Most embarrassing moment of your life?



  • Marcus_Anthony
    Marcus_Anthony Posts: 50 Member
    Not so bad this one, but safe for MFP:

    My older brother had a hot girlfriend and I was always a nervous mess around her. One day I thought I was home alone (14 years old) and came out of the shower in tighty whities, strolling into the family room and standing in front of the tv, changing channels.

    She's like "Hey you!" and I realize she is in the opposite corner of the room behind me. My brother was getting stuff from the car and I almost ran him over running upstairs to my room.

    Thankfully they broke up a few weeks later.
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    Broncos superbowl loss
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    My dad walked in on me when I was watching porn. I was barely 12 or 13 years old at that time. Needless to say, I was grounded for a while with out internet access.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    I was hanging out with a friend and instead of typing " " I typed " "

    She stared at me for a few minutes =)

    i wish my most embarrassing moment was as non-embarrassing as this HA.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Thought I was texting a girlfriend (at the time) back but managed to send it to someone else..... :blushing:

    Yeah, my son and my husband have the same name.... I texted "Hey, sexy" to my son by accident. He was NOT impressed.
  • gmhaggie06
    I had like nine cigars in one sitting one time at a graduation party at my godfather's house. Apparently I got slight nicotine poisoning which paralyzed my bowels and made me **** all over the guest bathroom (not in the can, on the floor, everywhere)
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Last summer we took our dog out with us on the boat. He must have drank too much lake water and while my husband was putting the boat back on the boat trailer I was waiting with the dog in this picnic/park area. Suddenly my dog starts having projectile diarrhea, non-stop. It just kept going on and on. This group of college guys just looked on in horror then started laughing. Of course I had no bags with me to clean up the mess and it was awful.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I know one of my worst was when I was 15-years-old...I was a very naive, very trusting person. Boy, did I learn my lesson.

    I had this HUGE crush on this guy when I was in Grade 10. We were friends but that was it. On Valentine's Day, our school had these Candy-grams that you could send out to anyone you wanted. Of course I never got any, but that year I got one from this guy, stating that he wanted to go to the Valentine's Day dance with me that night and to meet him in front of the gym at school. Of course, I was THRILLED.

    I didn't get to see him for the rest of the day, but went home, got dolled up (as much as a flat-chested, awkward girl of 15 can get dolled up), went all the way back to school and waited at the front of the gym. And waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, I saw his friends coming out of the gym with him and he had a girl with him already. The whole gang looked over, spotted me and started to laugh like a bunch of hyenas.

    THEY has sent me the Candy-gram, knowing full well that I would respond. I was mortified, couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Thankfully though, my guy didn't think that the trick was funny at all. He got really mad at them and stayed mad at them for quite a while. We never did go out, but at least I had his kindness to carry with me.

    It still stings, though, even at 31-years-old.

    I kinda want to go Carrie on their *kitten*, even though it was in the past.
  • s16lad
    s16lad Posts: 197
    Thought I was texting a girlfriend (at the time) back but managed to send it to someone else..... :blushing:

    Yeah, my son and my husband have the same name.... I texted "Hey, sexy" to my son by accident. He was NOT impressed.
    Wish mine had been that tame...!
  • Marcus_Anthony
    Marcus_Anthony Posts: 50 Member
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    I know one of my worst was when I was 15-years-old...I was a very naive, very trusting person. Boy, did I learn my lesson.

    I had this HUGE crush on this guy when I was in Grade 10. We were friends but that was it. On Valentine's Day, our school had these Candy-grams that you could send out to anyone you wanted. Of course I never got any, but that year I got one from this guy, stating that he wanted to go to the Valentine's Day dance with me that night and to meet him in front of the gym at school. Of course, I was THRILLED.

    I didn't get to see him for the rest of the day, but went home, got dolled up (as much as a flat-chested, awkward girl of 15 can get dolled up), went all the way back to school and waited at the front of the gym. And waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, I saw his friends coming out of the gym with him and he had a girl with him already. The whole gang looked over, spotted me and started to laugh like a bunch of hyenas.

    THEY has sent me the Candy-gram, knowing full well that I would respond. I was mortified, couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Thankfully though, my guy didn't think that the trick was funny at all. He got really mad at them and stayed mad at them for quite a while. We never did go out, but at least I had his kindness to carry with me.

    It still stings, though, even at 31-years-old.

    I kinda want to go Carrie on their *kitten*, even though it was in the past.

    Yeah, believe me, that idea went through my head as well.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    I know one of my worst was when I was 15-years-old...I was a very naive, very trusting person. Boy, did I learn my lesson.

    I had this HUGE crush on this guy when I was in Grade 10. We were friends but that was it. On Valentine's Day, our school had these Candy-grams that you could send out to anyone you wanted. Of course I never got any, but that year I got one from this guy, stating that he wanted to go to the Valentine's Day dance with me that night and to meet him in front of the gym at school. Of course, I was THRILLED.

