Jorge Cruise THE 100 DIET- Anyone Done It??



  • Love The 100! Tried low carb diets in the past and went into carb withdrawal. With Jorge's recipes for muffins, cookies, chocolate mousse, fried chicken etc., I never feel deprived. I can have veggies and berries, too. I will eat this way for the rest of my life.
  • If you choose to follow this diet, a convenient online sugar calories calculator:
  • coloradoan11
    coloradoan11 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a question on the sugar calories.... are we just counting the carbs x 4 .. what if the food actually has sugar calories?? do we ignore those?? thanx for your reply as I'm considering trying this
  • I have a question on the sugar calories.... are we just counting the carbs x 4 .. what if the food actually has sugar calories?? do we ignore those?? thanx for your reply as I'm considering trying this

    Sugars are carbs so you just need to count the carb calories. Meaning the carb grams of a food already contain the sugar grams in it.
  • I have just started this diet, so far it has been good! Definitely don't have any cravings.
  • samiott
    samiott Posts: 9 Member
    I know this diet doesn't seem like it could work but reading more into it and understanding insulin I can see how it can work IF you decided to properly follow the diet. I know someone (cousin) who lost 60lbs in the last 5 months on this diet and they look great. Not every diet is for everyone. You try something and either it works for you or it doesn't. We're all on mfp for support and not even mfp is a LIFETIME strategy. I am using mfp as a tool to help me correct my eating patterns but I don't plan to be 80 years old journaling how many calories my prune juice had in it, do you? You use the tools to train you, that's your lifestyle change. :smile:
  • Trust me. IT WORKS. At first you may think that it's just a diet, but it really does become A LIFESTYLE CHANGE. This is only a diet, if you see it that way. It's up to you really. If you really want to change your life and body, you have to get your head in it. You have to want it. After following this eating plan, you end up not even wanting all the "junk" you used to eat. Of course you will have days when you may want sweets. I don't call them "cheat days" they are just days that I allow myself something sweet. I don't see it as a negative. It's all about mind set.
    If you change your eating habits to follow this plan, you will loose weight, but better yet you will feel the best you have ever felt!
    I lost 8 pounds in my first week! And my total weight loss so far has been 25 pounds! And i am actually below my weight loss goal. I am so happy with my success with Jorge's eating plans!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Was flipping around on Wed morning and saw this on a talk show. Me and the wife thought it brought the Lulz.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Quote from his website ....

    "Everything you've learned about weight loss is WRONG. Burning more calories, eating less calories, or even thinking of all calories as equal does not work. The secret to true, lasting weight loss comes from avoiding HIDDEN SUGAR. Why? Because sugar stimulates the weight gain hormone, insulin. By keeping insulin levels low, you guarantee weight loss.

    However, we now have a new understanding of what "sugar" is, and it may seem shocking. We are all aware that sugar lies in candy, soda, and cookies, but it has been hiding in CARBOHYDRATES.

    Carbs are molecularly structured as sugar and break down the same in our bodies; therefore, it is important we consider carbs as sugar when trying to keep insulin in check and lose weight"

    LOL @ backed by science. This is bogus...

    Actually, it's true that carbs are metabolized as glucose, and so is protein to a degree. That's what the entire basis of ketogenic diets is based on. However I think this specific diet is one of many fads, grasping at actual food science to sell a product.
  • nash7665
    nash7665 Posts: 2 Member
    I just bought his book mainly because of the exercise and because it professes to deal with blood sugar issues. I read through it and quite honestly if I were to follow it, I would end up getting very sick. I could not eat all the protein he says. It would send my cholesteral out of whack. I have been doctor ordered to lose weight or go on Type 2 Diabetes pills. I have another book, Rick Gallop - The GI Diet.. This book has a safe approach to reduce sugar intake and maintain a healthy balanced diet. It says you should lose 1 lb per week for healthy weight loss. I have set my goal to lose 43 pounds. With the GI Diet, I did before and then stupidly went back to poor eating habits, I lost over 30 lbs before, I know this will work and it will regulate my sugar. The only way to lose successfully and permanently is to eat a balanced diet and exercise. The 100 diet will work at the start but it's unhealthy and the minute you add back grains and fruits you will gain the weight back.
  • I have been on my fitness pal and am doing the 100 in tandem with keeping up with all calories etc on my fitness pal. I was stuck and this has certainly been a lifestyle change. We are not going to stick with a diet that limits fruits and grains so severely but I see this as a jump start and will add back in moderation a heart healthy diet with exercise. If a jump start to weight loss is what you need for motivation I am assuring you this will work. :smile:
  • I am in the middle of the 100. It's only my second day. I did want to make a comment on some of the other posts I have read about the 100 though:

