exercise pill


This sounds way too good to be true. It will be interesting to see what the studies find...


I can see where it could be great for treating certain segments of the population, but I wouldn't want to give up my workouts.


  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664

    This sounds way too good to be true. It will be interesting to see what the studies find...


    I can see where it could be great for treating certain segments of the population, but I wouldn't want to give up my workouts.
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I've got a nickel that says we see fast food stock rising, more heart attacks from the stress, and less muscle build from being lazy. I seriously doubt that this can do any long term good, and certainly once you get on it, you can probably never get off it. Oh yeah, and new Olympic drug cheating. That is if we ever see this drug brought to market.
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664

    I'm hoping that it does work, but is tightly regulated for those who can't do it any other way, the bedridden, those recovering from traumatic injuries, etc.
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I agree with you and this is only my opinion. I welcome other points of view, so don't let my soapbox offend you if you don't agree with me.

    I just think the temptation for abuse will either stop the drug from approval, or if it is approved, we'll see some pretty awful things happening. If you could take a pill and get skinny, would you? If you could get it by crossing the border to mexico or canada, would you? (i'm in texas, pretty common thing here) To be brutally honest, I might be one of the ones to consider using it to supplement my diet and exercise. How many moms out there just don't have time? How many people think they're eating right just to log on here and find out when they enter their foods that they really are sabotaging their own weight loss by not eating right?

    But here is the real question: Will taking this pill make us healthier? If all it does is provide weight loss or "workout assistance," then it would help the weight associated illnesses, but potentially increase the incidence of diseases usually associated with obesity, now associated with bad diets and lack of exercise?

    I have lost a total of 26 pounds since feb of 07 (daughter was born in jan of 07) and i have 16 pounds to go. While this had put me into the "obese" category for my height at the peak of my weight, I do not have the perspective that someone who has 100 pounds to lose has. I have not had to fight the battle for that much weight, therefore my perspective is somewhat limited. But I see people who call 911 for medical emergencies.

    I do think that we could potentially see more bad than good from this drug.
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    I, too, would like to see other opinions.

    I wouldn't take the pill, but I know of plenty who might give it a whirl if it were fairly easy to obtain. I'm not far from the Mexican border either.

    I fear that not a thorough enough study will be done (if it works) before it is approved. I also wonder if what the criteria will be for prescribing it... How easy will it be for a doctor to hand to a patient? Will the college health centers be handing it out like candy? Will it be banned in athletes at every level? Will high school teams be able to test for it?

    Since it targets muscles, what will it do to the heart?

    It certainly has potential to be a can of worms.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    They say if it sounds to good to be true most of the time it is..... How many drugs have they developed over the last few years only to come back later and find that it led to heart attacs , strokes and cancer? I don't think there is a miracle drug or treatment out there, everything has a side effect or problem somewhere. Even so I have a lot to loose ( I would easily be able to get a stomach stapeling or the lap band ) I will do this the natural way. I put it on, I will have to take it off and when I'm at my goal I can say I did it my way:bigsmile:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Sounds a little scary to me.

    Who knows what the long term effects could be.

    I enjoy my exercise time. It might be the only time in my day that I am not stressing about something. I put everything out of my mind and just relax. I can't imagine getting the same feeling from a pill.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.