What can I do to help myself?

I ate at maintenance yesterday. I didn't do it on purpose but I scarffed down an entire box of popcorn chips.

I was soooo hungry yesterday. I'm saying okay.. it happnes, it wasn't a loss day but it wasn't a gain. It was essentially a cheat day.

Well, today the hunger has carried over. I drank about 5 cups of water yesterday. (I know, not enough)
I woke up thirsty and starving. I drank 3 cups of water as soon as I got up. Also had a banana. Figured that would stop cravings. It didn't. I'm also drinking my morning coffee.... and lessened the sugary stuff. Stuck with non-dairy creamer and 2 splendas (which I normally don't use).

What else can I do to curb hunger during today. Besides drinking an enormous amount of water. I know lean protein... but i'm working and have limited lunch choices. I'm thinking eggdrop soup... with 4 dumplings in it... should be okay to subside these hunger pains in a few hours.

Does this happen to everyone dieting and losing weight???


  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    Some days are harder than others. Especially if you're hormonal. Coffee is my bestest friend. Tea is also helpful.

    And don't beat yourself up. I ate about 100,000 cheez-its last week. (They are like crack to me.) Stuff happens.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    Something with protein? I find a hard boiled egg or 2 helps me in the morning or a Greek 0% fat yogurt with some granola.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Are you getting in at least 100 grams of protein? When I did this, my empty hungry feelings went away. Carb calories are for fast energy, protein calories are for slow release energy. Getting them in balance will help you maintain your energy level.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Instead of egg drop soup with the dumplings go for something with chicken like a wrap or a salad... something with the protein to keep you full longer. Also, be sure you have snacks at the ready that fall within your calorie limits.
  • chaniebee
    chaniebee Posts: 21 Member
    Honestly for me a tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter really can take the edge off. also you're probably thirsty... your brain makes you feel like you're hungry. Try to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day (100 lbs= 50 oz). Once this became a habit for me I'm hungry a lot less! ((:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Does this happen to everyone dieting and losing weight???

    (1) Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone stumbles. Nobody is perfect all the time.

    (2) You gotta find what works for you. My suggestion, instead of eating an entire bag of snack food, try eating real food throughout the day. If you're never hungry, you never binge to feel better. I lost 100 pounds and I was never hungry. Not once. If I was hungry, I ate something.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oatmeal, hot tea, protein always helps me. Also, lots of vegetables are very filling for low calories. Throw a little lemon or orange slice in your water.

    Plus are you eating enough in general? Are you restricting too much?

    Find even 15 minutes to exercise, that always helps curb my cravings and helps me forget about feeling starved.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I ate at maintenance yesterday. I didn't do it on purpose but I scarffed down an entire box of popcorn chips.

    I was soooo hungry yesterday. I'm saying okay.. it happnes, it wasn't a loss day but it wasn't a gain. It was essentially a cheat day.

    Well, today the hunger has carried over. I drank about 5 cups of water yesterday. (I know, not enough)
    I woke up thirsty and starving. I drank 3 cups of water as soon as I got up. Also had a banana. Figured that would stop cravings. It didn't. I'm also drinking my morning coffee.... and lessened the sugary stuff. Stuck with non-dairy creamer and 2 splendas (which I normally don't use).

    What else can I do to curb hunger during today. Besides drinking an enormous amount of water. I know lean protein... but i'm working and have limited lunch choices. I'm thinking eggdrop soup... with 4 dumplings in it... should be okay to subside these hunger pains in a few hours.

    Does this happen to everyone dieting and losing weight???

    On a deficit you might be hungry sometimes.
  • moment_to_arise
    moment_to_arise Posts: 207 Member
    eat something high in protein. protein keeps you full longer.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    How many calories are you eating? If you're that hungry, you may just have to eat more and lose at a slower rate. Or would you be able to keep going like this forever? It sounds miserable.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hunger comes and goes in waves, it doesn't just build up. I'd ignore it for 20 minutes.
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    I calculated my (net calories) I track my exercises conservatively as I don't have an HRM or FitBit. I also don't eat back to calories I burn (not all of them) maybe a 100 or a little more.

