Would like some friends.... looking to lose 100lbs!



  • eobryan05
    eobryan05 Posts: 1 Member
    I have struggled with loosing weight pretty much my entire adult life. I made every excuse as to why I was not successful. I am a mother of 4 children and we lead a very active life, and I say we in the sense I sit back and watch. I no longer want to be a spectator in my life. I lost my mother 5 weeks ago after an 8 year battle with ALS, and when we were planning her services my sisters and I were looking through all of our childhood pictures and it dawned on me my children will not have these memories as I did. Pictures of my mother snow skiing with us, and water skiing with us. Pictures of her playing softball and basketball with all of us girls. I want this for my kids and for myself. I have just at 100lbs to lose. My husband and I have decided to follow the Herbalife plan. We are going into this knowing this is a lifestyle change not a diet we are going on. We know very well that even after we have reached our goals we will still need to follow a lot of the plan. Here's to a happy and healthy 2014!!
  • tshields001
    tshields001 Posts: 2 Member
    Well here goes everything - hopefully :bigsmile:

    My goal is to rid myself of 60 pounds total 30 this year. i dont like to diet. I also prefer to make changes versus 'diet' becasue if I can get this weight off i dont want it back.

    I am taking baby steps. I never had to worry about weight before when I was younger and for the last 4 years i guess i was in denial.
    i just didnt think it would stick, I was that one friend you had that could eat whatever and always stayed the same didn't exercise didnt watch calories or fat or carbs.so here I am a few years down the road and trying to figure it all out.
    i have started eating not only better but on a regular basis. one of my issues is i can go most of the dayand forget to eat. Which I know is not good for me. I also have started the Power 90 1 week in and stil alive

    I am looking to give and get motivation and to develop friendly support lines, friendly but also no BS accepted. i have to stop kidding myself and excuses are not an option.

    i do not know how to add people but am working on figuring it out.

    About me - I am 38 mom of two wonderful kids, my oldest is 19 and my youngest is 15. I love books, music, my family and my dog.
  • Feel free to add me as well!! The more supporters I have the better!
  • Anyone is welcome to add me as well :)
  • 100+ lbs to lose, and also deal with panic disorder with agoraphobia. Feel free to add me :)
  • ladycanman
    ladycanman Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck to you! Feel free to add me...anyone can. I am open to buddies :) Love having people on my journey.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    add away :) I'm always looking for more people to inspire and be inspired by!
  • pinktara2013
    pinktara2013 Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 37, live in Michigan, work as a RN in a small hospital, have two boys ages 16 and (almost)11, and have 111 of my original 113 lb goal to go.
  • Hi! I sent friend requests to some of you already. Please feel free to add me too! I'm a Navy physician and I spent many years struggling with my weight. Through diet and exercise (but honestly, its 90% diet) I have had lasting success for a long time, and I certainly plan on maintaining it. My wife is boosracic on myfitnesspal, so please feel free to add her too. We're all about helping others reach their goals with real advice focused on a healthy approach to weight loss along with sustainability!!

    Great to meet you!