The 'Fat Acceptance' Movement



  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Fat women have the right to feel good about themselves, just like everyone. However they need to stop "normalizing" being overweight, glorifying it even. First of all they are shaming every other body type while whining about being body shamed which is beyond annoying. And second of all they are huge "health at any size" advocates. I'm sorry, but if you're over 30 pounds overweight you're not healthy.

    I agree and I was almost 80 lbs overweight. No, I should not feel bad about my body and no I don't think it's right to make fun of people overweight, however, being overweight is not healthy! It's not good for you! I agree, it should not be normalized.

    ^ This ^

    When a person is so overweight their legs turn purple if they are standing for more than 10mins they are just in denial by saying they are 'curvy'.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Being over-weight is just like being a smoker, except tobacco companies failed at infecting the majority as the food industry has.

    Those things are not the same at all. Food is needed to live. Food is not an infection. Food doesn't cause disease. Cigarettes are not needed to live. Cigarettes cause disease. Your analogy is very poor.

    Certain foods do cause disease. Being over weight causes disease.

    Who told you that? The companies that pay "scientists" to conduct biased, uncontrolled research so they can sell diet pills? What foods cause disease? What diseases do these foods cause? Do you have sources for that statement?

    The same "scientists' who figured out that smoking is bad for you, water is wet, and rocks are typically hard.

    Yes, yes, correlation is not causation. Only most of the people hit in the head with a hammer die, so it's not the hammer that does it.

    Being more than moderately overweight (and no, I don't mean a size 4) is implicated in heart disease, joint damage, diabetes, apnea, and a whole bunch of other things.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Certain foods do cause disease. Being over weight causes disease.

    You are just wrong.

    Food does not cause disease. What causes disease is either a) viruses or bacteria growing on food, or b) extremely high consumption of one particular type of food. Again: food does not cause disease. Food is essential for avoiding death.

    Being overweight does not cause disease (BTW over *what* weight??). Excess fat is often shown to be correlated with poor health but when you control for lifestyle factors (poor diet / lack of exercise / access to health care / socioeconomic level, etc) fatness itself does not cause you to be unhealthy. There is, in fact, evidence that being overweight is actually associated with lower rates of mortality (
  • Being over-weight is just like being a smoker, except tobacco companies failed at infecting the majority as the food industry has.

    Those things are not the same at all. Food is needed to live. Food is not an infection. Food doesn't cause disease. Cigarettes are not needed to live. Cigarettes cause disease. Your analogy is very poor.

    Certain foods do cause disease. Being over weight causes disease.

    Who told you that? The companies that pay "scientists" to conduct biased, uncontrolled research so they can sell diet pills? What foods cause disease? What diseases do these foods cause? Do you have sources for that statement?

    The same "scientists' who figured out that smoking is bad for you, water is wet, and rocks are typically hard.

    Yes, yes, correlation is not causation. Only most of the people hit in the head with a hammer die, so it's not the hammer that does it.

    Being more than moderately overweight (and no, I don't mean a size 4) is implicated in heart disease, joint damage, diabetes, apnea, and a whole bunch of other things.
    The same exact scientists? Well I'll be, ain't that something. I'll assume they're the same scientists who said that blacks were genetically inferior to whites. Or the scientists who said gay people have a mental illness. Or maybe the scientists who helped justify the Holocaust? Ohhh wait, I bet you mean different scientists...

    Don't believe everything you hear on the news and read in your little diet books - it's all a business. I'm not talking correlation vs. causation, I'm talking about the billion dollar companies that benefit off of falsifying research to make money off of YOU. Yes, they do it, and yes, they will happily take your money even if it means plugging millions into fake research. Don't think money can't buy everything, because it can and it does. After working in research labs, I've seen how researchers will write down fake data to receive that $1M grant or a brand new laboratory. Don't think these "scientists" are all moral - even morals can be bought for the right price.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Being over-weight is just like being a smoker, except tobacco companies failed at infecting the majority as the food industry has.

    Those things are not the same at all. Food is needed to live. Food is not an infection. Food doesn't cause disease. Cigarettes are not needed to live. Cigarettes cause disease. Your analogy is very poor.

