So I have done a 5K's, 5M, and two 1/2 Marathons. Neither of which I trained for. The first one I did in October of 2012 with only a week before it happened and my time was awesome in my eyes finished in 2:48:32 not bad for someone who weighed 230 lbs with no training. But then I did one in September of 2013 and my time was terrible! 3:56 I believe and gained upto 273. So I didn't train for that one and had plenty of time. But now I have made it a goal to accomplish the DETROIT FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL MARATHON. I want to be in better shape, and be better prepared as well. Not only did I find out that I am running this with my Uncle(who is doing the full with me), but found out that his wife, my Aunt from Georgia and my cousin is flying in from NY to do the 1/2 This is going to be an exciting moment for me in my life.

I need a schedule and some tips please! If you can inbox me or message below, or add me and help me I would greatly appreciate it. Just if you decide to add me plz mention you're from this thread please.

Please also know I am on my second journey in losing the weight I lost and getting back there. Because big shocker, it's a lot easier to run when you don't have all the weight to carry while running. This is how I went from 320 to 203.

Thank you!


  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member free training plan. MFP also has a running forum. Good luck.
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    runners world has some great programs... add me i run everyday!
  • Swats915
    Swats915 Posts: 27 Member has free training schedules you can print and design around your fitness level and weekly mileage goals.
  • KPenguin73
    KPenguin73 Posts: 7 Member
    Runners World is a great resource. Or, check and see if you have any local running store- they frequently have training groups you can join, which is a help when you are out there for a few hours on your long runs. If that is not an option, is there someone else local who would run/train with you?
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    That's the major problem, I actually have a friend that is attending law school with my boyfriend. But she runs at 5:30 and I typically have to be at work by 6 :( I just found a 26 week program, that I have no put into my calendar and scheduled to start on Monday. Again, any helpful hints and sources much appreciated. Ordered my new running shoes on Sunday. Thankfully this program starts slow in the begining, which will help me break in the new shoes since I know it's bad to just go out and run in a new pair. Keep the suggestions coming. I again am thankful for the help.
  • cdwwench
    cdwwench Posts: 16 Member
    Good for you! I am hoping to transition from walking to running and will be participating in my second sprint triathlon in August. I have 2 pairs of running shoes so I will always have a decent pair for running and can alternate the shoes so they last longer. I started with one pair and have my second pair getting broken in before the first pair falls apart. Good planning putting your training schedule into your phone. Even if you don't have a friend running at the same time, be accountable to each other so you can say, I ran XX miles today or whatever your daily goal is. Don't forget to add in strength training with the running.

    The tips for looking into local running groups and talking to people at the running stores are great. Local running groups may also put on workshops to help you run better or to improve your form.

    You'll do great in the marathon!
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Look at various plans and decide which one fits best for your fitness levels and lifestyle.

    I'm doing Edinburgh Marathon in 14 weeks, alternating between being excited and crapping myself!!!

    I'm lucky, I have a dog I can walk and loads of trails (he's a ridgeback so can keep up), I just go out on my own and do the mileage I need to do, I'm also one of the strange people that actually runs better on my own (I just zone out completely and can keep going for longer on my own than I do with a friend)

    I've also been keeping a spreadsheet that I set up, a tab for each month and each week of the month within the tab, I record the route I used (hilly or flat), the distance, average pace and the splits, I then have something to review to show me I am getting better, but that may be starting towards getting a bit obsessive for some people (although I like coming in and seeing my splits getting better)