Berry's bare belly challenge - February 2014



  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    Took a bit longer than I thought it would and my camera didn't work with me, but here we go:

    Edited to remove some unnecessary links that photobucket put in the code :)
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    I haz the biggest belly...where's my prize????



  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    i've tried, and failed to make the photo work
    if anyone can help it's here: Loss Journey/image.jpg.html
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    this isn't me its Penny_eclipse : ))
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Penny, I have to say that's a very trim waist you got going on there!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Looking good ladies, just think how awesome our bellies will look by the end of the month!

    Slightly disappointed there's no men with their shirts off - let's recruit some :tongue:

    Yesterday was an epic fail. I was at a trade fair with the usual trade fair food, then for various reasons I didn't get home until 10.30pm with no dinner except award ceremony booze and peanuts.

    Needless to say, no formal exercise, but there was a LOT of walking around!

    Zumba tonight. We have Tube strikes in London which will make getting home lengthy and difficult, but I think I've earned the right to leave early to make sure I get there!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Made it home in time for Zumba. It was hip-wiggling, shoulder-shimmying goodness. I always leave with a big grin on my face! I should probably get some resistance training in tonight, ho hum.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    My workouts have become non-existent, HELP!!!!!!! :frown:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My workouts have become non-existent, HELP!!!!!!! :frown:
    C'mon Missus, just over three weeks to go before bellies are out. Get down and give me a plank!
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    I forgot to tell how I'm going about this all, so here you go:
    I follow the 5:2 diet, so a form of intermittent fasting. On the other 5 days I eat about 2000 calories. I do a bootcamp-workout (circuit training really) at the gym 2x a week, and at home I do some jillian michaels and push ups/pull ups. I might also check out BerryH's little program that she posted on the previous page :)
    Good luck to you all!
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    My workouts have become non-existent, HELP!!!!!!! :frown:

    Do you watch TV? Jog in place instead of sitting on the couch! Do you ever microwave anything? Pretend to jump rope/do a plank/etc while the timer counts down! Have stairs in your residence? Go up and down them a couple of times every day. Going shopping? Park in the back instead of trying to find a spot close to the front.

    There are a ton of ways to incorporate exercise into your daily life if you think about it. :)

    I really need to do some more Zumba! :laugh:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Tried Jillian Michaels' Shred It With Weights for the first time (part one is online). I enjoyed it more than others of hers, and certainly feel like I had a good workout!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I might try some JM tonight/tomorrow and I'm taking the zumba dvd's to my bf's and going to make him do them with me (he's whining about his weight so he can do some hip wiggling with me), and I'm going to make us go for a long walk on Sunday too.

    One good thing about the tube strike...I got an extra 40mins cycling each day just to get to/from work. I am determined to see a little bit of difference by the end of Feb even if the scale doesn't reward me.

    Also Berry I tried your little routine which was fab but also intensely evil. I've clearly been out of body pump and 30DS waaaaay too long!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I might try some JM tonight/tomorrow and I'm taking the zumba dvd's to my bf's and going to make him do them with me (he's whining about his weight so he can do some hip wiggling with me), and I'm going to make us go for a long walk on Sunday too.
    That's awesome. I tell my guy friends they should come to Zumba and stand at the back - they'd love it! [/quote]
    One good thing about the tube strike...I got an extra 40mins cycling each day just to get to/from work. I am determined to see a little bit of difference by the end of Feb even if the scale doesn't reward me.
    That's great! It actually took me far longe to get in today than it did on the Tube strike days :laugh:
    Also Berry I tried your little routine which was fab but also intensely evil. I've clearly been out of body pump and 30DS waaaaay too long!
    Yup, it's just 8 minutes, but 8 minutes of pain!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yo! Mojo has made an appearance with Berry's help, Body Revolution workout being done, and actually RAN this morning for the first time since completing the Race For Life 5k last Summer.

    Come on, chicks, and yes I'm aiming this at the ladies because so far the guys have bee reluctant to display their bellies, lets get cracking on an improvement for the end of the month!

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    This weekend I also ran for the first time in ages (must have been something in the air!) on Saturday, and lifted "heavy" (for me!) on Sunday. All the guys (and it was only guys) in the weights areas were "it's never leg day" types!

    No weight loss - drinking gallons of wine put paid to that - but I'm definitely going in at the middle a bit more!

    Swimming tonight. I never feel like swimming before I get it but always think, "I love swimming, why don't I do that more often?" when I finish.

    Exercise consistency for me just means never going more than a day without doing something, whatever that is doesn't matter much, so long as I'm doing it to the best of my ability.
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    I want in on this! I need to strengthen my belly!!! If I get brave enough I will post pics, I have been working on a home renovation for over a year and have put myself on the back burner! Time for me to get back to feeling good!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Welcome on board runforestrun!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Did half an hour of swimming and five minutes of water running today. With just 18 days to go, I really need to step on the gas! I had a lot of unrecorded booze this weekend and a day full of snack attacks. I looked like an Easter egg in my swimming costume!