Can I rant in here?



  • Louaine
    I agree go shopping with out him.. It is a great time of year to clean out the cabnet and give to your local food pantry. All those cakes and cookie boxes can go to the food pantry. You help your own wastline and give a poor child that doesn't get sweets that often to have a sweet.

    I buy extra of all my diet foods. I feel if my family eats them great they to have to get healty. It is costly diet foods are more expensive but the cost of bad health is even more.

    Good luck be and keep asking one day he will say yes.
  • cowpoke06
    I definitely understand where you're coming from. I have been trying to lose weight for about a year, with a boyfriend who ate garbage all the time attached to the hip. It's so hard to eat healthy when the person you spend most of your time with isn't. I would have already eaten dinner and then at 12 am he wants to go eat more and I'd eat with him (talk about lack of will power!) It would get so frustrating but it was so hard to just say no to all the goodies he'd surprise me with.

    Now it's much better since we are both doing P90X. He doesn't want candy anymore or pizza everyday or chicken nuggets. We make more meals at home which is better for bonding anyways :) However, he has this complex that I'm not eating enough. He's been like that since I've known him. It's like he thinks I need to eat as much food as he does. He's 6 foot tall!!!! I'm 5'3", there's no way! Just this morning...he made me this HUGE freakin bowl of cereal for breakfast and then kept trying to get me to eat toast! I couldn't even eat the whole bowl of cereal. I feel like I end up over eating just to satisfy him. I tell him all the time-I don't need to eat as much you! That's why I'm fat! lol :tongue:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    The best thing you can do, is stick to your program. Lead by example.

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him eat right.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Ultimately it may come to this...
    "I yelled and then cried like a baby and told him that I could not just sit back and watch him slowly kill himself. If he was not willing to embrace these changes then he could just go and start packing because I loved him too much to watch him slowly die in front of my eyes. "
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    ok that was funny but oh so true!!!
    My husband isn't allowed to go to the store with me and if by chance he does, I make a list and only allow him to get one item not on the list. :) Or he can have his own cart and deal with his stuff. He never does.
    I've found some great recipes and he hasn't noticed that I'm cooking healthier. :) Have you seen that Now cook this cook book?
    It remakes a bunch of comfort food into a healthy version. It might help him.

    Good luck on your battle of wills. I gave up sodas almost 2 years ago and now if I try and drink one they are icky... Soda water I love. Maybe put some cans of that in your fridge :)

    Hang in there.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    oh I know all too well the adage about the horse to water .. he's a MULE so I suppose the same applies, LOL

    I will continue to burn those calories and let him sit back and watch until he comes to the realization that life would be more fulfilling if he were more a part of it :)
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Dont let his bad habits be better than you, sometimes people will try and sabotage other peoples chances if they are unable to achive anything (it happens in work alot, 'are you losing weight' 'why dont you have a bun here you know you can' etc)

    Dont let willpower be an issue, instead of thinking you cant have x item, say you dont want x item.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Absolutely, rant away! We can all relate to at least some aspect of your post. According to the ticker on your profile page, you've already lost 33 pounds -- and you're looking great! Most of your post was about your husband and why he won t change and why can't or won't support you. I've been married a long time and my wife has been on and off many diets (currently off...) and what I've learned is: 1) A person HAS to make the decision for themselves or they're not going to succeed, and 2) If you yourself really want to do it and succeed, you have to stop caring what everyone else around you is doing and eating and what's in the fridge or cupboard. Make the choices that support the goal you want to reach. We have all sorts of cr@p in our house (sugary pop, ice cream, candy, chips, sugary cereal, Oreos, etc) but I don't eat any of it very often because I know it won't help me get where I want to go. Do I crave it when I see it? Once in a while. Do I give in? Once in a while, but I make sure I log it...and that usually* keeps me from all-out binging....and reminds me to exercise if I haven't already. :) Then if I don't like the weight I see on the scale the next time, I can go back and see why...and ask myself if it was worth it. Of course, the answer to that question is almost always NO and it makes it easier to resist the next time.

    I really don't mean to act like I have it all figured out... 'cuz I really don't. I have my struggles like anyone else. I'm trying crazy hard to make days where I struggle happen further and further apart so I can gain some ground on my weight. What I was trying to describe earlier were my good days. They feel awesome when they happen. And it has gotten easier ... the more weight I lose (55 lbs now), the easier it is to say "No thanks, I'm good" and really mean it when my truly thoughtful and kind son asks "Dad, I'm getting some ice cream, do you want some?" :)

    Stand up for yourself ... TO yourself. Fight for it. You can do it! :)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Thank you all again.
    I'm glad most of you can relate to some of it .. I see it's a common thread among the healthy eating World. I'm not alone .. .yay!!

    I did have 2 great calorie burning workouts today and I got the housework done (more calories gone but I don't count those). I am feeling awesome and that's more important to me than wrecking it with a pop.

    I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter so I got a little taste of it and didn't like it. ALL of my aunts and uncles and most of my cousins are type 2 and I am making every effort to not be added to that list.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Hugs to you! I completely understand!! :sad:
    Our 16 yr old daughter and I are working our tails off at the gym @ 5am - 3 days a week....
    my husband brings home caseys donuts, m&m's, pop........... Grrrrrrrrr - totally defeats the purpose for paying all this money for gym classes and losing sleep and working so hard!!!
    Thanks for letting me add the the rant! I feel better!!! :flowerforyou:

    I had an ex that would buy all that stuff but hide it so I wouldn't know it was there and it wouldn't tempt me.