
Has anyone had success losing weight while still enjoying the occasional weekend drinking? I thought I'd be fine Friday with a few vodka 4, and some light snacks: vegges/dip, chips & salsa (probably too many)...anyway I gained 5 lbs this weekend. I don't want to give up alcohol :( don't want to feel like I'm on a diet. Anyone else?


  • fitcrystal1121
    fitcrystal1121 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm a drinker too ! You just gotta not drink as much ( a little weekend drinking here and there isn't bad). And when you do drink less calories if your a liquor type of person Here is a video that can give you some ideas... Its kinda goofy but these girls are fitness gurus so they did a video with healthy drinks... Also Some white wine tends to be low in cal I love White Zen which only has about 80 cal per serving... Also low calories beers are good I like Budweiser so there is a bud select with 55 cal per bottle alot of my friends drink michelob ultra which is low in calories too.... So you just gotta find different drinks with lower calories Vodka really isn't that bad because its a clear liquor. If you like bloody marys those are a little better in calories I'm just not a fan. But Its all about moderation and then I know when I do drink, I feel like I have to work out twice as hard the next day to get off the extra calories!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    You didn't gain 5 lb. of fat - that would require eating 17,500 calories above maintenance! One shot of vodka (1.5 oz.) has about 100 calories; depending on the soda, there are calories there too. The dip is probably the most calorie-dense part of what you describe. But still, you couldn't have come close to gaining 5 lb. Most of it is probably water weight and will come off soon.

    You can still drink while losing weight, despite what some people will tell you, but you have to be careful. Alcohol has calories, but it also lowers inhibitions, which might lead you to eat more than you intended. It's a good idea to decide in advance how much you want to drink, and stick to it. Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones. (Personally, I like a Virgin Mary made with V8; by the time I add the lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, smoked chipotle Tabasco, celery salt, and pepper, I don't notice the lack of vodka, and it has only 50 calories or so.)
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    I have. I lost 7lbs between December-January, even with festive drinking and the "student" lifestyle. It's perhaps slower than some people would like, but I only had 10lbs left to lose.

    I don't know all the sciences behind weight-loss, but just speaking from my weight-loss. Just make sure you don't stop by a take-away on the way home :p
  • I drink 5-6 regular, non-light beers a couple of nights every week and I still lose 3.5 lbs per week. So yes it can be done. :)
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I drink every weekend. I see a loss each week now that I am watching my food intake again. I also log my alcohol. You probably are seeing a water weight gain.
  • I'm a drinker too. Last time I lost weight I didn't change anything except the mix so I've started doing that this time too. Vodka and Crystal Light flavoured water. I have been drinking a crap load of pop as mix for rye and dark rum the last 6 months, so I've switched back to vodka and the CL water. I'm thinking about getting a sodastream to carbonate the CL water just for fun.

    In the past I have ordered vodka/water at the bar and just add a little of the CL singles pack. I usually mention it to a server so they know what's up when they see me adding this stuff!
  • Thanks for all the good advice everybody! Vodka stays :)
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    Alcohol is difficult...

    When I do drink, it's either red wine, dry white wine or gin with diet tonic. It's always been my habit so don't have to give up anything sugary.

    But the problem is...I can never have ONE glass of wine. Then one turns to several, and after that I am just starving. Especially with my current 1200 I'll already be slightly hungry before I have wine.

    So for me it's just cutting it out unfortunately...I'll still have white wine or GT when I go out and calculate it in, but I simply restrict the amount of days I do...will probably go out one night next week but be alcohol-free and on 1200 cals the remaining six days.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice everybody! Vodka stays :)

    Ah - I remember - one step forward - two steps back!

    You diet like a slave all week weigh-in on Friday morning and you have lost 2lbs and then you have a drink and a pizza etc on Friday/Sat and hey presto you weigh-in on Monday morning and you have gained the 2lbs plus another 2lbs.

    Mark my words - you cannot drink and lose weight!

    Welcome to HELL!!!

    While I hate to disagree with you I drink a glass of wine most nights and some weekends its a lot more. Still losing weight though
  • mjcongleton
    mjcongleton Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice everybody! Vodka stays :)

    Ah - I remember - one step forward - two steps back!

    You diet like a slave all week weigh-in on Friday morning and you have lost 2lbs and then you have a drink and a pizza etc on Friday/Sat and hey presto you weigh-in on Monday morning and you have gained the 2lbs plus another 2lbs.

    Mark my words - you cannot drink and lose weight!

    Welcome to HELL!!!

    Yes, Yes you can drink and lose weight. I usually have two glasses of Cabernet most days. It's like anything else, how do you want to spend your calories?

