Does swimming really not helpy you loose weight?

rachelburton28 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I've just read whilst looking through the message boards that swimming isn't a good way to loose weight?

I was counting on going swimming a couple of days a week as part of my new excercise regime, as i love swimming and excercise really isn't my thing normally so i thought it would be a great way to loose weight?

I normally have a 20min walk everyday aswell, but i'm struggling to find another type of workout that i enjoy and feel motivated for!


Is there anyway way i can use swimming to help me loose weight?


  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    i swim 2/3 times a week and my heart rate definately goes up! it doesnt burn as much calories compared to running, etc.. but it still burns some and its still exercise which all counts :bigsmile:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Swimming is a great work out! It burns quite a few calories as you are using many different muscles! I would definately stick to your plan...exercise is exercise afterall :flowerforyou:

    You may find that you start to feel like you want to do more exercise after a while..even buying a workout dvd like the 30Day Shred will work, it's only 20minutes long!

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    It depends on the intensity of your swimming. If you are just floating along with a noodle, you will not burn that many calories. If you do a moderate pace non-stop swim for 30-40 minutes, you will maintain a steady heartrate and burn more fat calories. Your best bet is to buy a HRM that works in the pool to monitor your HR and see how many calories you burn. The calories burned per hour on MFP is over by about 20%.
  • I'm a swimmer too!
    I find it easier as well, an d I combine it with water aerobics, walking... I have a bad knee, so swimming is fine for me cause there is no impact at all.
    I simply stay for an hour in the pool, make 100 laps (its a 25 metres pool) and counter cals says thats around 400 cals. I finish so tired, I believe it!
    So keep going with that mix swimming walking. If you don't feel toned, add 2 little bottles of water to your hands while you walk, and pump!. It'll do miracles to your biceps and chest.
    See you!
  • AdventureVia
    AdventureVia Posts: 84 Member
    I think you probably found my post about swimming. Let me help clear things up a bit.
    I've been teaching aquatics for over 13 years and I've been an Aquatics Director for the last 6, so I love swimming. I live in the water. I can outswim most of my patrons and I can swim fast and hard for miles but I am most definitely a fatty. It's been really helpful switching over to running though as I already have a fairly solid cardio system from swimming.

    This is what I tell people who come to the pool looking to lose weight, add something more. I've watched the pool perform minor miracles for people with arthritis, ms, bad joints, hip surgeries, and lots of other ailments but in all the years I've been working at pools I've never met anyone who lost any significant amount of weight through swimming alone. It will build your cardio system and it is a great exercise for low impact exercises but to swim at the level needed for serious caloric burn, you need to join a Masters program. The same way people have workout sets for the gym, you need to have at the pool.

    If you are totally set on swimming being your primary mode of exercise than let me know in a Private Message and I can help you with some starting workouts to get you going but seriously consider strength training or an elliptical to help you reach your goals and then use swimming to help you maintain it.
  • Swimming is great, it burns a lot of calories and works different muscle groups, I would say front crawl or backstroke don't use 'butterfly' especially if you have back issues as it can cause problems.

    As for losing weight, it's as good as most other methods of cardio with the bonus it's low impact and works more muscle groups :)
    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    what more can i tell u, all these mfp's r rite!! i go 2 the gym at least 3 tymes a wk... i swim laps, do weight liftin in the vortex; swim laps in the pool.... i burn any where from 500 - 1500 calories dependin on what i am doin..... swim on mermaid......:wink:
  • Just to clarify what I said.

    I don't think 'just swimming' is a good way to lose weight either, instead it should be mixed in with other workouts. But as a low impact exercise there's not much better and mixing in a good swim with everything else is just as good as spending one day running, one day cycling :)

    Plus if you're a bit achey at the end of a week I find a good swim so refreshing!
  • No.

    What helps you lose weight is taking in less calories than you expend. See law of thermodynamics.

    The amount of calories that novices or even intermediately fit people can burn in any exercise is limited, including swimming.

    To put it bluntly you are not capable of burning a significant amount through intense exercise of any kind, unless you are consistently, training intensely.

    Exercise is not the significant factor in your ability to lose weight, unless you are a highly trained athlete. Your caloric intake and output is.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    But exercise helps you minimize muscle loss during the weight loss program as well as maintain a higher calorie diet to help include all necessary vitamins and minerals into it so it definitely is a part of any healthy weight loss program.

    Well.. It's a part of any healthy lifestyle for that matter!

    Swimming is a very good exercise because it includes so many different muscle groups!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I think you probably found my post about swimming. Let me help clear things up a bit.
    I've been teaching aquatics for over 13 years and I've been an Aquatics Director for the last 6, so I love swimming. I live in the water. I can outswim most of my patrons and I can swim fast and hard for miles but I am most definitely a fatty. It's been really helpful switching over to running though as I already have a fairly solid cardio system from swimming.

    This is what I tell people who come to the pool looking to lose weight, add something more. I've watched the pool perform minor miracles for people with arthritis, ms, bad joints, hip surgeries, and lots of other ailments but in all the years I've been working at pools I've never met anyone who lost any significant amount of weight through swimming alone. It will build your cardio system and it is a great exercise for low impact exercises but to swim at the level needed for serious caloric burn, you need to join a Masters program. The same way people have workout sets for the gym, you need to have at the pool.

    If you are totally set on swimming being your primary mode of exercise than let me know in a Private Message and I can help you with some starting workouts to get you going but seriously consider strength training or an elliptical to help you reach your goals and then use swimming to help you maintain it.

    I've heard this most of my life, too. Most athletic swimmers are rounder, though still lean, not like runners who are "cut" and lean. My opinion is it's exercise, and something that can go on into your older age despite the body getting older. So it's all good! The loosing weight part might have to include more than swimming. But exercise it still is! And that's part of keeping active to keep fit for life, which is my goal.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Someone I work with was quite thin and I thought looked great but she wanted to tone her mid-section more and started swimming - it worked for her. She lost several inches in her torso and was very happy with the definition she achieved in her abs.

