Uh Oh..

jessimacar Posts: 291
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
So I'm losing motivation.. Big time. This is where I usually throw in the towel, and give up. I have no energy to do anything.. I'm still eating fairly healthy meals, but they could be better, I had half a freaking pizza last night. :(

I'm only losing under half a pound a day, if I lose anything at all.

I've been having some family drama to contend with, and it has drained me entirely. I have become crass and snappy. I don't want to exercise (thank god for having to go to work, or I'd be on my *kitten* ALL day). I feel beaten down. I'm usually a very happy person, but I easily get into these ruts.

Does anyone have any help? How does everyone else beat the blues? I need something to keep me in check, and to give me more of a reason than "you'll thank yourself later".. Ugh, I can't wait for this feeling to go away!


  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I understand what you are going through...I lose motivation faily fast! Losin half a pound a day is more than good...you should not be losing more than 2 lbs a week the most.

    I am also full of excuses not to work out but here is a video that someone posted yesterday...it will help you with the motivation!

  • Craig772
    Craig772 Posts: 100 Member
    I thought a good target was 1 to 2 lb per week so it looks like you're doing really well. I've just found my motivation or mojo so I can sympathise. Personally I like the little challenges of avoiding certain foods. Feeling smug that the chocolate or biscuits didn't beat me today is usually enough but I totally get you. How about treating yourself to something nice and completely guilt free whenever you hit a mini target?
  • Hello the thing that helped me out with cravings and being able to stay under calories is to cut out High fructose Corn Syrup (kind of hard, lots of label reading because it is in everything), also I cut out artificial sweeteners (they made extremely hungry). Hope this helps
  • yler
    yler Posts: 1
    Motivation she comes she goes... if you don't gain during this dip, pat yourself on the back , good going!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Definitely exercise. It will make you feel better. I think you meant 1/2 pound a week, not day. My mother's death and my ensuing grief is what motivated me to start going to the gym again last January. I wanted to feel better. Exercise really does make changes in your head. I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • grogers421
    grogers421 Posts: 24 Member
    When I am feeling funky or down I just go for a walk. I try to look at it as mental therapy, to clear my head not as exercise. After 30 minutes or so, not only is my head clearer and mood elevated but I have also exercised. A double benefit. It's the little things that help me.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm with you...i keep telling everyone to fake it until they believe it, but i can't bring myself to fake the excitement of getting off the couch to do Insanity. I gave myself an ultimatum yesterday, either I did insanity or i scrubbed my floor within an inch of it's life...i scrubbed the floor...still burned 400 calories though...I want to throw in the towel too and say screw it..it's winter, it's cold and miserable and i just want to eat and curl up on the couch with a warm blanket. But we all know that's not a good choice. So after work i'm going to buy a skipping rope and an exercise ball...hopefully changing up my routine will give me some ooomff back...I'm still eating well, i just don't want flappy skin...i also have printed off some pictures of hot women with tons of tattoos lol...i've posted them on the wall next to my dresser and mirror...that way when ever I'm getting ready in the morning or changing into my gym strip at night, i look at those pictures and think "i'm going to be a hot woman with tattoos one day"...sounds dumb, but my fiance doesn't mind lol
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I find that the one thing that gets me out of my funk is getting out and exercising. I know that's the last thing you want to do right now, but it will give you the jump start you need. Also, with your diary not open I cannot see how many calories you're eating to see if you're eating enough, too much, or not enough. Stress related to family drama releases chemicals in your body that causes weight loss efforts to drastically reduce, so it should be temporary. Just hang in there and don't lose faith. Gaining weight didn't happen in days, so be patient that if you stick with it it will come off eventually.
  • Thanks for the help everyone! I did mean 1/2 a pound a day.. I used to lose weight so much faster than that! And a skipping rope is the best idea I've heard in a long time!! I don't know why I didn't think to buy one! Lol. Such a silly exercise, but I'm sure it'll get me sweating! :) Thanks for that one! And leaving out fake sweeteners and high-fructose corn syrup is hard.. but I'll try. I have a sensitivity to aspartame, so I shouldn't be having it anyways.. Thanks to everyone again, I read all your comments, and you're all right. :)

    Wish me luck!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I understand completely. If all else fails, increase your exercise. Try changing it up a bit. How about finding something fun to do that is also exercise (Go for a swim, play tennis are two that come to mind). Even though your eating may not be the greatest, at least you're moving. The exercise will make your head feel better and it may help motivate you then in the eating department. Watch your salt intake and really increase your water intake. Half a pound a week isn't bad. Remember, this is about you, what will make you feel better as a person. Hang in there!
  • hang in there....it gets tuff but dont stop moving on...don't dwell on you mishaps or so called failures...just grow from them..hold ur head up..u can make it!
  • Honestly, the best thing for me is to remind myself that the feeling will go away and that everything will be fine, even if I'm totally convinced otherwise and don't even believe myself. I completely understand where you're coming from! It's like you just want to go to bed until tomorrow as soon as you wake up. Family drama's the worst too, cuz it hits hard.