    Many of the posts I have read keep saying things like: the moment you start eating carbs and sugars again you will gain the weight back. That is completely true. However, it isn't a fad diet. It is a lifestyle change. If you eat one way and lose weight from it and then switch it up by reverting back to your unhealthy ways you gain the weight back. I don't understand that being a valid argument against the 100. This rule applies to all diets, fad or lifestyle changing. I have read the book and he includes expert advice and information. The weight loss in the first couple of weeks is not only from fat. Jorge Cruise lets his readers know that the weight coming off is from waste (poo, crap, chocolate monster, poop, shiz, etc.). Many people aren't having proper BMs and this diet helps to clean you out. He includes the history of American eating. One point I especially like is that we have been saying a lot of the same things about nutrition and America has only been getting fatter. According to the book many of our health organizations don't want to admit to being wrong. Not surprising seeing as how we have a lot of corruption in this country when it comes to money. I understand skepticism, I was too until I read the book for myself and I read it in its entirety before changing my diet. He makes a lot of sense to me. So before you start saying that it is a quick fix or for people not serious about their health or changing their unhealthy ways please read the book. You may be surprised with the information presented to you.
  • mystasia
    mystasia Posts: 58 Member
    Question on this diet. I've looked at the meal plans. Each day it seems the sugar calories aren't the 100. Am I reading that right? Most are under 50. Is that all you're supposed to have following the meal plans or are you to add what you want, up to the 100 sugar calories?
  • I started on this 4 weeks ago at 196. I have gone down to 183. I am not having my usual carb cravings and my blood pressure has gone down without medication. I am eating healthier food without the trouble I have had before. You need to look at the food lists and keep plenty of the free foods around. My downfall has always been chips and salsa. I'm not craving them. I was surprised.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    I have loosely followed it since last July 1st... 43 pounds out of my goal of 50 are gone. Definitely a lifestyle change rather than a diet for me... I was supposedly diagnosed with IBS over 10 years ago but it seems it's probably gluten intolerance because my stomach has never felt better since following this... I say loosely following because I do allow myself fruit - especially berries in my smoothie in the morning... but have basically cut out almost all processed foods - breads, pasta, granola bars, rice, crackers, cookies, canned soups, etc. - pretty much anything in a box, bag or can... back to the source - eating foods that are as close to their original natural state as possible. It took some time getting used to eating mainly healthy proteins, healthy fats and veggies - but it is working and I no longer have the constipation and runs I used to have on a regular basis... I still allow myself a bit of chocolate every day (life isn't worth living otherwise!) - and will once in a while have some bread but usually feel crappy after so it's easy not to go back there...
  • I stated at 240 lbs after I had my daughter, went on the 100 and lost 15 lbs my first 2 weeks. My suggestion is to do 2-4 weeks on and then 2 weeks off. That is why I got this app, because every couple of pounds you lose you can reset how many calories you can intake. Cutting the calories when you lose is the key to maintaining. When I am maintaining I eat pizza Chinese and of course gave to have my chocolate!!! :-) I make sure most of my meals are "healthy" but when maintaining, this app is awesome!!!
  • Oh sorry one more thing the diet is broken down on just type Jorge 100 sugar calories and it tells you need to know without having to read the entire book. Including 25 grams total carbs per day!!! :-)
  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    I've tried it. Yes it worked. Very well in fact. I've also tried weight watchers. That worked too. Flat out just counting calories in and calories burned. That worked too.

    The secret is all diets work you just need to find the one that works best for you. We all have to find our own balance.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    I wish I could get gifs on my phone. Where's that Finn the Human Boy "SCIENCE" gif when you need it?


  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    So, now my sugar is playing hide and seek? Damn you sugar! I suck at that game.