    Getting blasted though...... not so good on the calorie count......

    I should note: my calorie intake is set at 1930 calories a day so I have a few extra calories to mess around with compared to a lot of other people.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    It's not the vodka, typically, it's the mixers that kill you.

    Vodka is about 70 cals/oz. (same alcohol content, roughly, as a mid-level beer, which weigh in in the 120-200 cal range).

    I know several people who swear by vodka with ice.. waters it down, but no mixer, so no extra calories, sugars, etc, and may even help with hangovers, since you aren't adding a diuretic to your alcohol.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice everybody! Vodka stays :)

    Ah - I remember - one step forward - two steps back!

    You diet like a slave all week weigh-in on Friday morning and you have lost 2lbs and then you have a drink and a pizza etc on Friday/Sat and hey presto you weigh-in on Monday morning and you have gained the 2lbs plus another 2lbs.

    Mark my words - you cannot drink and lose weight!

    Welcome to HELL!!!

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Alcohol is metabolized differently than other foods and beverages. Under normal conditions, your body gets its energy from the calories in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which are slowly digested and absorbed within the gastrointestinal system. However, this digestive process changes when alcohol is present. When you drink alcohol, it gets immediate attention (because it is viewed by the body as a toxin) and needs no digestion.

    On an empty stomach, the alcohol molecules diffuse through the stomach wall quickly and can reach the brain and liver in minutes. This process is slower when you have food in your stomach, but as soon as that food enters the small intestine, the alcohol grabs first priority and is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.

    As the alcohol reaches the liver for processing, the liver places all of its attention on the alcohol. If you drink very slowly, all the alcohol is collected by the liver and processed immediately—avoiding all other body systems. If you drink more quickly, the liver cannot keep up with the processing needs and the alcohol continues to circulate in the body until the liver is available to process it. That's why drinking large amounts of alcohol (or drinking alcohol quickly) affect the brain centers involved with speech, vision, reasoning and judgment.

    When the body is focused on processing alcohol, it is not able to properly break down foods containing carbohydrates and fat. Therefore, these calories are converted into body fat and are carried away for permanent storage on your body.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice everybody! Vodka stays :)

    Ah - I remember - one step forward - two steps back!

    You diet like a slave all week weigh-in on Friday morning and you have lost 2lbs and then you have a drink and a pizza etc on Friday/Sat and hey presto you weigh-in on Monday morning and you have gained the 2lbs plus another 2lbs.

    Mark my words - you cannot drink and lose weight!

    Welcome to HELL!!!

    "a pizza"? you mean a whole pizza?

    I'm not even sure that is gonna put on 4 lbs.

    You'd have to take in like, 14,000 calories to put on 4 lbs.

    You can drink and lose weight. You just have to account for your calories and carbs.

    When I know I'm going to drink, I intentionally go lower on carbs, during the day, so I have some slack that evening.

    It's not perfect, but it seems to be working, and I'm losing weight.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Has anyone had success losing weight while still enjoying the occasional weekend drinking? I thought I'd be fine Friday with a few vodka 4, and some light snacks: vegges/dip, chips & salsa (probably too many)...anyway I gained 5 lbs this weekend. I don't want to give up alcohol :( don't want to feel like I'm on a diet. Anyone else?

    Vodka will cause fluid build up in your tissues. Give it a few days, it will go right back down to where it was. As a good, but the same time bad, example of drinking vodka, I used to date someone who drank it straight and heavily. In and out of rehab. Each time he came out of a binge, his weight would drop lower than it was before the binge started as the fluids filtered out.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Yes. Also weeknight drinking. >.>
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I think maybe you guys need to look up the "science" of alcohol and calories. Alcohol is not metabolized the same as other calories, so it is not a matter of simply eating 3500 calories to gain a pound.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    For a year I have counted calories (not always perfectly, but still being mindful most days), and saw no results. The month of January I significantly cut down on drinking. I lost 5 lbs. Sadly, I think it's key.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    I think maybe you guys need to look up the "science" of alcohol and calories. Alcohol is not metabolized the same as other calories, so it is not a matter of simply eating 3500 calories to gain a pound.

    No, it's not. It's directly absorbed (no digestion necessary), and then the liver converts it into acetic acid, which is a fuel.

    It doesn't make you "gain weight" though, any more than any other calorie does.

    You just have to account for the calories in it, when drinking it.

    Your body is going to store most of your meal anyway.. if it doesn't need it for immediate energy (and it probably doesn't), into storage it goes. When you are done burning what's in the furnace in two hours, out of storage it comes. "permanent storage on your body" doesn't happen.

