burnt calories

So let's say I just burned 400 calories off. Am I ok to eat these on top of my daily allowance of 1800kcal? Is it not advised? If I eat 1800 that's 700 under what a man needs so if I didn't eat the 400 would that mean I would be in deficit of 1100 for the day?


  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    So let's say I just burned 400 calories off. Am I ok to eat these on top of my daily allowance of 1800kcal? Is it not advised? If I eat 1800 that's 700 under what a man needs so if I didn't eat the 400 would that mean I would be in deficit of 1100 for the day?

    Umm.. parameters.

    What are you trying to do? Lose weight? Gain mass?

    What size/weight/age are you? What's your activity level? How did you figure you burned 400 cals, and why do you think "a man needs 2100"? (asuming I'm doing your math right.)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    When you signed up for MFP, you clicked that you had read the information on how to use it. That information included the fact that you should be eating back your exercise calories.

    For actual effects, you will have to pay attention to your body. If you are losing at the expected rate over the course of a month, you are on target. Otherwise, you are miscalculating how much you are eating or exercising. This is, unfortunately, easy to do. Are you watching portion sizes? Accounting for everything you eat or even lick? How are you calculating calories burned? A Heart Rate Monitor will give you the most accurate results.
  • Flourisher
    Flourisher Posts: 19 Member
    I am 221 lbs male aged 34. I plan on burning around 500 a day running 4-5 miles. Calories calculated as an average of my garmin watch and what mfp gives it. I want to shed weight. I feel guilty eating them I suppose. Won't eating them back negate the act of exercise?
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    I am 221 lbs male aged 34. I plan on burning around 500 a day running 4-5 miles. Calories calculated as an average of my garmin watch and what mfp gives it. I want to shed weight. I feel guilty eating them I suppose. Won't eating them back negate the act of exercise?

    I'm 44, 6'1, and 220~, and it calculates my BMR + deficit requirement at 1750.

    Yes, it advises "eating back" what you burn, but in most cases, "what you burn" is a high estimate, and a lot of people actually end up overeating to "make it up".

    What works for me? Eat back about half of what it claims you have burned, check back weekly to see if it's working.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I'd say eat back 1/2 and go from there. Most people's calculations on calories burned are normally inflated. I used to eat back 1/2 of mine and it worked out fine.

    Or get on the TDEE method and don't worry about eating back calories at all if you really want to change it up. It's much easier in my opinion.
  • Flourisher
    Flourisher Posts: 19 Member
    I like that TDEE method. Never heard of it before. May be worth considering.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I like that TDEE method. Never heard of it before. May be worth considering.

    To me, if you are truly in this for the long haul, it's the only way to go. It becomes redundant logging exercise day after day.
  • Flourisher
    Flourisher Posts: 19 Member
    Having looked at TDEE calculators I have come up,with a daily allowance of 2400. Seems like a lot, this is based on 45 mins a day of running and other daily activities etc. think I will get week one over sticking to 1800 and adding half my exercise CALS back on and see how I go
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Having looked at TDEE calculators I have come up,with a daily allowance of 2400. Seems like a lot, this is based on 45 mins a day of running and other daily activities etc. think I will get week one over sticking to 1800 and adding half my exercise CALS back on and see how I go

    Yea, but you knock off 10-20% if you trying to lose weight so it is pretty close to what you are already doing.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Having looked at TDEE calculators I have come up,with a daily allowance of 2400. Seems like a lot, this is based on 45 mins a day of running and other daily activities etc. think I will get week one over sticking to 1800 and adding half my exercise CALS back on and see how I go

    so that's a difference of 600..

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you probably aren't burning 600 with a 45 min run, but you might be.

    Err on the low side, would be my suggestion, but not egregiously, and monitor your progress. Weigh once a week, same day, same time of day, and see how it's going. (weighing every day is where madness comes from)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Having looked at TDEE calculators I have come up,with a daily allowance of 2400. Seems like a lot, this is based on 45 mins a day of running and other daily activities etc. think I will get week one over sticking to 1800 and adding half my exercise CALS back on and see how I go

    so that's a difference of 600..

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you probably aren't burning 600 with a 45 min run, but you might be.

    Err on the low side, would be my suggestion, but not egregiously, and monitor your progress. Weigh once a week, same day, same time of day, and see how it's going. (weighing every day is where madness comes from)

    I disagree with this...somewhat or maybe I don't and I am reading wrong...lol. I would say err on the TDEE side. Take your TDEE, knock off 10-15% and don't worry about tracking your exercise. If you were eating 1800 and adding another 400 in for exercise, this is basically what you would be eating anyway. To keep it simple, just use the TDEE method and forget about how many calories you are actually burning. Just get out there and move.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Having looked at TDEE calculators I have come up,with a daily allowance of 2400. Seems like a lot, this is based on 45 mins a day of running and other daily activities etc. think I will get week one over sticking to 1800 and adding half my exercise CALS back on and see how I go

    so that's a difference of 600..

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you probably aren't burning 600 with a 45 min run, but you might be.

    Err on the low side, would be my suggestion, but not egregiously, and monitor your progress. Weigh once a week, same day, same time of day, and see how it's going. (weighing every day is where madness comes from)

    I disagree with this...somewhat or maybe I don't and I am reading wrong...lol. I would say err on the TDEE side. Take your TDEE, knock off 10-15% and don't worry about tracking your exercise. If you were eating 1800 and adding another 400 in for exercise, this is basically what you would be eating anyway. To keep it simple, just use the TDEE method and forget about how many calories you are actually burning. Just get out there and move.

    LOL.. no, we are agreeing, I just phrased it clumsily.

    If it says your TDEE is 2400 (which I'm assuming is maintenance level), and you are shooting for a deficit, then 1800 might be fine, or you might want to put back a few calories, but a lot of people look at the "calories burned" and go, "okay, that's 315.. so that's close to 350.. so I can eat 350 more.. " and get themselves into the high side, potentially erasing any deficit.

    Make your rock bottom your deficit, and if you are finding you are completely wiped out and tired, add some calories back in, but not too many. :)

    There! Clear as mud, eh?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I am 221 lbs male aged 34. I plan on burning around 500 a day running 4-5 miles. Calories calculated as an average of my garmin watch and what mfp gives it. I want to shed weight. I feel guilty eating them I suppose. Won't eating them back negate the act of exercise?

    MFP gave you a calorie deficit BEFORE exercise............

    Increasing your deficit will allow you to lose weight faster.........HOWEVER, there is a trade off. When you have a modest calorie deficit, eat right, and strength train.....you lose mostly fat. When you try to lose weight too quickly, don't eat right, do all cardio.......you lose fat+muscle.

    Exercise is for fitness.....but you choose your goals.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Having looked at TDEE calculators I have come up,with a daily allowance of 2400. Seems like a lot, this is based on 45 mins a day of running and other daily activities etc. think I will get week one over sticking to 1800 and adding half my exercise CALS back on and see how I go

    so that's a difference of 600..

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you probably aren't burning 600 with a 45 min run, but you might be.

    Err on the low side, would be my suggestion, but not egregiously, and monitor your progress. Weigh once a week, same day, same time of day, and see how it's going. (weighing every day is where madness comes from)

    I disagree with this...somewhat or maybe I don't and I am reading wrong...lol. I would say err on the TDEE side. Take your TDEE, knock off 10-15% and don't worry about tracking your exercise. If you were eating 1800 and adding another 400 in for exercise, this is basically what you would be eating anyway. To keep it simple, just use the TDEE method and forget about how many calories you are actually burning. Just get out there and move.

    There! Clear as mud, eh?
