Hi everyone

I am Victoria. I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 283. As of today, I weight 216. It has been a crazy adventure thus far. I have done this by exercising and moving around.

I work from home, so my day is sedentary. I now go to the Y 5 days a week and try to put in at least 40 minutes of work.

Today, I am going swimming. This is my first time, in over 10 years, that I have been close to dropping the "2" in front of my weight.

I am at the point now, I need to start eating better but I am picky and not sure what to make. I have to feed a hungry husband and 3 year old too. So I need some good ideas as to what to eat and what to make.

Also, I need a some ideas on a lifting weights plan. I had always just lifted. I am not sure but I want a better plan.

My goal is 160. I am confident I will reach that weight in less than a year. It has taken me 7 months to lose 67 lbs. I think I can lose the remaining 50 in less than 6 months.

I'm ready to be at the weight I was in high school! I am 31 years old and tired of living underneath a layer of fat!


  • mel5580
    mel5580 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I don't have to much advise to offer because I am new here also but I wanted to commend you on your loss so far..that is awesome...I am sure you will have great success losing the rest :) Good luck!!!
  • victoriakobea
    Thank you! I am bound and determined to get the rest of this weight off. I joined the local YMCA and joined the 50 days of fitness program, so in 50 days, I plan to be down 30lbs!
  • CSueRun
    T25 Focus workouts have worked for my busy schedule and dozens of busy moms I know trying to burn fat and lose weight.
    the program comes with a meal planning and the company that makes this product sells a great meal replacement shake that I love-it tastes great and its packed full of nutrition/vitamins- its helped as a breakfast on the go or a replacement for mid-day snacks.
    the meal plan is REAL and regular food that the entire family can enjoy too!
    let me know if you want more info-
    fee free to add me to your MFP-I'm just branching out on this site to add friends/etc...

    good luck on your continued weigh loss journey and congrats on your success this far!