Those with successful weightloss...

Did you do it on your own? Did you get any help?

I'm having a hell of a time with this and it's really bringing me down.


  • shannettegoodas
    dont feel down i just started this with my family and close friends a total of six and it has its ups and downs. we just have to keep encouraging each other.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    On my own. But I've never been even clinically overweight and had a healthy relationship with food. Makes it easier if you don't have to break all kinds of bad habits (eating to feel better, etc) in addition to just being more careful about how much you eat.

    Plus, I do research for a living. It let me find the legitimate weight loss techniques and avoid all the fad diet/broscience stuff. I don't know how long I'd have stuck with this if I hadn't figured out to calculate my TDEE, subtract 500 and use that rather than MFP's setting. It added a couple of hundred calories to my limit. I don't do well on 1200.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Did you do it on your own? Did you get any help?

    I'm having a hell of a time with this and it's really bringing me down.

    Started on my own but then got a great group of MFP friends supporting me. Its one of the best things about this site in my opinion.

    The other reason people find things hard is setting a much too aggressive weight loss goal and not being able to stick to it, changing eating habits completely and missing out on the things you love (It does work for some though) or inaccurate logging of foods and exercise leading to no progress

    This does work and is well worth sticking with if you can :-)
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    MFP is all the help you need. Create your profile as instructed and do as you are told. You will see the weight come down in no time!

    Here are loads of very knowledgeable people on here who can help you along the way. Also don't forget to use the "search" function if you have any questions. Lots of groups too, so pick which you like and join them.

    Honestly, after years of "dieting" I can tell you now, that I will reach my goals this time...all because of

    :happy: Be good!
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I had a team of people:

    Physical therapist
    My MFP friends

    and the most important one. Me.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I believed, before I found MFP, that I'd continue to be 100 pounds overweight. Then my doctor began to look for a blood pressure medicine that I could take without feeling like a zombie.
    THEN I realized that if I didn't clean up my act, I'd have to take BP medicine, zombie or not.
    Next I realized I'd have to stop being my own worst enemy.
    I started going to Paleo lifestyle lectures given by a local chiropractor.
    I read everything I could find about lowering blood pressure and added a lot of the suggestions to my life.
    I addressed the issue of cravings, and began to do what I could to control them.

    I feel about 15 years younger,I am closer every day to leaving the obese range and entering the world of overweight, and I am one very happy woman.

    Whether by yourself or with the help of others, YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    On my own. But I have alot of awesome mfp friends but they are not sitting with me watching what I put on my mouth. So yep, on my own.
  • fayefayee5
    fayefayee5 Posts: 87 Member
    Im only just starting on my journey, But im on my own.

    My hubby lost 100lbs last year/2012, and is encouraging me along, but im pretty much on my own.

    I work out alone, stay on top of my food, etc. Friends keep trying to get me to "just skip a day", and "oh come on, come eat ice cream with us", but im staying strong. They are all skinny minnies so its easy for them to say lol.

    I kinda wish I had a workout partner, just to make it less boring, but ah well, my rocking pandora station keeps me chugging along.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    The Eat, Train, Progress group was monumentally helpful to my success. Reading all the plethora of info, finding an exercise I love and a diet I could adhere to. Otherwise, I would've been lost. It's simple once you look back but difficult to start.
  • Katiejo97
    Katiejo97 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm still a work in progress but I can honestly say "No one can do it for you!" we all got here one mouthful at a time and the only way to lose it it to stop eating so much. That being said, this is a great site with great support from fellow food lovers and weight loss adventurers. Enjoy your journey and discover how great you begin to feel both with the MFP friends as well as with your own body. Share your tears, fears and accomplishments along the way-you can do this!
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    technically I did it on my own, my own meal planning, dragging my butt to the gym but I did have a couple friends who gave me some amazing pointers that certainly helped. I lost most of my weight before I found MFP but the last 15-20 lbs were from food logging on here.
  • denisemroth
    denisemroth Posts: 36 Member
    I've done it on my own with this site. It's been extremely helpful and eye opening to log in the diary each day - both food and exercise.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Did you do it on your own? Did you get any help?

    I'm having a hell of a time with this and it's really bringing me down.

    I am doing it with the help of MFP, my Fitbit, and my trainer but most of all I am the one doing the hard work. I want this bad so I am willing to sacrifice whatever I have to do lose the weight and keep it off. I researched my options and through trial and error found what works for me.

    I do all the meal planning and 99% of the cooking in my house. In fact, until Jan 1 of this year, my husband and I were often eating different foods because he was not on 100% board. Now that he is, we dont eat out as often (even though I was doing really good with making healthier food choices when we did go out) and he eats pretty much what I prepare.

    You have to want this more than you want what ever it is that is holding you back.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Started on my own, saw a nutritionist who put me onto MFP... saw a trainer in the gym to get started.
  • Gemmz2014
    Thank you for your input and support.

    I need to learn patience. I'm still kicking myself for gaining the 30lbs that I lost back in 2009. Five years, that's a long time to be angry with myself!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I lost the weight with Weight Watchers Online and have maintained the loss with MFP. I also have access to a gym.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    MFP is the only help I had. :smile:
  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    Kinda on my own, but I bore other people with the details.

    Some people use challenge groups. Losing weight is a lifestyle choice, you have to want the new lifestyle.
  • mbeach1969
    I am having the same issue here. I have not started my workout yet because of not having a partner to go with. I am just going to have to do it I guess. IPOD may be my new friend.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I did it on my own...but mine has been a journey towards better health, nutrition, and fitness...the weight loss has just been a nice bi-product, but that wasn't my primary focus. I was far more focused on the actual process and looking at ways to improve my health, nutrition, and fitness. If the scale is your only goal, it's going to be a long road to hoe