Tired of this journey ... just tired ..



  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You already know what the problem is. You can't out-exercise poor nutrition,aka binging every weekend. If you are so stressed that emotional eating is overwhelming you, then you need counseling to address those issues.

    Motivation comes from within, not others. You need to find reasons to diet and exercise that truly motivate you. "Having abs & getting my dream body" isn't doing it for you. For me it's not having the health issues I had, wanting to continue to shop in any store. Figure out what's going to really do it for you.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Gettng to the point were I really might just quit guys.

    Well...to be honest...if you've been binging for 8 months there isn't anything really to "quit", as it doesn't sound like you've actually started yet.

    You're not lacking motivation - you're lacking discipline. And since you've already demonstrated through your workout routine that you do actually understand discipline, it means you're making a choice to binge.

    Figure out why, and you'll nail it.

    Good luck!

  • slowcheetah16
    slowcheetah16 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Brandon, I think what is happening to you, happened to me. I am 5 10 175 and 15% bf. I was 215 27% bf. However, when I reached 183 and 19% bf, I began to binge every week or two and my fat loss would stall. I found out that I actually had to increase my calories during the week and be more accurate with my macros. When I began to eat more, my lifts went up, I lost weight slower but my bf% dropped faster. Oh and there were no more binges. One day a week you should do a carb refeed and eat at maintenance. Hope this helps.