129lbs by May 31st?


I'm 5,5 and currently weigh 165lbs. I really want to get my fitness back on track and improve my focus and energy through a healthy diet.

I'd also like to look great in a bikini ofc. I'm planning a vacation for May 31st. Is this weight loss really feasible if I stick to 1200 cals a day and exercise 45 mins a time in the gym 3 times a week?

I just feel like it won't really happen. That I'll just get stuck at like 155 :(.


  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    That would be a weight loss of over 2lbs per week which is a bit aggressive. You should aim for closer to 1 lb per week.
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    Don't get your head stuck around a particular number - just keep focused on the end date and use that as motivation to get where you need to be.

    Whenever you feel like eating over your daily allowance or don't feel like doing a workout - remember the May 31st goal.

    If you feel it won't happen, it won't happen.

  • jadecoldwell1
    The way to look at it surely is how much better you'll feel at 155. Sometimes we put too much on the number when actually the getting there is just as important. The exercise will tone you up as you lose so how you'll feel ultimately will change.
    Also you'll never know until you try :)
    Best of luck
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    That's a bit too aggressive. Instead of focusing on losing all the weight by then, focus on eating at a moderate deficit (set MFP to lose 1 lb per week) and getting some exercise. Then buy yourself some flattering outfits for your vacation and enjoy yourself.

  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Start now. Exercise, cut calories. Repeat every day. On May 31 you'll look way better than you do today.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    If you want to look good in a bikini, eat food and lift heavy weights.


    I can't post a pic, but look at these photos. Compare the weight on the left with the weight on the right. Which body would you rather have--lower number on the scale, or higher muscle mass?
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    Wow, thanks Evie - those pics are seriously inspirational.

    Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement. I know I shouldn't focus on the figure, I could look good enough to wear crop tops at 140lbs, it all depends what I put into my body and how I spend my energy I suppose.

    It's just hard to not concentrate on the no. when you see so many threads on here discuss what should be the 'ideal' for a certain height/build etc.
  • jadecoldwell1
    Yeah i totally get that, it was all I ever focused on and instead of losing weight I actually put on because I was constantly hungry and ended up binging, no energy to work out etc etc. One quote that made me rethink "ideals" was this:
    'Linford Christie’s BMI when he won the Olympic 100m was greater than 30, which would have technically put him as obese'

    That to me says it all.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Wow, thanks Evie - those pics are seriously inspirational.

    Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement. I know I shouldn't focus on the figure, I could look good enough to wear crop tops at 140lbs, it all depends what I put into my body and how I spend my energy I suppose.

    It's just hard to not concentrate on the no. when you see so many threads on here discuss what should be the 'ideal' for a certain height/build etc.

    Check out http://mybodygallery.com

    Type in the weight you want to be and see all the different bodies. There's no telling who's going to look good at any given weight. So many body composition factors!

    One other thing we forget when we are getting ready for a big event is that if you want to look good, you also have to FEEL good and have tons of confidence and be pretty and stuff. You can go a long way in a few months by being as healthy, fit and active as you can be and also working on making your hair awesome and your skin soft and your teeth white and your feet not gnarly and all that. And save up for some clothes you'll buy the week before. Think of it as a four-month makeover.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Oh, I forgot to add that those pictures are of the same woman--the one on the left, when she reached her goal weight. You can see what happens when you add resistance training. She might weigh more on the left, but her body looks MUCH better than at her goal weight.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I think it's too aggressive. I weigh about the same as you and I wouldn't expect to lose more than 15lbs in that time.
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    BUMP- I'm reaching for almost the same goal.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    If you want to look good in a bikini, eat food and lift heavy weights.


    I can't post a pic, but look at these photos. Compare the weight on the left with the weight on the right. Which body would you rather have--lower number on the scale, or higher muscle mass?

    Wow, they say a picture is worth a thousand words and these pics prove it! I've always been a slave to the scale, too but after seeing these pics I think that stops now.
  • chaquita1972
    chaquita1972 Posts: 2 Member
    I appreciate this post! I'm pretty much have the same weight / height as that of the original poster. I've been focusing on eating healthy and getting exercise regularly since the beginning of the year. I've lost a few pounds but the weight is not coming off as quickly as I'd like. However, I'm noticing the difference in how my clothes fit AND I feel much better than I did in the past and that is what is motivating not to give up!!! The pictures you have posted are also VERY motivating. :smile:
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    Wow, thanks Evie - those pics are seriously inspirational.

    Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement. I know I shouldn't focus on the figure, I could look good enough to wear crop tops at 140lbs, it all depends what I put into my body and how I spend my energy I suppose.

    It's just hard to not concentrate on the no. when you see so many threads on here discuss what should be the 'ideal' for a certain height/build etc.

    I really loathe "ideal" weight charts, I really and truly do. According to those charts, my ideal weight is somewhere between 130-134lbs. I've weighed 130-134 pounds before. I simultaneously thought half a sweet potato and a serving of sugar free jello with a diet coke was enough food for the day and I used to make myself purge. I looked pretty darn unhealthy at that weight. I would not consider that ideal. I start looking "too thin" with anything below 140 and I would consider what I weighed when I got pregnant (147) to be a great weight for me. It's what I'm working towards now that I am no longer pregnant. It's a BMI of about 23-24 but man I look darn good there ;)

    Try not to focus on the number. I always told myself I would workout because I wanted to be fit and I would eat well because I wanted to live a long and healthy life. When I reached a size that I really liked, then I would see what I weighed and consider that ideal.

    Dont make it an all or nothing. Become a little more active and eat a little better. If you like it and want to do more, do more. You'll see a difference by your vacation :)

    Best of Luck!