60 + pounds to lose!? Join Me And Lets GITERDUN!

So I went from 256 to 170, but now i'm back up to 216. NOT IMPRESSED WITH MYSELF! I'm down to get support from those in my same boat, those trying to get this weight off, and those who like giving tips for those like me! Lets help eachother get healthy! Add me! I'm back on track and not going off route this time! IT'S NOT WORTH THE EFFORT! Getting the weight off just to get it back on, SO tiring! I've learned my lesson and smacked myself a few times for it. Now i'm moving on and hoping ppl want to join my journey as well! So ADD ME! the_new_robin2013 and lets GITERDUN!


  • Hi Robin! I am in a similar boat! I have gone from 283 to 216. I am ready to finish this off and get down to 160 once and for all!

    Let's do this!
  • the_new_robin2013
    the_new_robin2013 Posts: 69 Member
    lets do this! I added you :-)
  • pinder80
    pinder80 Posts: 1 Member
    HI robin i am also Struggling to loss my weight . I lost 175 to 135 gained back 10 pound. I am very frustrated. Lest do it together .
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello. I went from 330pds to 215! Wanting to get to 163!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hello I also have about 60 lbs to lose. I went from 250 and now I'm 207 for the last month I've gained and lost the same 3 lbs. wanting to get around 150. Hoping to get there by the end of this year.
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    I've been a size 5-7 since high school through my first three kids
    after the fourth one I went up to a size 24w ... and teetered back and forth for years ...

    Now the fourth one is 31! Opps ... where DID those years go? Well, no more excuses just getting into shape slow but sure and staying there this time. I want to enjoy the rest of my life as fit as possible.

    I do have a few tricks that have made this journey from 24w to 14 (heading for an 8 or 10 and either one will be just fine).
    The real biggie is ... no more elastic waists and get in the 'next size down' asap and GET rid of the size up. That is a matter of psychology, economics and reality. You LOVE to earn the next size down, without the size to grow back into you have to be able to justify the $$$, and reality is that without elastic bands you KNOW when you are going up and cant get to far off the wagon without your waist letting you know you where you are.


  • I'm in, how do I join?
  • Omg! your story is my story, Im to embarrassed to say how many times I have lost weight and gained it right back! I have 65lbs to lose! Lets do this in 2014!
  • treesponge
    treesponge Posts: 32 Member
    I'm at a range of 200-210 (my weight fluctuates like no other...so I tend to think of myself in ranges of 5-10lbs) and I want to get down to 160.

    I've lost 5-10lbs since I started, but I'd like to actually get down to my goal and feel like stairs aren't so hard! I'm with you!
  • maec95
    maec95 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey im IN!! i went from 196lbs to 160lbs and now im back to 176lbs! lets get it done w=once and for all !
  • I too have been on this yo yo...I am at the heaviest I've ever been and now thinking of Bariatric Surgery but first I am taking nutritional classes and seeing just how much I can do on my own first. 4 weeks ago I weighed in at 232 doing my monthly weigh in tomorrow. I have done alot of other "diets" now just watching calories/fat/carbs/protein and doing it realistically with the foods I like but watching portion control. I have found that this site really makes me realize how much I was over eating and the wrong foods I was eating. So I would love to join you in your slimming experience and maybe we can learn from each other! Best luck to everyone thats been there done that and still won't give up!
  • Nykki8
    Nykki8 Posts: 15 Member
    Same boat! Went from 230 last year to 210 back to 216 again, ugh! I need to take this seriously! I only halfheartedly tried mfp before, but this time it just needs to get done! I will add you, anyone can add me too:drinker: :drinker:
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    I know folks who have had bariatric surgery and 1) have to religiously monitor their supplements, 2) eat several small meals a day with a lot of other 'shoulds' like nothing with bubbles (soda) etc and yet over a period of years manage to gain back a lot of the weight and STILL need the supplements and 'shoulds'. I realize where sometimes there are medical issues that benefit from bariatric surgery so I am so not against it.

    I do think for the most part though I think the best two things we can do is - push away from the table and get off the couch. Once we get where we want to go keep doing what we were doing so we don't get back where we've been.

    If I'd have to take supplements, watch what I'm eating, and all the rest of it ... I figure I can do that without adding another scar to the body, and put my want to into gear and keep it motivated for life even if the insurance company would pay for it.

  • stefanieraya
    stefanieraya Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in with you guys! Add me for support and let's work together!
  • I'm in!!
  • mdinms
    mdinms Posts: 42 Member
    Went from 267 to 216 to 255, currently at 228. Looking to get to 180. Add me, lets do this!
  • I totally have more than 60 pounds to lose! Lost 3 so far this year and I know it could have been much more with some more friends and support pushing me not to give up! I'm here to push you towards your goal!! Add me, that goes for anyone! I log in every day and comment on posts that I can give insight into!! Let's shed the pounds together! :)
  • Velasca
    Velasca Posts: 81 Member
    I NEED something. Anyone want to add me to get my butt in gear please do. I can't seem to get motivated whatsoever this year. Lost 30 last year and then gained it all back. I need to lose 80!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    I had went from 274 to 194, then hit a plateau, then had a loss in the family, a change of jobs and needed major surgery. I am back up to 240lbs and sick about it. Please count me in!!
  • dewdropinn79
    dewdropinn79 Posts: 16 Member
    60 is basically what I need to lose. I get very motivated for a few days, and then it fizzles. Maybe checking in with others will help me out.