    I have heard that swimming actually burns more calories because your body has to work harder to stay warm (unless you are in a really warm pool). I now it makes me really hungry though so I would probably eat back way more than I burned off!
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Due to health issues swimming or deep water exercise is the only type of exercise I can do. I can't walk for very long so imagine what trying to run would do for me! I have been swimming regularly during recovery from back surgery & have been trying to lose weight since June. My journey is slow but I spend an hour in the pool several times per week & change my routine every few weeks, so some swimming as fast as I can & some exercise. I bought some fabulous exercise equipment for this purpose too & I lost inches long before the weight started to come off so am not as wobbly for my weight as I could be. The added bonus is my arthritis flares up less now too. So far I have lost 3" from top & same from my bottom & 7" from my waist. Good luck & most of all enjoy your swim.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I was actually wondering the same thing. I usually swim laps when I swim for exercise, but I'm not the fastest swimmer. I do know that it works all the muscles, so I'm sure it is great for working out.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I have heard that swimming actually burns more calories because your body has to work harder to stay warm (unless you are in a really warm pool). I now it makes me really hungry though so I would probably eat back way more than I burned off!

    Not true at all. The amount of calories burned are related to your heartrate range. I have been a United States Masters swimmer for 13 years and my daily workouts are US Masters intense workouts. Yet, I am 40lbs overweight. I know this is directly related to the fact that I cannot do any other type of cardio or strength training exercise due to my RA. My cardio/stamina is phenomenal and like another poster said, I can swim for miles and miles without fatigue, yet I am still fat.

    Yes, swimming is a great exercise but in order to lose weight and burn calories, you must mix it up with other cardio activites, weight/strength training and always be mindful of calories in/calories out.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I think you probably found my post about swimming. Let me help clear things up a bit.
    I've been teaching aquatics for over 13 years and I've been an Aquatics Director for the last 6, so I love swimming. I live in the water. I can outswim most of my patrons and I can swim fast and hard for miles but I am most definitely a fatty. It's been really helpful switching over to running though as I already have a fairly solid cardio system from swimming.

    This is what I tell people who come to the pool looking to lose weight, add something more. I've watched the pool perform minor miracles for people with arthritis, ms, bad joints, hip surgeries, and lots of other ailments but in all the years I've been working at pools I've never met anyone who lost any significant amount of weight through swimming alone. It will build your cardio system and it is a great exercise for low impact exercises but to swim at the level needed for serious caloric burn, you need to join a Masters program. The same way people have workout sets for the gym, you need to have at the pool.

    If you are totally set on swimming being your primary mode of exercise than let me know in a Private Message and I can help you with some starting workouts to get you going but seriously consider strength training or an elliptical to help you reach your goals and then use swimming to help you maintain it.

    I was a competitive swimmer as a kid and when I tried to get back into swimming in my early 20s (im only 26 now...) i found it impossible to find a masters program. There was only one I knew of in the area it was just a little too far away from me to get to. I find swimming boring on my own without the team and the coach to push me. I can make my own sets and follow them but its just not the same as being at a proper training session and I dont feel like I put the same effort in on my own.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I've just read whilst looking through the message boards that swimming isn't a good way to loose weight?

    I was counting on going swimming a couple of days a week as part of my new excercise regime, as i love swimming and excercise really isn't my thing normally so i thought it would be a great way to loose weight?

    I normally have a 20min walk everyday aswell, but i'm struggling to find another type of workout that i enjoy and feel motivated for!


    Is there anyway way i can use swimming to help me loose weight?

    ANY exercise is good as part of a calorie controlled eating regime.

    Let's say you swim breaststroke for an hour, that will burn approximately 600 calories.

    As long as you take in less calories than you use up daily, you will lose weight, that is a cast-iron fact.

    There is not one exercise on this planet that will make you lose weight, however, all exercise, in whatever form, will burn the calories and if, as I stated above, you take in less calories than you burn daily, the weight will fall.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    A great site to get organized workouts based on your input is

    You can enter in your stats (height, weight, HR, etc.), what type of workout you want to do (light, moderate, hard), what strokes you want to do (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle...or all of them =)), and what kind of equipment you want to use (pull bouy, paddles, fins, kickboard, etc.). This site is free and will give you a great swim team type organized workout. Since I am a member of US Masters, I get my workouts from Masters coaches that are really challenging and fun.

    I am in So Cal and there are lots of Masters teams out here, but I don't have reliable transportation or the money to join a team. Plus, I am a solitary worker. I don't like sharing my lane and just don't have the confidence to swim with a team.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    A great site to get organized workouts based on your input is

    You can enter in your stats (height, weight, HR, etc.), what type of workout you want to do (light, moderate, hard), what strokes you want to do (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle...or all of them =)), and what kind of equipment you want to use (pull bouy, paddles, fins, kickboard, etc.). This site is free and will give you a great swim team type organized workout. Since I am a member of US Masters, I get my workouts from Masters coaches that are really challenging and fun.

    I am in So Cal and there are lots of Masters teams out here, but I don't have reliable transportation or the money to join a team. Plus, I am a solitary worker. I don't like sharing my lane and just don't have the confidence to swim with a team.

    I have also used that website in the past and I can also agree that its a good site to get sets from :)
  • rachelburton28
    rachelburton28 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for all the help guys!
    went for a swim last night for about 45 mins and felt great after it, i think i will carry on with cutting my calorie intake but find another type of workout for the days i'm not swimming, like maybe hill walking or jogging, something to liven up my daily walk!
    Wish me luck!!
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