New 30 Day Shred Fitness Group! Lose by Christmas!



  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i thought we are starting tomorrow :) good for you starting a day early, though :) i would, but i have Bible study tonight and am taking a shower before i go. don't want to shower again before bed (if i work out).
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    i thought we are starting tomorrow :) good for you starting a day early, though :) i would, but i have Bible study tonight and am taking a shower before i go. don't want to shower again before bed (if i work out).

    Oh I missed that bit! Lol
  • anull78
    anull78 Posts: 9 Member
    Got mine in for today!
  • count me in! i tried it once before but only completed 12 days. i was going to start again today but wasn't feeling well. so, tomorrow it is! i'm excited! i need something like this to keep me on track. good luck everyone!
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    About to do mine!! Day 2 today
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Ok!!! I've never tried it, but I had been curious so I ordered it from the library and just picked it up today LOL!! what a coincidence!! This sounds like just the kind of challenge I need to keep me going strong! Can I just add it to what I currently do or is it supposed to be the only thing I do?
  • ok I am new to this but I am going to do this 30-day challenge as well, but I don't have the video. So I am off to Wal-mart to pick it up. Good luck to everyone!
  • Mind if I jump in with you guys for this? I'm pretty excited, just got the DVD.
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I did day 1 level 1 and made it the whole way through, no quiting this time. I did have to take a couple 5 second breaks but I did it. How did everyone else make out? It did get a little easier after the first set for me, I think that one was the hardest.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    So I have a question.... We are supposed to do this same video every day for 30 days? No days off? Ok, then we just move to the next level whenever we are ready and when we hit day 30 in a row, then we made it? I assume the thought is to be at level 3 before day 30?

    I watched the video last night and I'm mostly excited about the strenth and ab work. I'm at the point now where I really need to kick that up. Prob is that I did a really tough workout yesterday so I'm sore this morning LOL! Not so sore I can't move, but I can definetly feel that my muscles were stressed. Now to start this should be interesting. Bummer that my kids are up already, so I guess I'll have to wait till nap time to do it. I hope it's okay to do this in addition to my regular 60 min workout (today will be the elliptical).

    One more question. Are we tracking in this thread or is there somewhere else?
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Tonya!! (my name's Tanya, bt people insist on calling my Tonya)
    I have the exact questions you

    Level 1 Day 2 last night was good, getting better, resting less
    About to start Day 3 in a few mins!!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I need some motivation to stick with this as well. I keep starting and then getting sidetracked. Doing it tonight after class! :drinker:
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    So I have a question.... We are supposed to do this same video every day for 30 days? No days off? Ok, then we just move to the next level whenever we are ready and when we hit day 30 in a row, then we made it? I assume the thought is to be at level 3 before day 30?

    I watched the video last night and I'm mostly excited about the strenth and ab work. I'm at the point now where I really need to kick that up. Prob is that I did a really tough workout yesterday so I'm sore this morning LOL! Not so sore I can't move, but I can definetly feel that my muscles were stressed. Now to start this should be interesting. Bummer that my kids are up already, so I guess I'll have to wait till nap time to do it. I hope it's okay to do this in addition to my regular 60 min workout (today will be the elliptical).

    One more question. Are we tracking in this thread or is there somewhere else?

    I think the idea is to do Level 1 for 10 days then move on to Level 2 for 10 days then complete level 3 for 10 days. That give you the total 30 days in the 30 day shred. If you have the ability to do both work outs, I don't see why you can't. As to your last question, you will need to track this in your exercise, this thread is more for motivation and accountability that you did it and how you are succeeding or if you need a little encouragement.

    Good luck!!
  • pandy123
    pandy123 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in. I'm about to do level 1 day 1 right now. I'm very excited to see the results at the end of these 30 days! :)
  • OK I found the 30 day shred and I'm gonna give it a try right now.

    -takes a deep breath-

    Any minute now...


    OK here I go...
  • All are welcome! We need all the inspiration we can get!
  • Day one! Whew! That was hard and I am sweating like a man and loving every minute of it. I think that the side lunge with the front raise is actually the hardest for me next to the lunge with biceps curl. What about you guys? How did you do and what's the hardest for you?
  • Full range of motion was hard for me. I'm over 40, over 300 lbs, and felt brittle as an old christmas tree. Every joint popped and groaned and I had to modify the hell out of every move. I'm a little afraid to do the jumping jacks so I just jogged/marched in place. Getting up and down off the floor is hard. I did push ups off my desk instead of the ground. I couldnt do the quad stretch at all, I cant reach behind me to grab my hands let alone my foot.

    But I did it. I'm sweaty. I moved! Time for water :D
  • pandy123
    pandy123 Posts: 16 Member
    Okay I did it! I completed level 1 day 1. That was very hard. The hardest for me are the push ups. I had to do the modified ones. I'm hoping to be able to do the real push ups not on my knees by the end of this. Good luck to everybody! :)
  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    I forgot about this (already its been one day !!) but i will kick hubby off COD and get it done as its still only 6pm here
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