Most embarrassing moment of your life?

FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
I may add mine later...just testing the waters first :laugh:


  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    I once referred to MFP as a calorie counting website.

    What was I thinking?
  • logansmummy724
    I once referred to MFP as a calorie counting website.

    What was I thinking?

  • JefferyArnold
    JefferyArnold Posts: 1,479 Member
    Since we are all friends here...

    When I was married, I had told my (then) wife about a dream I had about one of her hot co-workers. Being the kind and caring person that she was (hahahaha), she told the hot co-worker when I was in both of their presence.

    I'm not one to have a loss of words around women... All I could do was turn bright red and be silent.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Colostomy bag fell off once...
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    Colostomy bag fell off once...

    During sex right?
  • rfw24
    rfw24 Posts: 443 Member
    I was at the super market, waiting in line and holding about a 20 pd bag of dog food. Next line over a cute girl smiles at me. I smile back and start to move the bag of food from one arm to the other and drop it! It explodes on the floor and dog food goes everywhere. By the time I look up, the girl is gone and everyone is looking at me.
  • logansmummy724
    Since we are all friends here...

    When I was married, I had told my (then) wife about a dream I had about one of her hot co-workers. Being the kind and caring person that she was (hahahaha), she told the hot co-worker when I was in both of their presence.

    I'm not one to have a loss of words around women... All I could do was turn bright red and be silent.

    You def arent shy are you?
  • logansmummy724
    Colostomy bag fell off once...

    During sex right?

    when else haha jk
  • JefferyArnold
    JefferyArnold Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have a few others... but they aren't MFP share type of stories... Those are the few drinks in type of stories. :)
  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    I was hanging out with a friend and instead of typing " " I typed " "

    She stared at me for a few minutes =)
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Colostomy bag fell off once...

    During sex right?

    when else haha jk

    No in front of my kids. They were cool it seemed, but it bothered the ch!t out of me at the time.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    told a dirty joke out of Reader's Digest in front of the pastor and his wife. (I was like 10 years old at the time....)

    As an adult..... got my period at the store and when I picked up a bag of dog food it stained my pants like SUPER visibly.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    Alright, my most embarrassing moment would be recently actually. My mom was apparently going through an old computer of mine, that I gave her, I thought I cleared everything out but she must have done a restore of some sort and sends me some photos she found of me from when I was 17-19, and yes they were dirty photos, not nudes though, so that was a plus. Pretty horrifying!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    It's so embarrassing I'd rather not say, but it involves the after effects of eating a really sour pickle.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    told a dirty joke out of Reader's Digest in front of the pastor and his wife. (I was like 10 years old at the time....)

    As an adult..... got my period at the store and when I picked up a bag of dog food it stained my pants like SUPER visibly.

    Eh, I can relate. First day of high school this happened to me, luckily no one noticed and I had to walk home and change. Being a women sucks sometimes haha.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    I know one of my worst was when I was 15-years-old...I was a very naive, very trusting person. Boy, did I learn my lesson.

    I had this HUGE crush on this guy when I was in Grade 10. We were friends but that was it. On Valentine's Day, our school had these Candy-grams that you could send out to anyone you wanted. Of course I never got any, but that year I got one from this guy, stating that he wanted to go to the Valentine's Day dance with me that night and to meet him in front of the gym at school. Of course, I was THRILLED.

    I didn't get to see him for the rest of the day, but went home, got dolled up (as much as a flat-chested, awkward girl of 15 can get dolled up), went all the way back to school and waited at the front of the gym. And waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, I saw his friends coming out of the gym with him and he had a girl with him already. The whole gang looked over, spotted me and started to laugh like a bunch of hyenas.

    THEY has sent me the Candy-gram, knowing full well that I would respond. I was mortified, couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Thankfully though, my guy didn't think that the trick was funny at all. He got really mad at them and stayed mad at them for quite a while. We never did go out, but at least I had his kindness to carry with me.

    It still stings, though, even at 31-years-old.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Alright, my most embarrassing moment would be recently actually. My mom was apparently going through an old computer of mine, that I gave her, I thought I cleared everything out but she must have done a restore of some sort and sends me some photos she found of me from when I was 17-19, and yes they were dirty photos, not nudes though, so that was a plus. Pretty horrifying!
    Yep. Good one.
  • s16lad
    s16lad Posts: 197
    Thought I was texting a girlfriend (at the time) back but managed to send it to someone else..... :blushing:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    It was my first New Year's Eve out with my husband when we first started dating. We went to a hotel social and I was dressed in a gown and high heels which I never wear. Anyway, we were walking down the stairs of the hotel that led to the lobby and I lost my footing and fell, sliding down the stairs head first on my stomach with my dress pulled up for all the world to see. Luckily there were other party goers walking up and down those stairs at the same time. I just wanted to die.

    Needless to say I haven't worn high heels since.
  • Reagan89
    Reagan89 Posts: 40 Member
    My boyfriend's older brother walked in on us having sex, he went downstairs opened the front door, and shouted to my mum (who lived across the street) exactly what he had seen. Think half the street heard lol