weight loss buddy anyone

three years ago I lost about 40 pounds. since then I've been up and down like crazy, and I'm getting awfully close to my old weight. I commit to working out and cutting calories for short amounts of time, but I always lose my drive half way into the fight. I think maybe my heart hasn't been in the right place, I wanted to lose weight for other people and not myself. and I approached it with an all- or-nothing. do-it-myself attitude.
This time I want to do this for me! I know that my weight and negative body issues are keeping me from enjoying my life like I should. I 'm sick of telling myself "when I'm thin..." I want to like myself and be and feel happy, no more excuses for anything. my weight is my problem I'm taking control. I know this time, i'm going to need some help. I know from experience I can't do it alone. I need support, and I need someone to hold me accountable.

I'm looking for a weight loss buddy.


  • deemedpriceless
    deemedpriceless Posts: 72 Member
    I am in a similar boat. Maybe we can hold each other accountable. I have no more excuses.
  • Hi! I have also been in that position of losing weight and then putting almost all of it back on. Its a horrible feeling and an extreme shot to the self esteem. One thing I can say is that once you're motivated again and seeing results it is just as easy as it was the first time. You just have to push forward, create small goals, and work your butt off to achieve the main goal. You can do it!

    Edited to add: I don't mind if you add me.
  • 000Linda000
    000Linda000 Posts: 50 Member
    Add me up! :)
  • RNLisa70
    RNLisa70 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me up! Same thing...good to have accountability partners! Let me know how I can help encourage!
  • LilSugaFree
    LilSugaFree Posts: 12 Member
    Hi... I have sent everyone a friend request. We all have to stick together in this journey.
  • Wonder2014Women
    Wonder2014Women Posts: 10 Member
    Hello laura here, I know how you feel I have done the same thing too. Looking for new friends feel free to add me.
  • wshultz14
    wshultz14 Posts: 63 Member
    everyone can add me
  • I've yo yo ed for years lack of motivation to get started or just plain old denial preventing me to get started... Who knows but I do know I want to make lasting change and I want to start now and I don't want to go it alone lets do this together
  • I too have lost weight, gained more than I lost.....now I need to loose around 100 pounds or so. I know it will take time, just need motivation and friends!!
  • I need help to. Add me on as a team player.
  • sarahberger507
    sarahberger507 Posts: 23 Member
    I also am starting this today! I need someone to help keep me motivated . Add me! More support I have the better.
  • Same here, lost it, gained it back a few times. Tired of excuses and all that. I am open to friends to motivate me and who also need motivation. I find that it's a friendly competition and accountability all at the same time!
  • Add me :)
    IBGDRNs Posts: 2 Member
    hi. i used to weight around 240 lbs and during my practical , i had lost around 13 pounds in 4 months. that had been the greatest happiness for me but ever since i graduated 3 months ago my weight had increased and know i am around 250 lbs. i lost confidence so much but i never lost my appetite (screw me!). i try to loose weight but failed everytime. i think the reason is because im always at home and food always around me. so i hope by joining this groups can motivate us together to lose weight :-) btw can u suggest any exercise that suitable to be done at home? i had done fitnessblender cardio workout but can only survive in first 5 minutes.
  • chaparra71
    chaparra71 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi,please add me as well. I am on my way to losing 100 lbs., 3 weeks in and 10 lbs. down. I am feeling pretty confident, and I can see the changes already, so that is a big help! I know we can do it!

    I personally like Leslie Sansone for in home exercising, especially for those that have a lot to lose and need to start out with something doable. She has MANY levels of walking exercises, and I just love her! I like the Body For Life strength training regimen for my weight days.
  • nebrred57
    nebrred57 Posts: 3 Member
    Im looking for weight loss buddies too. I have 100 lbs to lose. Let's help each other.
  • You can feel free to add me as well. I have a huge amount of weight to tackle. I could always use some helpful motivators!
  • You can feel free to add me as well. I have a huge amount of weight to tackle. I could always use some helpful motivators!
  • I am starting today too. 30lbs in 5 months is my goal. Today I stayed below calories and excer ised 40 min. How about you?
  • Guineagirl913
    Guineagirl913 Posts: 77 Member
    Add me too! The journey is easier with lots of motivation and support!
  • COUNT ME IN! When you have someone cheering you on, you can't be stopped!????
  • Ladies please add me, too :)
  • feel free to add me too everyone. knowing that someone else could be reading my food diary will make me more accountable. ive been struggling lately, but will definatly not give up, only 15kg away from my perfect goal weight goooood luck everyone :)
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    I've been on this journey seriously for a year and now struggle to be motivated to keep it off. I'm signing up for different races to keep me motivated to run, since I've already spent the money. :) Would love to add friends who need advice and motivation and will help me keep on track. Thanks.
  • HappyGladGal
    HappyGladGal Posts: 21 Member
    I just started my weight loss journey and MFP a month ago.. I'm looking for buddies to motivate each other.. Please add me.. :)
  • Shelly3333
    Shelly3333 Posts: 11 Member
    Your story sounds like mine friend request sent and anyone else can add me too!!
  • Anyone can add me! I am on here everyday and my goal is to lose 30 lbs by July.
  • Hello all - I just joined and would also like to find some workout/motivational buddies. Please feel free to add me.

    My goal is to be fit by my 30th b-day which is in May :)
  • For me personally, when i think of the TOTAL numbers of pounds i want to loose i get overwhelmed and quit. Maybe try piecing together your weight loss by say 5-10 pounds at a time and rewarding yourself accordingly. I think it is an easier way to grasp your goals. I am the same way, I will work really hard and then it all falls apart somewhere, I try to break down my goals so I dont get overwhelmed and focus on how good I feel after acheiving them that way if you start to slip you can remember that "feel good" feeling and not fall too far off track.
  • Using the MFP will make you accountable for your food intake and make you more aware of the foods that you are eating and snacking on. So come on weight loss buddies let's get started with eating healthy and exercise.