    If you eat 3500 calories (assuming that round number actually means a lb of fat, which it doesn't, but for the sake of argument), and 500 cal of it is alcohol, it is not going to be treated any differently by your body than having 500 cals of it be grape juice, or pancakes. (caveat: If you are doing it WHILE WORKING OUT, you will see a difference, clearly, as the alcohol in your bloodstream is going to do weird things to your energy and stamina), but your body is just going to continue along burning that remaining 3000 calories, and either using them as needed, or storing for later use.
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    I would lost my sanity without my red wine! But rather than two nights every weekend, I have 2-3 glasses one night every second weekend. Red wine is good for heart health and is loaded with antioxidants, too!
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    Lost 50 and I have NEVER given up my wine... couple glasses a few nights a week...weekends....uhhh can be more :) If I drink I include it in my calories for the day.
  • pixiesgreene
    pixiesgreene Posts: 88 Member
    Mmm, alcohol.

    Sorry, was there a question?
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I honestly find it difficult to lose weight while drinking. I think if you're smart about it and it's an occasional thing then you should be okay. Spirits and soda water or red wine.. drinking a glass of water between drinks and/or budgeting calories could help.

    For me I find that when I have a few drinks I also feel the need to eat a few french fries and by a few I mean a lot..

    Obviously you have to find what works for you and where your strengths and weaknesses lie and then learn to work with them. I tend to cut out alcohol if I want to have a good weight-loss week but this is also about lifestyle so you have to make realistic choices.

    Good luck! You'll figure it out!
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I drink. I don't drink a whole lot, but I enjoy hard liqour every once in awhile and I managed to lose. Just make room for it. And you didn't gain five pounds of fat over the weekend. It's probably water weight.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    I drink. I don't drink a whole lot, but I enjoy hard liqour every once in awhile and I managed to lose. Just make room for it. And you didn't gain five pounds of fat over the weekend. It's probably water weight.

    Well, if you eat, say, six lbs of beef and don't poop, you could "Gain" 5 lbs over a weekend.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,242 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice everybody! Vodka stays :)

    Ah - I remember - one step forward - two steps back!

    You diet like a slave all week weigh-in on Friday morning and you have lost 2lbs and then you have a drink and a pizza etc on Friday/Sat and hey presto you weigh-in on Monday morning and you have gained the 2lbs plus another 2lbs.

    Mark my words - you cannot drink and lose weight!

    Welcome to HELL!!!

    Well I drank and lost weight.

    I think the problem in your scenario is the pizza etc,not the alcohol.

    I don't eat silly things just because I have a few drinks.

    I do agree with others about mixers being the problem, not vodka itself - I use diet coke as a mixer, almost no calories in that.
  • jacklo
    jacklo Posts: 17
    Personally, what worries me is not so much the alcohol but the poor eating decisions that often follow (e.g., late night Taco Bell). Consequently, I've cut out all alcohol temporarily until I hit my target weight and BF%, mainly because I want to get dieting over as quickly as possible. It's not that difficult for me, but I can appreciate a wine lover (as there seem to be quite a few on this forum) not being willing to do the same.

    Here's an interesting article that's got lots of information in it on alcohol, fat loss, and muscle growth. I cannot attest to its accuracy or correctness, but it's worth looking at:

    Good luck!
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I think maybe you guys need to look up the "science" of alcohol and calories. Alcohol is not metabolized the same as other calories, so it is not a matter of simply eating 3500 calories to gain a pound.

    Ok let me get this straight, what you are saying is that although whether we gain or lose weight is not down to what side of the energy balance equation we are and the body mysteriously gains weight while eating at a deficit when you drink alcohol?

    My scales must be completely inaccurate then!
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    For me personally I cannot lose weight drinking alot. But I dont drink anywhere near one. I use to work out and eat healthy and was drinking 3 nights a week. I couldnt lose any weight and then stopped drinking for a while and lost 32 pounds. After a while I slowed my working out down a little and went back to drinking and gained 30 pounds back in a year. I think it effects everyone different and it depends on what you drink and how much? I like those dark liquors so Im just trying to stop all together.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    For me personally I cannot lose weight drinking alot. But I dont drink anywhere near one. I use to work out and eat healthy and was drinking 3 nights a week. I couldnt lose any weight and then stopped drinking for a while and lost 32 pounds. After a while I slowed my working out down a little and went back to drinking and gained 30 pounds back in a year. I think it effects everyone different and it depends on what you drink and how much? I like those dark liquors so Im just trying to stop all together.

    The question is what were you drinking?

    beer, wine, rum, scotch, everclear, vodka, and a singapore sling are all "alcohol".

    It's not the alcohol itself.. it's what it's carried in that you really need to be concerned with.