Diet Coke?



  • leew88
    leew88 Posts: 62 Member
    tastes horrible though, if one glass every now and then is all you are going to have, you may aswell treat yourself to a proper glass of coke

    ~responding simply because I see said a lot~

    Not everyone drinks diet coke as a no-cal substitute for regular Coke. I've always found regular Coke sickly sweet, took to Diet Coke when it came out because I preferred the taste to all the other sodas out there.

    fair enough, everyone is different. you are right, i thought you would of prefered it thinking it were healthier. Personally I dislike the taste of diet coke, coke zero and actual original coke! I prefer pepsi, but not the original pepsi i dislike that too, the only pepsi i truly enjoy is pepsi max, and purely for the taste :)
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Moderation ♡. I drink about 2 myself. Love me some diet cherry Dr Pepper OR Diet Coke Lime. I prefer the diet drinks with the splash of other flavors mixed in
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Does it make you retain water? Gain weight? Will one glass a week really cause me harm?

    In order: No. No. No.

    I drink about 3-5 cans' worth every day. I seem to be doing OK.
  • sickofbeingfat1986
    I would say one glass a week is not soooo bad but ill say this, my family used to own a restaurant and they had a soda fountain and they always used to have to replace the hoses for the diet coke frequently because the diet coke would corrode or eat away at the hose and mess it up from the inside/out as well. so if it can destroy plastic tubing I cant imagine the damage it does to us.I think diet soda is even worse than reg, soda and the taste is so horrible.
    if your down to 1 glass a week than good job. but if you can, just give it up altogether. If you want fizziness try drinking some sparkling water, to get the soda taste and feeling without the cals or craziness .
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    People who are saying No are crazy. Artificial Sweetners have addicting qualities to them. I am a solid believer that I was addicted to Diet Coke. And I say Diet Coke ... cuz it was just Diet Coke that I craved.

    Today is 1 month since I have not had any soda! & I just feel less bloated and look less bloated. It was a rough first few weeks, but I seriously feel a lot healthier. Soda is terrible for you, especially artificial sweetners. Just google some of the **** they put in it.

    If you need the caffeine or the taste...try switching to Pepsi Throwback ... real sugar!!!

    I'm not a doctor, but I have researched this stuff in full. & I feel better without it :)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    People who are saying No are crazy.

    Let's not go blatantly insulting people in your first 20 posts.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    The worst thing artificial sweeteners can do to you as far as I know is give you diarrhea. if you're okay with the taste, sure do it, it has barely any calories.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    No, it's not that bad.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    People who are saying No are crazy.

    Let's not go blatantly insulting people in your first 20 posts.

    But how else is she supposed to justify her unsupported claims and random nutrition belief structures?
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I limit myself to 2 12 oz of diet coke a day - hasn't impeded my weight loss at all...
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    god no, i drink coke zero ALLLLL the time and have no qualms...

    drink up if you love it.

    ...personally im addicted to coke, its been my vice for many years. my life isnt the same without it. so i enjoy it all the time =)

    lol my mother seems to think its either pagan or was made by the devil....what would she know? lol least im not shooting something up my arm instead (eye roll)... its JUST SODA mother!! lmao!!
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    I've read that the combination of aspartame and caffeine is no good for your brain. However I still drink diet coke. :drinker:

    I also try to limit myself per week.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    No it's not as bad as people make it seem.
  • PamKB67
    Everything in moderation. I usually indulge in 1 or 2 glasses a week. I believe I had an addiction to it and lived on diet coke. I never equated it to my constant annoying mild headaches. However, once I gave up diet coke on a regular basis, the headaches went away. I was probably sensitive to the artificial sweetener.

    Now when I indulge, it is from a fountain source and I mix half coke and half coke zero and enjoy it.

    There is some science/concern that the phospates (fizzies) has been shown to leach calcium which is a concern for woman but I believe everything in moderation.

    If coke, diet coke or whatever controls you, then it is bad for you and that needs to be addressed.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Aspartame isn't exactly GOOD for you, but you'd have to be basically living on nothing but Diet Coke to ingest the amounts necessary to cause any serious harm. You could probably drink it daily and not suffer any real consequences. Unless you consider the taste of Diet Coke itself to be a consequence, naturally. I can't stand the stuff.