    Sometimes I try to find a really good story. If you don't find perspective or inspiration, it can at least get your mind off things a little and entertain you. I recommend either a Disney movie and/or a movie with a lot of *kitten*-kicking.

    And I've been stuck on the same weight for several days too...I've been told it'll start dropping again soon? Your half-pizza might've jump-started your metabolism - you never know. One night's okay :)

    Hope my rambling helps <3 Let me know how you're doing!
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    How about turning up some really good songs and you'll start moving to it, first only with your fingers or toes, then with your knee, and eventually it'll be the whole body dancing ;-)
    Latin music does it for me, or something with good percussion

    Gives you exercise, and usually the mood changes with good music!

  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks for the help everyone! I did mean 1/2 a pound a day.. I used to lose weight so much faster than that! And a skipping rope is the best idea I've heard in a long time!! I don't know why I didn't think to buy one! Lol. Such a silly exercise, but I'm sure it'll get me sweating! :) Thanks for that one! And leaving out fake sweeteners and high-fructose corn syrup is hard.. but I'll try. I have a sensitivity to aspartame, so I shouldn't be having it anyways.. Thanks to everyone again, I read all your comments, and you're all right. :)

    Wish me luck!

    1/2 a pound a day? I'm so envious!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I'm lucky if I get 1/2 lbs a month! But then again, I exercise at least 6x p/wk for at least 55 mins each, with weights, so I'm gaining more muscle as I'm losing fat which is totally fine by me :happy:

    I'll be honest: I have manic depression: I really do not like it, but that's my life. I know this was said by numerous people, and it's true; I am conquering it with exercise & healthy eating. I don't use fake sugars anymore: if I want something sweet, damnit I have it! I don't beat myself up either for it: I'll just add a little something xtra to my next workout :tongue: In the last year, anytime I felt myself slipping or on the proverbial down-ward spiral, I took myself out & bought myself a "treat". No food - that's my rule (unless I'm really craving it, but that's not often anymore). My "treats" are new workout pants, DVD or equipment. Once a month I buy a new article of clothing (go to outlet/discount stores, spend less than $15), and it makes me feel good when I realize that a size M is almost too big and I can fit in almost all size 9's again (a size I NEVER thought my *kitten* would see again :tongue: ). It is a HUGE motivation booster. Even though we're a little tite on money, if my fiance can eat out every day at lunch, I think I can buy myself a little "treat" every now & then.

    It's the little things that make the biggest difference. PS-you mentioned a sensitivity to aspartame: I almost guarantee if you cut it out, you'll notice a HUGE difference! When I cut out Coke Zero & Crystal Lite & anything else with that stuff in it, I dropped 3 lbs in 1 week, the bloating and yucky feelings went away: I wasn't so irritable, & I FELT healthy again (plus you have to up you water intake).

    I wish you best of luck: find your "niche", whether it's getting something new once a week, once a month or even re-arranging your living room - find what works for you, what makes you happy & feel really good about yourself, & the payoff can be HUGE!!!

    PPSS-if you have a pet, they are great for their antics to bring you up on even your most down days: if you don't have a pet, something as simple as a Beta Fish to take care of can bring you joy, which motivates you, which means you'll want to move more & you'll start to see results :flowerforyou:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I understand how tough it is to work through a plateau, especially if it's been going on a while or if you have a large goal that you're trying to ultimately meet. The key is to NOT give up. You need to push past it if you're ever going to get to your goal weight. Your body needs to adjust to your new lifestyle and you need to give it time to do so. I know this is tough, but I know you can do it. Just hang in there a little longer!!!!!!

  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Thanks for the help everyone! I did mean 1/2 a pound a day.. I used to lose weight so much faster than that!

    That would mean 3.5 pounds a week. You usually can only have that pace in the beginning for a week or so, or for a while if you have a LOT to lose. Don't let yourself get down just because it slows down. It's natural!
    A healthy pace is about 1 pound a week. 1.5 is a pretty fast pace but often tolerable. If you go faster that that, you'll start losing way too much muscle tissue. You always do anyway while eating less than what you burn but doing a healthy pace and exercising minimizes it.

    When I've been down, it has actually been easier to count the calories. I just make a plan a week ahead and then only see in my diary what I'm supposed to eat and when. Just let the site do it's job and you'll get over this.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    My favorite motivational song!

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