February Goals



  • My goal for this month is to get into the habit of going to the gym 3 times a week.
    I would love to lose 10 pounds as well.
  • I want to get out of the "Obese" BMI Range. It is a short month, but I only have 6 more pounds to go until I get there!

    Same.... I've got about 12 (guessing cos Australian) pounds to go :)
  • JocelynnBlack
    JocelynnBlack Posts: 8 Member
    These are all great goals. Good luck you guys(and girls)! If you ever need a push in the right direction you can send me a message or friend me. :smile: Remember, you can make weekly goals too, and it might be easier to meet the long term goal if you follow through on the weekly ones!
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    My Feb goals are:
    Burn 500 calories a day
    Lose 4kg (8.8lbs)

    Hopefully the first two will make the last one easy!
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Hi Jocelynn. You look cool in your picture. My goals for February:

    1.stick to my Macros and calories at least 80% of the time. Also drink lots of water and take supplements.
    2.Incorporate exercise at work (10x squats, 10 x desk push ups, 10 times a day). Also going up and down the stairs 10 extra times (not only when I need to)
    3.Do 10,000 steps a day.
    4. Kick butt at the gym - doing New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    5. Increase exercise by doing additional gym sessions and classes on non lifting days.
    6. The biggie and baddie: Get up and exercise in the mornings!
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    I lost 3kgs (6.6lbs) last month and I'm targeting 6.6 kgs (14.5lbs). Realistically, I think I would be happy with 10lbs. And 10cm (about 4in) total girth loss.

    So, because this is a rather big ask, I've decided to reward myself at the end of the month for 2 things. 1) for effort, and 2) for results. If I consistently work hard without any lame excuses, I will reward myself with nicer gym clothes. If I hit my target, I'm buying a new dress.
  • Well, I don't go by weight. I hate scales. I'm a lifter now and that's all I really want to do. My goal for this month is to reach my smallest waist size I had ever obtained (33.5).

    I think it's great that you don´t go by the weight, and are choosing wasit size as a measure.

    To change a body to the better, the things that really matters is the body fat percentage, and the waist size.

    Muscles are weighing more than fat, and it's common that people who is starting a diet with cleaning up the food and starts to weight training, are gaining weight. But when they measure the BF%, they will see that they've lost fat and gained muscles.

    And muscles are eating fat... So that's lovely! =)

    Good luck with your goals!
  • I lost 3kgs (6.6lbs) last month and I'm targeting 6.6 kgs (14.5lbs). Realistically, I think I would be happy with 10lbs. And 10cm (about 4in) total girth loss.

    So, because this is a rather big ask, I've decided to reward myself at the end of the month for 2 things. 1) for effort, and 2) for results. If I consistently work hard without any lame excuses, I will reward myself with nicer gym clothes. If I hit my target, I'm buying a new dress.

    Well done! Putting up sub targets and rewarding you is a great way to success..!
  • jessleefoote
    jessleefoote Posts: 2 Member
    great goals everybody!

    I want to to run my lighthouse hill without stopping.
    start taking strength training seriously haha, 5 minutes doesn't cut it...
    and hope fully lose a little bit of weight, 4-5 lbs would be a good start!
    and get back to yoga!
    and maybe get a valentine!

    happy february!
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i just want to finish the month weighing less than i do now, i will settle for that :smile:
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    1 kg is 2.2lbs ( for the Aussies)
  • meli_moo
    meli_moo Posts: 10 Member
    I also want to lose 10 pounds :)
  • My goal is to lose 4 kgs (about 9 lbs)
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Lose 8-10 lbs would be awesome!
  • • lose 5-8 pounds
    • shave a few more minutes off my 5k time to get ready for the 5k i'm doing on March 1!
    • keep drinking a lot of water!
    • limit alcohol intake

    good luck everyone with your goals!
  • Hi there, I envy every of your goals. Since I am a senior (75) I cannot believe I would lose as fast as you 'youngsters' so I am setting my goal at 5/6 lb. If I succeed I will be ecstatic !
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    My February goal is 11.2 pound (I'd like to be 199 by march) Replaced the Battery in our scale on the weekend so now it's accurate but sadly it's been erring on the low side ;( At least now i'm working form an accurate weight. Depending on weather i may start Riding a bike to work, right now I walk the 6.3 km a day home then walk the dog for 3 km at night. It's a much slower slog at 54 than it was at 50 (last time I did this)
  • I'm hoping to lose 12lbs this month. I've had a super start in January, but suspect I wont do as well in Feb.
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    To workout on a consistent schedule and to continue to eat healthy. If I can do that then the weight will come off easily.
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    My goal for February is to drink more water. Not necessarily a set amount, but at least 8 cups / day.