. There are TONS of amazing animals in shelters and rescues waiting for new homes. I will always rescue and never "buy."
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Yep, I have a son that lives with his mom, but in my household it's me, the mrs, our 3 cats and a intention of more kids \m/
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    My children are my pets?
  • fortally
    We don't have "pets" - we have family members. My dogs are my best friends, constant companions, and yes, my "fur babies." In fact - I joined MFP in January just after I lost my first dog to cancer. Losing her was devastating, and I realized that if I didn't make some changes I wouldn't be far behind her. I started eating right and working out, which helped me work though the sadness.

    Some people aren't dog people, and I respect that. But for us - our four legged girls are just as loved and cherished as the two-legged folks in the family. :smile:

    Oh - and not to forget Grace - or "Your Grace" - the queen of the household. All 7 pounds of hissing and spitting - her commands are instantly obeyed by all, no matter how many legs we have!
  • abcgsh
    abcgsh Posts: 38 Member
    Oh yes, I was unable to have children. So we have 2 cats that are so spoiled and loved. We would totally be lost with out them. We are planning to add another family member a dog this spring or summer.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    YES. Luckily for me my best friend is the same way so I'm around people that "get it". I was married for a VERY short time when I realized he wasn't for me and I didn't want kids. I have 2 dachshunds who are VERY smart and very much loved. They ARE my kids. I truly think some people just shouldn't have kids LOL (sadly some that DO have them) hahahaha

  • avemaryama
    avemaryama Posts: 277 Member
    I have animals, no pets really because I have a farm and I can't afford to get attached. The dogs usually patrol and don't come around the house much, but when they do they are a joy. I'm allergic t cats but they seem to be infatuated with me. And of all the livestock I think I like my goats the best, they're more practical for cuddles than the cows or camel.

    They aren't my babies, but I love my animals.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Absolutely! Anyone who says you cant compare pets and kids has never met mine. I feel like im surrounded by toddlers. "Jack! Leave Ziva alone! Harley spit it OUT! NO! Parker, let Rogue on the couch. You dont need the whole thing. I SAID SHARE OR I TAKE IT AWAY!"
  • jimihndrks
    jimihndrks Posts: 9 Member
    Yep, we're right there with you guys. We rescue pet stores or intentionally getting from breeders for us. We have 8 dogs of all shapes and sizes and 9 cats. We love each and every one of them. I'm glad they chose us! :happy:
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Yes Yes Yes
    My pup <---- See Profile Pic - Macho Man.

    He loves me 100%, unconditionally. a type of love I have never experienced until I found him.

    And he truly listens and never gives bad advice! (However, he does heavily sigh, sometimes :)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Neither of us wants kids either. :) We've got our cats and hopefully this year we'll get our dog.
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    Yup....I've got a bunch of 4-footed "kids". :smile: There's the 6 cats, 5 horses, 1 pony and 1 steer. That's plenty of critters to take care of.
  • Heidid2014
    I have 2 legged & 4 legged children. Love them all unconditionally.
    Spend a lot of time with my dogs as I show them here in the UK.
  • curvyin2014
    yes!! I have my 10year old baby Daisy! She is a pug and is the queen of house. I enjoy animals more than kids you can go to dinner without a sitter, sleep in on saturday save money on christmas etc.