    Certain foods do cause disease. Being over weight causes disease.

    Who told you that? The companies that pay "scientists" to conduct biased, uncontrolled research so they can sell diet pills? What foods cause disease? What diseases do these foods cause? Do you have sources for that statement?

    Are you trying to tell me that saturated fats dont contribute heart disease? That refined sugars dont contribute type two diabetes? Or that salt doesnt cause high blood pressure?

    Or that excess weight doesnt cause degenerative disk disease? Or other joint problems and chronic inflammation?
  • RobynSmithIBECHS
    RobynSmithIBECHS Posts: 86 Member
    As an obese woman I can say that fat hate really hurts. I think the movement is more toward "accept them" but I don't think it is okay to normalize obesity. It is an epidemic and it is something that we need to take care of.
  • tgrey4
    tgrey4 Posts: 56
    i don't think there should be a Fat Acceptance movement.

    But I do think there should be some serious gains made in helping women of ALL sizes to love themselves.

    These acceptance movements come out of a need for women (and Men) to love themselves and not vilify their own bodies.

    Personally, I think if you can truly, well and truly, learn to love yourself, you will learn and love to have you at your best you...

    which means healthy and FIT.

    screw the acceptance....we need to learn to love ourselves.

    We just need to accept ourselves and each other. No labels necessary, just respecting our own and each other's bodies. This is a long time away (if it were to ever happen), but it would prevent everything from eating disorders to self-harm to binging to hate crime, you know? Just be good to each other and yourself.

    Edited to add: Anyone who counters either the importance of acceptance (whether fat or thin or anything in between) by attacking the opposite end is missing the point! There are risk factors associated with just about any lifestyle, and any weight, some due to what you consume or your physical behaviors, as well as those genetically predisposed or beyond surface level/simple testing. Be good to your body and be nice about everyone else's, too.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Being over-weight is just like being a smoker, except tobacco companies failed at infecting the majority as the food industry has.

    Those things are not the same at all. Food is needed to live. Food is not an infection. Food doesn't cause disease. Cigarettes are not needed to live. Cigarettes cause disease. Your analogy is very poor.

    Certain foods do cause disease. Being over weight causes disease.

    Who told you that? The companies that pay "scientists" to conduct biased, uncontrolled research so they can sell diet pills? What foods cause disease? What diseases do these foods cause? Do you have sources for that statement?

    Are you trying to tell me that saturated fats dont contribute heart disease? That refined sugars dont contribute type two diabetes? Or that salt doesnt cause high blood pressure?

    Or that excess weight doesnt cause degenerative disk disease? Or other joint problems and chronic inflammation?

    Saturated fats (at least animal ones) do not increase heart disease or stroke.

    Refined sugars don't contribute to type two diabetes any more than an orange or a grape do.

    Salt doesn't "cause" hypertension, but is contraindicated in those who have it.

    Careful.. if you are going to spout "facts" make sure you know them.
  • Being over-weight is just like being a smoker, except tobacco companies failed at infecting the majority as the food industry has.

    Those things are not the same at all. Food is needed to live. Food is not an infection. Food doesn't cause disease. Cigarettes are not needed to live. Cigarettes cause disease. Your analogy is very poor.

    Certain foods do cause disease. Being over weight causes disease.

    Who told you that? The companies that pay "scientists" to conduct biased, uncontrolled research so they can sell diet pills? What foods cause disease? What diseases do these foods cause? Do you have sources for that statement?

    Are you trying to tell me that saturated fats dont contribute heart disease? That refined sugars dont contribute type two diabetes? Or that salt doesnt cause high blood pressure?

    Or that excess weight doesnt cause degenerative disk disease? Or other joint problems and chronic inflammation?
    You're telling me these things contribute but don't cause these issues. Weird, because that's not what you originally said... So that must mean these problems don't affect people who aren't heavy. Because only heavy people eat lots of saturated fats/refined sugars/salt. Right, right - keep slapping your stigma onto fat people and glorify thinness even if it's "unhealthy".
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Are you trying to tell me that saturated fats don't contribute heart disease? That refined sugars don't contribute type two diabetes? Or that salt doesn't cause high blood pressure? Or that excess weight doesn't cause degenerative disk disease? Or other joint problems and chronic inflammation?

