New and needing motivation...

So, I'm new the whole MFP thing, and I kind of understand how it works, but my main thing is, I don't know anyone. I guess one way to make friends is to throw myself out there.

I currently weight 230 lbs and I'm looking to lose 60-80 lbs. Other than physical activities in high school (ie band) I have no knowledge of physical exercises. I try to exercise once a week, although I need to be exercising 5-6 days in a week. As far as eating healthy goes, I haven't really started that. I have cut back some, and I don't drink as many soft drinks, but that's about as far as I have gotten.

I'm very serious about loosing. I'm tired of not feeling like I look good in clothes, and I want to feel better about myself. My best friend and I are trying to do this together, but we are both so self conscious, that we don't really work out together. Most people would think that would be easier, but it really isn't. My husband is also trying to help me, but he's always been smaller than me, and I know he will reach his goal before I do, so that could discourage me. So ANYBODY who might wanna help out a noob, feel free to send me a friend request or message me. Thanks :smile:


  • meankeen
    meankeen Posts: 49 Member
    Sure, send me a friend invite. I am actually going to check in with my diet next week or so!
  • Dorajohnson
    Dorajohnson Posts: 9 Member
    Sure thing! Send a friend request and we can work it together. I also check on my friends to make sure they are logging in.
  • You can add me! I started at 230lb with a goal to lose 100lbs...I have about 64lbs to go.
  • Feel free to friend me, too! Support is one of the main reasons I joined here after lurking a while (that plus the food tracking). Friends help smooth the journey.
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Feel free to add me as well (anyone can)! Just had to delete a bunch of friends that either haven't been on here for months and or they love to get lot's of support and not give any back. I too am looking for some new friends who want to lose weight.....get fit, eat clean the good old fashion way. Diet pill takers and replacing most meals with shakes...........please do not add.
  • fayefayee5
    fayefayee5 Posts: 87 Member
    welcome and good luck with your journey :)
  • RobynSmithIBECHS
    RobynSmithIBECHS Posts: 86 Member
    Hey, feel free to add. I am trying to lose around 134 pounds. Would love to be friends...
  • I'll be your friend! Send me a request! I'm new to mfp too, but I've already lost 55 lbs. I'm at 290, so I have a long way to go still! Don't be ashamed or embarrassed.
    We have a right to live the life we want in the healthiest, strongest body we can have.
    We have a right to exercise our bodies and seek support from others in order to get there.
    Block out the haters and live your life beginning now! We can do this!
  • cmhusns
    cmhusns Posts: 17 Member
    Add me too. I'm new as well. We can help each other.
  • add me too! I need to lose atleast 100 pounds, so far I have lost 18.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I've been on here awhile but still
    Working towards my goal
  • YOu can do it! One step at a time. Everyone here is in the same boat, more or less.
  • You can friend request me as well! I used this before when I lost 60 lbs and am going to use it again to lose this other 45 I want to drop!
  • natalie_journey
    natalie_journey Posts: 32 Member
    Going to friend request you :) I also need to lose around 80 pounds...we can do this :)
  • Thank you so much everyone! I tried to go in and add all of you, but if I happened to skip anybody, I apologize.

    It is so nice to have people you don't even know, understand where you're coming from. I haven't started logging yet, but I plan to start soon. I have to go healthy grocery shopping so I can do this the right way. Being on a budget, I can't afford to throw any junk food away. (I know, lame excuse) BUT on the up side, all of the junk food is gone!
  • My goal is to lose 70 pounds and right now I am at 266...Anyone can add me because I sure need a push every now and then. I will check in and send some encouragements your way always!
  • mandasauruss
    mandasauruss Posts: 12 Member
    You can add me! I have well over 100 to lose and I'm definitely not smaller than you, so no worries about me discouraging you! ;)
    I don't really know what "adding" someone means, because while not new to mfp, I just know the basic stuff, like logging food/exercise!
  • I am just starting as well. I would love a some motivating friends as well!! It seems like such a long journey, but if we stick to it, and stay determined we will be there in no time!!
  • hanbanx25
    hanbanx25 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been on and off this for a while as my goals and focuses have changed. I'm trying to lose 22lbs over the next 4 months. Feel free to add me. More than happy to share experiences and all additional support is a bonus!
  • add mee!