    The average is 1471. I'm still 130lbs away from being in any sort of normal range. So.... I think this is okay.

    I'm just going to up the protein, up the water and keep exercising as much as I can. I have 2 kids, full time job of overtime every week, and run the house by myself. I think the snow set me off. I wasn't home.. and didn't have access to my pre-planned meal.

    THANK YOU ALL for your replies. It is probably normal this hunger... and i'm going to fight through it. Thanks for all the help. :)
  • Darcie45
    Darcie45 Posts: 52 Member
    I had a few days last week where I was just HUNGRY. I felt like I could eat the world. And I ate. Not always the healthiest (chocolate is my downfall). I stayed under everyday except one, but I pretty much ate back all my exercise calories. I was dreading the scale yesterday morning, but Bam I had a 1.5 loss. It kind of told me to listen to my body. obviously it needed more than I was giving it. I have been using MFP since July and except for the very beginning, this was the first time I was like that.

    So if you are hungry, eat something, the popcorn chips were carbs, so try some nuts, peanut butter, avocado, eggs. Something healthier, but with protein to it.
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    Cravings come and go and you have to do your best to manage them. Try eating foods that are high in protein and/or natural fats, like avocados, chicken thighs or breast, eggs, peanut or almond butter, etc. These types of foods will curb your hunger faster and help you feel fuller for longer.

    Sometimes I get cravings for something sweet and eat a banana or have some peanut butter on a rice cake and that really helps. Usually if you get back on track, you'll only deal with these cravings for a day and then you will be back to normal the following day. Try not to let these cravings be your downfall and have it turn into 2 cheat days!
  • kampshm
    kampshm Posts: 93 Member
    My advice is to plan regular snacks in your diet. I rarely feel "famished" but when I do its usually because its been too long since I've eaten or right after a hard workout.

    What I usually do is have 2 snacks, one mid-morning like 10:30am and one around 3pm. In the morning I'll have a banana (105 cal), or 1/2cup lowfat cottage cheese with pineapple (170 cal). In the afternoon I usually get a sweet craving so a chocolate peanut butter protein bar (180 cal) or trail mix with some dark chocolate chips (250 cal) is really yummy! You may have to modify the snack based on the calories you have for the day. I also like apple slices dipped in peanut butter (1-2Tbsp) (170-260 cal).

    If salty is more your craving, I'd say to try and either pack a serving size of crackers or chips in one of those "snack size" ziploc bags or buy the prepackaged ones. That way when you get a huge craving, you won't be able to eat more than your pre-portioned serving.

    The big thing is to plan ahead!! When I get lazy and don't plan my snacks and meals for the day, I always end up making bad choices!!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Hunger comes and goes in waves, it doesn't just build up. I'd ignore it for 20 minutes.

    I find this to be true, especially if I am concentrating on something difficult. Is there a work task you can do that is distracting? If that doesn't work, I recommend pickles, which are filling but have very few calories.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Increase your fiber intake.

    The key things I have found that help me are to make sure I have enough Fiber, and then I focus on protein.
  • LVCeltGirl
    A lot of what's already been said. Switch to something with chicken in it for more protein than the soup. Protein, protein, protein plus your water.

    Also, as mentioned before, keep snacks with you. I'm currently on a Quest Bar kick. Super high in protein, gluten free, low sugar (but still has sweeteners), high fiber but not suggested if you have a nut allergy. I like to keep them around for workout energy. But they can be meal replacement or even snacks (not often but they are small, easy to keep nearby, etc. so they really are a decent snack option especially if you are on the go). They are a little higher on sodium than I'd prefer but not too terrible. And prior to Quest Bars, I was on a Luna Bar kick, again for the protein kick pre-workout. Nuts, cheese, yogurt are also on my list for quick higher protein snacks.

    And also remember that one or two days eating at maintenance, even by accident, isn't going to derail your success to date.
  • brett1117
    Hi, where is your food diary?!?! I'm assuming you're starving yourself to lose weight?? I would suggest logging in a food diary for 2 weeks then EDUCATED members can help with your goals!! You need to EAT to lose weight! look into eating a LOW glycemic diet!! FOOD DIARY ON MFP PLEASE