    I think you missed the distinction between "cause disease when you eat it" and "contribute to disease when eaten in very high quantities and accompanied by complex interactions of other environmental and genetic factors".

    No, eating saturated fat doesn't contribute to heart disease *unless* you are eating very high quantities of saturated fats, and even then only when certain other environmental and genetic factors are aligned. Ditto for all those food-disease combos you just listed.

    Food does not cause disease. Eating food does not cause disease. Eating food is super important if you wish to avoid death. And yes, that even includes those supposedly disease-causing foods listed above.
  • TwistedSin
    TwistedSin Posts: 2 Member
    I think if someone is fat, and loves themselves the way they are, the details should be between them and their doctor. I don't believe that it's right to mock ANYONE, skinny, fat, or inbetween. What I don't like about the FA movement is the attempt to say that obesity is A-OK, when there's a whole lot of science that says otherwise. Coming from an obese woman, I know that my weight is unhealthy. Joint pain, blood panels, all the proof is there.

    There should be a Self Acceptance movement, where the sentiment is a little more "I don't wanna be a supermodel, I just want to be healthy, and as fit as I can be." It's not about looks, it's about your life.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    I think if someone is fat, and loves themselves the way they are, the details should be between them and their doctor. I don't believe that it's right to mock ANYONE, skinny, fat, or inbetween. What I don't like about the FA movement is the attempt to say that obesity is A-OK, when there's a whole lot of science that says otherwise. Coming from an obese woman, I know that my weight is unhealthy. Joint pain, blood panels, all the proof is there.

    There should be a Self Acceptance movement, where the sentiment is a little more "I don't wanna be a supermodel, I just want to be healthy, and as fit as I can be." It's not about looks, it's about your life.

    As I said above.. depression, anxiety, and stress do far more damage than what we eat.

    I'm for whatever allows people to live their lives as free of the three above, as possible.

    I'd rather have 50 great years, than 80 mostly crappy ones.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    You should never be ashamed of who you are. But that doesn't mean that you should accept that you can never be better.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    In to find tomorrow.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    There is a difference between "fat acceptance" and promoting obesity. We should "accept" everyone no matter what size they are and it's wrong to ridicule people based on their weight, but being fat should not be encouraged and it shouldn't be normalized. (I literally watched a South Park episode on fat acceptance today lol)
  • I guess I missed the Fat Acceptance Movement when I am being asked if I am pregnant, or am sneered at on the airplane or have to shop in the tiniest corner of Macys...I wonder where this movement is as I am shamed EVERY SINGLE DAY NONSTOP for being overweight.

    That is what I was thinking.
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Honestly I don't care one way or another. If you enjoy being fat, cool. That doesn't affect me in any way, so why should I care? I know I hate being fat, but there are some people who enjoy it and are happy with themselves.
  • Dgydad
    Dgydad Posts: 104 Member
    I think this so-called "movement" is fantastic, and is a demonstration of tolerance and decency. It is a backlash against the all too common spectacle of arrogant, agressive "fit" people demeaning those who are "inferior" to them. I'd refer to these people with terms other than "fit", but they wouldn't be suitable for polite conversation. You don't have to encourage someone to maintain or adopt an unhealthy lifestyle, nor should you. It is equally unnecessary to be an insulting boor under the guise of "helping" someone make better choices.....
  • This is a disturbing thread. Acceptance does not pertain to a person's weight, but rather, their identity and rights to employment, transportation and inclusion in society. Individuals who garner stares, comments and so on because of their weight are oppressed. Meanwhile, they may be overweight for a a variety of reasons - they may suffer from depression or endure poverty. And while many individuals on MFP are successful at meeting these challenges, there are many people who ares still struggling. I think an open mind towards all people is healthy and deserves as much developing as our bodies.
  • Great response - it came while i was posting mine!