    Aspartame is found in Coke Light/lite not in Coke Zero.

    Aspartame is also found in many daily foods we eat, such as bread.
  • ThePersnicketyOtter
    It's only bad if you're sensitive to the artificial sugar and if it's all you drink. If you drink enough water and soda is extra it doesn't matter much. It's like everything else: okay in moderation.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    Diet coke has aspartame in it, which can cause a lot of problems in the long-term. You can look up what aspartame can cause. I believe it can cause dementia, or maybe it was another kind of, old age, memory problem that it can cause. But I suggest finding a diet soda that does not have aspartame in it. I don't think coke zero has aspartame but I have never looked at the ingredients on a bottle of coke zero. Anyway, I wouldn't drink it, just to be safe. Plus, I don't think diet soda tastes very good haha
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    In moderation, no it's probably not that bad. But there are a few things you should be aware of.

    1. I'm sure you've seen the Youtube videos where soda is used to do stuff like dissolve steaks and clean engine blocks. Yes, it has to sit on the items for quite awhile to do it, but it can do it because of the acidity from the carbon dioxide. If you drink lots (no, I don't know how to quantify a lot) it can increase your risk of developing ulcers as it affects the PH of your stomach contents.

    2. A few studies have indicated that it might be possible for artificial sweeteners to cause an insulin reaction thus creating more hunger for a person. However, studies have shown that artificial sweeteners also help to reduce overall calorie load and could help people to lose weight. Read the studies and be aware of the possible effects. Ultimately the choice is up to you if you want to drink it.

    3. Artificial sweeteners are multiple times sweeter than sugar, honey or other "natural" sweeteners. It's theorized that the increased sweetness makes your taste buds grow accustom to sweetness thus requiring more and more of it to satisfy.

    3. Depending on which ones you drink, they can be caffeinated. Caffeine is a drug that can form dependencies in the human body. As a previous long time drinker of caffeinated beverages I can attest to the tremendous headaches that not drinking caffeine had caused me during my detox.

    Regardless, from my personal experience, I was a 2 Lt bottle a day drinker of diet soda. Mt Dew and Coke. I kicked my habit cold-turkey. I don't miss it at all. I can't say that I haven't been tempted to try some now and again, but then I think about where I came from and decided that I didn't need the headaches again. I congratulate you on your choice to try and lower your intake.

    Just like always, you will find varying opinions on here from both side of the spectrum. There are many people that are strongly pro-soda, and others that are strongly anti-soda. I'm in the anti-soda group, but that's because of my personal experiences. Ultimately the choice is up to you. I just urge you to research about the stuff that you are putting into your body by drinking it. Personally the artificial sweetener I use is Stevia, and it only goes in my morning green or herbal tea. I drink either plain water or fruit infused water the rest of the day.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Aspartame (the artificial sweetner in diet coke and pretty much anything else lower cal) is a carcinogen (something that causes cancer or helps cancer to grow). Yeah that's pretty nasty. Honestly I don't worry about it too much...if I can make a choice between a natural low cal sweetner, like stevia, I do and I don't sweeten my coffee or anything, but I drink diet sodas and eat low cal yogurts sometimes. Pretty much everything is linked to cancer these days. But that's the honest truth of why artifical sweetner is "so bad for you". What you choose to do with the knowledge is up to you. I choose to just limit it and eat lots of fruits, veg, take viatimins and other things to help prevent cancer. Just because you drink diet coke doesn't mean you will get cancer...but you might. But you might even if you don't.
  • RRB2000
    RRB2000 Posts: 77 Member
    I still drink maybe 1 diet drink (Coke or Pepsi) at least 3-4 times per week b/c it helps me with cravings. For the most part, I drink water.....glasses and glasses of it a day, but I see no problem with drinking a diet drink, even if its once per day. As far as if its bad for your overall health, I know what the researchers say, but almost everything is "bad" in one sense or the other. Just my opinion. Good luck!