Looking for Motivational Friends 21-35

I'm 25, I've noticed that a lot of people on here are a lot older or a lot younger than me. When losing weight, your age matters! Your activity levels change, the lifestyle you lead is different, and it can sometimes be easier to relate! I have absolutely no qualms with being friends with people who are older or younger than the range I have listed, just feel like I would have more in common with people around my own age. I'm a mom of 18 month old twins, I have a lot of weight to lose & I'm from New England (go Red Sox & Patriots!). If we have something in common, if you're a parent or even just a Red Sox fan feel free to add me! I don't add without a message first though!!

Oh, and if you don't like to talk to someone who is chatty don't bother, I am SUPER talkative :)


  • CamilleB0119
    CamilleB0119 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I am also looking for some motivational friends within that range as well. I am also 25 years old and think that the extra support is always great! Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
  • fayefayee5
    fayefayee5 Posts: 87 Member
    Hey im 26, with approx 100 lbs to lose :)
  • poojie4
    poojie4 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm 21, currently living in the Midwest but my brother was born in Boston so we are Red Sox fans. :) I'm currently in pharmacy school and I want to lose 20 pounds or so. Add me if that fits anyone's criteria! xx
  • pariskathryn
    pariskathryn Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 25 :) wanting lose about 50 more pounds!
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    You can add me! I'm 26, and petite (5'1") with only a few pounds to lose but gosh those are hard ones to make go away! I'm from New England also. :) I appreciate motivational friends and try to be one myself since I know it's so nice to see that people have "liked" or commented on one's daily activity-- I find it really helps me out.

    And I tend to be somewhat chatty online! It's fun.
  • Bethany0214
    Bethany0214 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey there!! I'm 29 with about 100 pounds to lose! I always love new friends, I believe this process is much easier with friendly support!
  • GetFitForAJ
    GetFitForAJ Posts: 22 Member
    Sent FR :)
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 22 with 89 or so pounds to lose. Feel free to add me :)
  • wakingdreamer
    wakingdreamer Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 35 and a twin mama too! (mine are 13 now tho!). I'd LOVE more active and chatty friends if you wanna add me! :-D
  • johnkirk
    johnkirk Posts: 1 Member
    27 and looking for all the support I can get! Some great achievements so far looking at the numbers on display in this forum!
  • TXgolfguy
    TXgolfguy Posts: 30 Member
    Im 31 and have about 75 pounds left to lose. I need motivational friends and do my best to motivate the friends I have. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • MrsHyland
    MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member
    This journey really is so much easier when you have people motivating you along the way. Weight loss, or lack there of, can get so discouraging. Friends really help the process. Good luck to you, feel free to add me!
  • trishdish2281
    trishdish2281 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 33, would like to lose 10-15 lbs, but mainly tone. I too, am fairly new to the MFP community & I would love to be MFP "pals" to help motivate us!
  • marymoni
    marymoni Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 26 and aiming to lose around 10-15lbs. Feel free to add me :)
  • Add me! I'm 28 and looking for some huge motivation!
  • hey i am becky i just turned 30 on sat i am also from new englad new hampshire to be exact where r u from
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    Hi Im 34 wanting to lose 27 pounds. Anyone feel free to add me. We can motivate each other :)
  • ecopley86
    ecopley86 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am 27 and recently re-joined after signing up a couple of years ago. I am 5'10" and so it is easy for my weight to creep up without anyone else really noticing as the weight just spreads all over my tall figure. However, something needs to change! I found that my weight really started to increase when I turned 21, and started going out to bars etc. It becomes "routine" activities for people in their early 20s, but then next thing you know you have gained 50 pounds from drinking, eating, being hungover (so no way do you want to work out). So as of yesterday I stopped drinking. My goal is to do that for at least 1 month and go from there. It will definitely be a day at a time. I am going to do a Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD when I get home today. She really is motivating, and her 30 day shred does help kickstart a workout routine.
    Good luck to everyone! This website is great for support! :)
  • 51797912.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Also looking for help! i am 22 a mother of a 16 month old boy needing to lose weight before my wedding would love to add some friends to stay motivated

    Please feel free to add me (=
  • kosmosEP
    kosmosEP Posts: 73 Member
    Hi I'm 24 and looking for friends for motivation as well, I always do well for about 2 months then stop logging my food for 3 months and gain the weight back. I need more friends to look at my feed to see them sticking to it so I can stick to it too :) Anyone feel free to add me.

    I'm also a recipe junkie soooo you can share all your recipes with me too if you want ;)