I have found it hard to keep myself motivated in the winter time. Instead, I find myself depressed because it gets dark too early and when I get home, I don't feel like working out.

How are you guys keeping the motivation to continue with workouts and such? I need help finding my motivation.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!


  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    Whenever I feel myself not wanting to workout or making an excuse, I pull out my before pics and measurements. Seeing where I was and where I am gets me up and going. Then there are days that I downright do not want to get up but I do it anyways. I know it will suck the first 10 minutes or so, but then I get that energy surge and I am good.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    I understand about feeling like not working out. I hate that its dark by the time i get home from work too. Almost every time I feel like just sitting on the couch. But I still workout. I make myself, even though I feel like I don't want too, I realize I have no choice. I make it a priority to get at LEAST 30 min. And once I'm done, I feel so much better.

    It's hard to stay motivated, I just don't give myself any other options.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I look at her. She's my fitspo.

  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    I do a few things.....
    One I go weigh myself on the scale before I decide to indugle on junk food.
    Or I go put on some clothes that are starting to fit again and it makes me feel better.
  • I look at my old (fat) photos and it reminds me how far I have come, that then makes me realise that I cannot & will not go back to where I used to be.... I am happy in what I'm doing and with what I have achieved thus far; the desire to not fail is my driving force to make me succeed....
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    Winter is difficult. I'm Canadian and feel like I don't get outside except to get from the building to the car to the building for six months of the year. I don't like the cold. By late December, I can have seasonal affective disorder in full swing! But, you have to fight it. Even if you feel your strength has left you, just go to your work out and do what you can. Often, you will suprise yourself. A couple of other things that motivate are prepay at a gym for your difficult period (for me six months!) That way, if you're a tightwad like me, you'll go cuz you've paid! Also, and perhaps most important, chose an exercise plan that gives you results! I started a lifting program in September, and within six weeks had dropped a dress size. Your tummy disappears, the skin on your legs smooths out, and yourr core feels like steel. You feel so strong, and you want to keep all that success! Good luck!
  • mboromom
    mboromom Posts: 85 Member
    *Be consistent with logging and don't deprive myself of any foods, just fit them into the daily allowance.
    *Set goals for the week, goals for the month and add an incentive for reaching them.
    *Focusing on how far I've come rather than the end result.
    *Celebrating myself for being brave enough and strong enough to begin this journey.
    *Not taking slip ups hard....we all make those mistakes and have a day where we may overeat and not workout..I just strive to do better the next day.
  • corinne2003
    corinne2003 Posts: 1 Member
    All the examples on how to stay motivated are great. As a disclaimer; I am not good at any organized fitness class and I will state for the record that aerobics and Zumba are also not for me. Despite these things I joined a friend who goes to a Hiphop/Zumba/Bootcamp style high energy (500-700 calorie burning) 1hour class five times a week. The group of ladies (few gents) keep each other going through the winter. I try to never miss it because they are my Zumbee friends. So, long story short - see if you can join and pre-pay, as suggested before, for a high energy class in the evening. The sun going down early will be a moot point if you can go dance and giggle with some friends. I will add that I am lucky to not have any time constraints for going directly home after work, so maybe this won't work for every one.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I don't believe in motivation, it's BS. Think about it, when the alarm goes off at 0500, are you motivated to get out of bed? NO! But you do it anyway out of habit. turn your workout into habit and you won't need to find "motivation."

  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I don't believe in motivation, it's BS. Think about it, when the alarm goes off at 0500, are you motivated to get out of bed? NO! But you do it anyway out of habit. turn your workout into habit and you won't need to find "motivation."


    I do believe in motivation, but I also believe STRONGLY with making working out a habit so that it is just something you do everyday, like brushing your teeth.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I actually don't keep myself motivated all the time. It's unrealistic to think you can. What I have done though is ingrained habits. I run outside no matter the weather and there are many days when it's cold wet or snowing that I'd rather not. I could make excuses but I just do it because that's what I do it's now such a habit I don't think twice. You need to get the habits in place so when you're not motivated its such second nature you don't even consider not doing it.
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    What is your inspiration/motivation?
    Why do you want to lose weight?
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Motivation only gets you so far.

    You have to make it a habit...same as going to school or work or keeping those dr's appointments, groceries, etc. Winter doesn't stop us from getting up at the same time everyday to go to work and the early darkness doesn't stop us from going home at the same time either...if we can do it for work, we can do it for ourselves too...:)
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    We don't go to work out of habit we go due to motivation. Whether that be to get money to pay the bills, because we love what we do or for any other reason. The act doesn't equate to motivation or lack thereof.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Team sports.

    I am accountable to my teammates to train with them, and they are accountable to me. We help each other!
  • is EVERY winter this happens this means that you arent really into weight lifting you should probably stop
  • Its habitual. I have a regular workout routine that isn't tedious or over the top, but realistic and totally doable so I don't get burned out and I' m able to stick with it: A 4 day a week upper/lower body split. Monday's and Thursday's are upper body. Tuesday's and Fridays are lower body days. All strength workouts are followed by 45 minutes of cardio. I think sometimes people think that they need to go all out with there workouts like they do on the biggest loser, when that's totally not the case. Then they get overwhelmed by all they think they have to do so they just give up...So what it really comes down to is having a plan and just doing it consistently.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Post this picture bc I am never going back there!!

  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I have a motivation board, basically a big cork board that I have pinned pics, quotes (some uplifting, some confronting) and my weight loss/weight to go kind of thing. Its on the wall in my bedroom so its the first thing I see when I first wake up and the last thing I see before I go to sleep. I've changed things around a few times, added new stuff, taken stuff away and hope to add some before and afters at the halfway point in time as well :) It's the main thing that keeps my head in the right place. The other thing is going to the gym, if I set the time to go and arrange the day around it then I am more motivated to follow through. I also meet a friend or two at the gym classes so it's nice to get out of the house for a bit.
  • joolsweb
    joolsweb Posts: 81 Member
    I struggle with the darkness too but one of the best investments I've ever made was a SAD or 'daylight' alarm clock, which sends out a low 'sun light' about 30 mins before my alarm goes off, gradually making it brighter - its really helped. I was struggling to do my exercise in the evening too, and I know it sounds counterintuitive, but for the last 2 weeks I've actually set my alarm another 40 mins early, and I get up and get some exercise in first thing. Seems odd, but as I was getting up in the dark anyway, it doesn't seem to make a difference and i think the rouitine of it is actually helping my sleep patterns.