    I didn't get to see him for the rest of the day, but went home, got dolled up (as much as a flat-chested, awkward girl of 15 can get dolled up), went all the way back to school and waited at the front of the gym. And waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, I saw his friends coming out of the gym with him and he had a girl with him already. The whole gang looked over, spotted me and started to laugh like a bunch of hyenas.

    THEY has sent me the Candy-gram, knowing full well that I would respond. I was mortified, couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Thankfully though, my guy didn't think that the trick was funny at all. He got really mad at them and stayed mad at them for quite a while. We never did go out, but at least I had his kindness to carry with me.

    It still stings, though, even at 31-years-old.

    Awh that is terrible! Reminded me of that movie "Never been Kissed", well they lost out any way! Losers.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    too many stories.. i tend to get into a lot of weird and embarrassing situations. here's the first one i can think of that's family friendly

    in college i was a dating a guy from a hoity-toity fancy pants old money family. by old money i mean like being direct descendents from the hapsburgs ( no my then bf didnt have that freaky hapsburg lip :laugh: ). my family is definitely NOT that :laugh:

    one day he and i were out doing stuff during the day and then he springs info on me that his mom and dad want to meet me since they are in town. that day i was dressed like a normal schlub (jeans tee and flip flops), but he assured me that it was going to be an informal thing so there was no need to go back home and change.

    turns out the place they wanted to meet was a really expensive restaurant. just outside i broke my flip flops (the thong part tore out of the shoe leaving a hole larger than before so i couldnt just pop it back in so it could stay. i ended up putting it back in as best as i could and decided to walk so i didnt pick up my feet too much. :laugh: so i ended up doing this weird shuffle thing, we told the parents that i hurt my hip playing rugby and he and i played it off with me holding on to his arm for support.

    then coffee was actually dinner and i was incredibly confused about all the stupid extra silverware, plates, cups, etc. i pretty much felt like i was from a 3rd world country eating with these people. luckily they were really cool about it and apparently his parents ended up thinking i was "charming"
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    I seriously had so many embarrassing moments. Another one that was in front of a lot of people, was in freshman year, I walked out towards where all the "smokers" hung out, must have been about 20-30 kids just chatting it up having a good time. And this douche yells at me to pull my shirt up because "I have nothing to show", a lot of them were laughing, most just stared at me.
  • bigbarnold
    bigbarnold Posts: 2,554 Member
    Ok.. Well.. Our new (elderly) neighbors came over to our house to visit us. My son (5) comes in the room and tells them that they should have came over yesterday and seen mommy and daddy "wrestling" in their room... He goes on to say that daddy was winning because he was on top mommy and mommy was screaming... We had no idea that he even came in the room during our "wrestling bout"! My (then) wife went into shock while I tried to quickly change the subject. The neighbors couldn't hardly look us in the eye and didn't stay long...
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I'm so clumsy, where do I begin?? :laugh:

    I've fallen a lot in my life!! :blushing:

    One that was more funny is when I was pregnant at the grocery store and dropped a couple of jars of baby food on the floor (glass jars) which of course shattered at the self check-out, I looked around and the guy in the aisle next to me was laughing and then put his lips to his fingers and shook his head saying "I won't tell if you don't" :laugh: :laugh:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Ohh and in my Nanny days....I was in the check-out with the boy I took care of. He was getting a bottle of Yoohoo (the chocolate drink)..and the lady tells him she loves Yoohoo too. He looks at her, and looks back at the Yoohoo..then says "Is that how you became black??"

    :sad: :sad:
  • dbm037
    dbm037 Posts: 125 Member
    I was in my 20's and at a new boyfriend home with him, his parents and younger sister. I had a sun dress on and when I went to the bathroom for a fast pee I guess I was so fast I didn't realize the back of my sun dress caught in my panties. When I return to the living room his mom said "sweetie look in the tall mirror at the end of the hall" When I saw what I had done I screamed.

    this one was about a year ago. I was in the airport and was just feeling so cute that day, everyone was looking at me, guys checking me out, women wishing they were me......NO I had toilet paper hanging out my pants! WTF don't know how that happened but I felt totally stupid
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    In high school I had a friend who was born in India and had a very traditional Indian family. He invited me to a graduation party, which he said was going to be a big group of friends and really casual. Being the awesome person that I am, I show up in jeans, flip flops, and a HOOTERS t shirt. His ENTIRE family was there in traditional Indian garb (think saris) and all of our friends had on nice dresses or suits.

    He apparently thought it was hilarious to have me show up not knowing that it was a formal event at a nice restaurant. It was probably the nicest party I had every been to up until that point in my life (weddings included). During the course of the night one of my flip flops broke and I am 99% sure his mother wanted to strangle me. I would've left early but I had been dropped off and was catching a ride home with a friend.

    Got rid of the Hooters shirt after that.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Super drunk one night, shaking dice with about 15 guys after an ice fishing contest. Decided to show my frontal assets..... About a year later, I was taking care of a patient who was very ill, and talking to his family about how he was doing. His son kept looking at me, and finally said, "hey, I know you from somewhere....." We realized at the same time he was one of the guys at the bar that night... Mortifiying.